The rise of nanometers

Chapter 222 Patent Troll

Upon hearing this question, Huang Xiuyuan stopped his chopsticks, wiped his mouth, and thought for a while:

"Now that 4G technology has matured, if we follow the development plan of the International Telecommunications Association, the rough standards for the next generation of 5G technology have been finalized. Huawei must also be working on this matter."

Mr. Ren nodded: "Not only us, but Nokia, Ericsson, Qualcomm and Samsung are all seizing the technological high ground and trying to form patent hegemony."

"5G! 5G!" Huang Xiuyuan said, tapping his fingers on the table.

No one in the world knows the technical solutions of 5G better than him, and he even understands most of the technical principles.

Whether it is Huawei's 5G solution, or the 5G solutions of Nokia, Ericsson, Qualcomm and Samsung, there is no secret in the future.

After all, after the 1930s of the 21st century, 5G was eliminated and replaced by the new 6G technology.

"Mr. Ren, to be honest, the electromagnetic wave band of 5G is shorter. You should know what this means."

Mr. Ren raised an eyebrow: "This means that the communication distance of 5G communication signal base stations is shorter, and more dense base stations must be deployed. For communication operators, the cost of upgrading is higher."

This issue is very important because it may lead to a significant loss of interest from communication operators.

Huang Xiuyuan is even more aware that the upgrade costs brought by 5G are too high.

Starting in 2019, there have been 5G pilots one after another, but by around 2025, it occupied less than one-third of the global communications market. It will then remain there until 2031, when it will be completely replaced by the new generation of 6G communications.

"Let me tell you my opinion! At this stage, 4G technology can maintain its vitality for at least 15 years, while 5G technology may become an embarrassing transition technology."

"Transitional technology?" Mr. Ren frowned.

Huang Xiuyuan explained: "It is because of the impact of cost and the international environment that although the technology has come out, it has not been fully promoted until the more suitable 6G technology emerged and was directly eliminated."

Regarding the international environment, Mr. Ren asked with some confusion. Huang Xiuyuan used the Suiren Department's experience last year as an example to "predict" the difficulties it may face in the future.

After listening to the relevant explanation, Mr. Ren fell into deep thought.

As Huang Xiuyuan said, there is indeed the possibility of a sudden deterioration in the international environment, and the possibility is very high.

Mr. Ren was suddenly startled: "Xiuyuan, you just mentioned 6G. Are you optimistic about the future of 6G?"

"The frequency band of 5G is already very short, and the next frequency band is the terahertz frequency band, which is also a big trouble."

Several people at Huawei know this very well. The terahertz communication distance is shorter than 5G. Unless a solution can be found to solve the serious path loss problem, terahertz communication will basically have no practical significance within Blue Star.

Terahertz is one of the solutions for 6G, but 6G is not necessarily terahertz. This is a very clear issue.

Huang Xiuyuan thought for a while: "Future communications may require large-scale satellite deployment."

"Going to the stars? Satellite communications?"

In fact, Huawei has also conducted technical demonstrations in this direction, but the difficulty and cost are also very high.

Huang Xiuyuan told anecdotal information: "Last month's Chang 11 launch, the low-cost launch technology from the Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation has been put into large-scale use."

Boss Ren was very surprised. He really didn't know that the Suiren Department was related to the Aerospace Science and Industry, and it seemed that the relationship between the two parties was very close.

Huang Xiuyuan did not explain in depth. Although the news was not confidential, it was not appropriate to reveal the information about his involvement.

Maybe he knew the key, but Mr. Ren did not ask in depth, but continued to discuss communication technology: "If there is low-cost launch technology, satellite communication network can be considered."

Huang Xiuyuan suggested: "Satellites can be developed, but 5G still needs to be grasped."

"Is your Suiren company interested in participating?" Boss Ren looked at Huang Xiuyuan and asked.

He was stumped by this problem. The current Suiren Department's stall is too big and the business is very complicated. If satellite communications, 5G and 6G are invested, the complexity of the business will be further increased.

But giving up this business would not only waste the technology at his disposal, but may also lead to a gap in the Suiren family's industrial chain.

Unknowingly, he thought for about six or seven minutes and finally came up with a solution.

"We will enter the communications research and development field at the appropriate time, but we will not sell specific equipment and technical solutions."

Mr. Ren gave him a strange look: "Aren't you going to promote specific equipment and technical solutions? Do you only want to sell patent licenses?"

"This is my plan. I don't want to go too deep into the communications market. I can ensure the safety of Suiren in the communications market." Huang Xiuyuan replied half-truthfully.

In fact, he holds a complete set of technical solutions for future 5G communications in his hands, and he can use this foresight to quickly seize the patent high ground of 5G communications technology.

This is to follow other people's paths and leave others with nowhere to go.

Just like the current industrial software manufacturers, due to a large number of patents being registered by Time Information, they can only agree to use their patented technology for industrial software from Time Information, and both parties will form patent exemptions.

Two of the manufacturers with insufficient patents were forced to pay Time Information's annual patent licensing fees of 1.4 million and 1.8 million yuan.

Now Suiren has a trend of patent trolls, especially in software technology. This year, Microsoft and Google have taken advantage of Suiren's patents.

With mature technical solutions in hand, Huang Xiuyuan can set up a communications research institute and then grab a large number of patents for 5G and 6G communications.

Although Western companies will play rogue, unless they break out, they will have to swallow this bitter pill under the rules of the game they established themselves.

Or they choose not to use 5G6G and make a big technological leap to develop 7G communication technology.

However, Huang Xiuyuan doesn't think they can do it. In his future memory, human communication technology has stopped at 6G for decades. The so-called 7G communication, even the laboratory plan, is half-dead.

Once the 5G6G patent system is formed by Sui Ren, it is basically impossible to bypass these patents.

When Mr. Ren heard Huang Xiuyuan's answer, although he was baffled, at least the Suiren department would be on the scene, which could reduce Huawei's international pressure.

But they don't know that today's discussion has brought a fierce tiger to the communications field.

Perhaps future bosses will regret talking too much when they think of today's discussion.

After having lunch, we sent Huawei and his team off.

Huang Xiuyuan called Xiao Yingnan.

"Yingnan, help me convey an instruction to the Ministry of Science and Technology to establish a communications technology research institute, and the person in charge will be temporarily named under my name."

"Okay, Chairman." Xiao Yingnan nodded.

He took out his ballpoint pen, used symbols that only he could understand on his notepad, and pieced together the 5G6G technical system bit by bit based on the information in his memory.

At that time, only step-by-step research and development will be needed to form a huge and deep-rooted patent system within a few years.

Just when he was writing furiously.

Zhang Lei knocked on the door and came in and delivered a report to him: "Chairman, Intel just held a press conference to announce the launch of the 32nm Core i7 processor."

"Oh?" Huang Xiuyuan looked calm. After reading the relevant content, he made a call.

Thank you for your support (ω`).

Fifth update!

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