The Rise of Malfoy at Hogwarts

Chapter 18: Nicole May

   The Easter holiday is over, and the final exam is coming.

   One week after the test, the test results will be announced on the bulletin boards of the universities. Schelling achieved excellent results in the spells exam, transformation exam, potions exam, and magic history exam, and performed well in other subjects; Draco, Daphne, and Meredith were not bad. The little wizards in Gryffindor are much worse. Except for Hermione, a true scholar, the performance of Harry and Ron can only be described as lackluster. As for Neville, Seamus and others, it is even worse. , The results can only be described as terrible. In summary, Schelling got the first place in the whole year, Hermione second, Meredith third, and fourth place was a Ravenclaw girl Murray, Daphne fifth, Dracodi Six, this made the little wizards in Slytherin quite excited, and Gryffindor, who had always been at odds with Slytherin, became the object of ridicule by other academies and plunged into a gloomy mist.

Schelling, Hermione, and Meredith are all-round academics who are equally good in written examinations and practice; Daphne prefers a little practice class. Her spells and transformation skills are not bad, but the history of magic, astronomy, The herbal medicine class pulled down her grades. Draco is particularly talented in potions. He got a perfect score in the potions test, and his scores in the spell and transformation classes are not bad, so he won sixth place. This has made him happily show off to Knott, Blaise, Gore, Crabbe and others.

The Harry trio didn’t sink too long in the exam results. Before the exam results were released, the Harry trio somehow suddenly discovered that Professor Snape's whereabouts were suspicious, and concluded that Professor Snape was going to steal magic. Stone's conclusion. One night, the three people sneaked into the restricted area of ​​the fourth floor corridor, only to find only a pool of blood and the bodies of three dogs on the ground-which made them more sure that Professor Snape had broken into the collection site of the Philosopher's Stone. The three broke through the devil’s net, the flying key, and the giant chessboard level. Ron was knocked out in the chessboard level, leaving Harry and Hermione to move on. The two first bypassed the corpse of a giant monster and then Professor Snape. Logic problem level. Hermione quickly reasoned out the effect of all the potions, and Harry asked Hermione to report back, and he drank the bottle of potion that could pass through the black flame.

   In the last room, Harry saw Quirrell, who was constantly looking in front of the Mirror of Eris. Just like in the original plot, Quirrell showed Voldemort's true face parasitic on the back of his head-it was a hideous and terrifying face, the color of the face was as white as chalk, and the red eyes were shining, and there were two images below. Snake's slender nostrils.

Voldemort used Harry to take the Philosopher’s Stone out of the Eris’s Mirror. Just when Harry was about to rush towards the door with black flames, Quirrell grabbed Harry’s hand, but Quirrell was instead caught by Harry. The mother’s strength left on Harry’s body was backlashed, and Harry’s excellent on-the-spot resilience was revealed at this moment. He rushed towards Quirrell without fear and touched Quirrell’s skin with his hand. The two of them fought and entangled. After a three-day coma, Quirrell suffered a tragic death.

   After Harry woke up, he ushered in the final dinner. At the dinner, Dumbledore added 50 points to Ron, 50 points to Hermione, 60 points to Harry, and finally 10 points to Neville, allowing Gryffindor to reverse in one fell swoop. The Leffindor table burst into thunderous cheers, while the Slytherin table was full of disappointment and frustration. The prefect Gemma Farley trembled with anger, as if to cry at any time, with a deep expression of resentment. Draco kept repeating curses and yelled that his father was a director of Hogwarts, and he would certainly seek justice for Slytherin on this matter.

   Xie Lin has a calm face. The Academy Cup is a dispensable existence for him. His vision and ambition are definitely more than that! Originally, Daphne and Meredith’s faces were also very ugly. They felt that Dumbledore’s actions were unfair-Schelling killed a troll and saved the life of his classmates for only 20 points, but Ron played a game of chess, Hermione solved a logic problem but could earn 50 points for the academy! But when they saw Xie Lin's calm and unwavering face, combined with the three's previous adventures, they suddenly showed an expression of what they had understood.

Schelling saw the expressions of the two girls and smiled with satisfaction, "I am very happy that you can calm your emotions so quickly. Remember, the Academy Cup is imaginary. It can neither bring us real honor nor To produce real value for us, it can neither be eaten nor exchanged for money." At this point, the two girls were amused and laughed. Xie Lin pointed to his head and continued with serious expression. "The really important thing-lies in how much knowledge we have learned here, how much strength we have grown, and only these are the things that are truly valuable." These words convinced the two women, and Draco was next to him. People like Pansy, Pansy and others all heard a lot of splendor. What Xie Lin didn't say in his heart was: The greatest benefit of this storm-the sage's stone, has fallen into my hands, the Academy Cup? Whoever likes it, take it!

   The banquet was over, and the students from various colleges began to disperse.

Schelling was about to go back to the bedroom, Professor McGonagall stopped him, her face was a little confused, "Professor Dumbledore is waiting for you in his principal's office, Mr. Malfoy, it seems that there are some questions about the final exam, he wants to ask you ."

   "Okay, I see, Professor McGonagall." Schelling nodded.

"By the way, the password of the principal's office is a pile of cockroaches." Although Professor McGonagall doesn't like Slytherin very much, but Schelling's performance throughout the semester--excellent learning, stable, humble and polite, let Professor McGonagall take this An outstanding student really loves her heart, as if she is a proud student, Professor McGonagall is both satisfied and looking forward to Schelling’s performance. At this moment, she looked at Schelling and carefully said: "There is also, about the Academy Cup. I hope you don’t think that the school’s handling of things is unfair, and you have a grudge against the school. I am very optimistic about you, Xie Lin, you are the most gifted student I have ever met."

Hearing Professor McGonagall, who is usually unsmiling, calling himself Schelling rather than "Mr. Malfoy", Schelling felt the concern in Professor McGonagall's tone, warmed his heart, and nodded: "I understand, Professor, you can rest assured Right!"

   Hogwarts principal's office.

   This is a spacious, beautiful round room. There are many windows on the wall. At the same time, there are portraits of Hogwarts principals hanging in the past. They all snore gently in their respective frames. In the office, there are a variety of silver instruments placed on thin-legged desks. They make all kinds of funny little noises, buzzing and spinning on the desks, and breathe out smoke. Dumbledore’s pet-a Phoenix Fox with crimson feathers and golden tail feathers perched on a tall gilded perch behind the door; the sorting hat lies crumpled on a shelf next to the desk .

   Unexpectedly, there is already a guest in the house. This is an old man dressed in fashion, his face is covered with wrinkles, his hair is all white, and his beard is longer than Dumbledore's, but he is in good spirits and can be said to be a childlike face. But what is even more noticeable is that this old man wore the latest slim-fit wizard robe from the Outerwear Garment Store. The robe exudes subtle magical fluctuations, even from Schelling’s plain alchemy eyes, this robe There are at least more than 50 kinds of magic attached to it, which is invaluable.

   "Hello, Professor Dumbledore, hello, sir." Schelling bowed to the two old men.

   He noticed that the stylishly dressed old man next to him was looking at him with interest. The old man smiled and explained to Schelling: "Hello, kid, introduce myself, my name is Nico Lemay."

   Rao was in Schelling's state of mind, and he couldn't help being stunned when he heard the name of the old man.

Nicole LeMay said with a smile: "My kid, don't be nervous. I came here this time because of the sage's stone. I previously gave this stone to Dumbledore to help me keep it, but somehow it was in Hogwarts. The inside was lost, so Dumbledore asked me to do a crystal ball fortune-telling for this stone. Who knew that you actually appeared in the scene of the crystal ball, so I came to Hogwarts specially, just want to come I don’t mean anything else when I see you."

what! What a sparseness! Xie Lin has made so much preparation for the Sage’s Stone, but he actually forgot that there is such a heaven-defying ability of divination in the magical world. Of course, it’s no wonder that Xie Lin has such negligence, because divination has a high demand for blood talent. So it is very rare for a fortuneteller to really have a "scope", and unfortunately, Nico Lemay is just one of them.

   Xie Lin knew that he couldn't conceal the fact that the two mature men in front of him could not hide it, so he simply laid out the words on the surface. Schelling smiled bitterly, and said: "Mr. Le May's divination skills are really good, so that Schelling has learned. I don't want to pretend to be here. The Philosopher's Stone is indeed here. I broke in during the Easter holiday. The forbidden area in the corridor on the fourth I broke through all the way and finally got a stone on a mirror. At first I didn’t know that it was the famous sage’s stone, but I was naughty for a while, I copied it. I took a fake and put it in the mirror. Later I checked a lot of books and materials to find out that this stone is the sage’s stone. I have some research on alchemy, so I saw this legendary work representing the pinnacle of alchemy. Since I am happy to see the hunt, I hope that I can obtain knowledge of alchemy from this stone, and even I hope that one day I can rely on my own ability to make my own sage stone!"

After saying this, Schelling raised his head and inadvertently met Dumbledore’s deep eyes behind the half-moon glasses. Schelling suddenly felt an indescribable strange feeling in his heart, and his spirit fell into a momentary trance. In a flash, Schelling's eyes regained clarity-it was Dumbledore's dementia!

   Schelling regained his sanity, and at the same time clenched his fist, the flames of anger burned in his chest, he decisively used Occlumency to expel Dumbledore's spirit fiercely! His eyes became cold, his tone no longer respectful, and he said indifferently: "Professor Dumbledore, intrude into other people's minds before obtaining their consent, especially that person is your student. Is rude behavior really good?"

   "Ahem, you actually learned Occlumency." Dumbledore was a little embarrassed and helped his glasses.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Nicole Lemay hurried out to make a round. "Children from the Malfoy family—I’d better call you Schelling. I hope you don’t get your headmaster because it involves major things like the Sorcerer’s Stone. There is something wrong in my opinion, but there are also difficulties he has to do..."


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