The Rise of Iceland

Vol 3 Chapter 448: 2 ways to cope

Beginning in the spring of 1651, the Baltic region and other parts of Europe were in control of the Qing Empire, the successor of the Mongol Empire, and the legends that the royal father-regent Dorgon and Olaf were twin sons given by God to the world of the East and the West were spreading. And go.

The common ground of the two great empires of the East and the West and the common ground of Dorgon and Olaf have become the proof that the success of the two is the protection of God. At the same time, it is also the great godfather of Olaf, a foreigner in public opinion, who is in charge of the state affairs of the Swedish Empire. The military and political power made an endorsement.

Since the successor of the Mongol Empire, the Qing Empire, encountered the death of the first emperor, the uncle and the prince became the godfather regent and led the Qing Dynasty to become stronger and stronger, and the Swedish Empire was also the godfather regent. Character events, almost most people in Europe believe that it is the will of God.

Mysterious legends are a topic that people talk about with great interest, and when it comes to the famous European man, Olaf, who is already legendary, it is more and more outrageous and exaggerated.

Olaf didn't have to go through the two intelligence agencies, the Naturalization Department and the Viking Tavern, just the rumors that spread to the palace were enough for him to frown frequently.

Olaf felt that the various rumors in Europe obviously tied him and Dorgon too closely, and it was also covered with various mysteries, but Olaf didn't like it, and felt that it was not a beauty to be compared with Dorgon. thing.

Others don't know Dorgon's fate, Olaf is very clear, but the conscienceless Fulin is about to dig a grave.

Just after Olaf asked the court not to spread his news indiscriminately, the Viking firm in the Far East also sent the latest news to Copenhagen.

When Zhan Xin saw it, Olaf frowned and shouted, "Dorgon died so soon? Doesn't this make me sick?"

Europe is bragging about Olaf and Dorgon, and then Dorgon is dead. Olaf is very alert to realize that as long as Dorgon's death reaches Europe, people who hate him will definitely promote himself as the godfather regent of the West. Gong will also be called by God and "retired".

Olaf, who was not in a state of making low-level political mistakes, was very alert and aware of the danger. He hurriedly sent people to call Etku, Heine, and Song Qinghe to his office, and then sent Dorgon back from the Far East to die of illness. The message was shown to them.

The three of them frowned after seeing it. Olaf took out the bragging rumors about himself and Dorgon in the market and put it together with the news of Dorgon's death. Before speaking, Song Qinghe squeezed his beard and said: " Oh! It's amazing, so vicious to kill! It seems that all the legends about the connection between you and Dorgon are all fueling the flames, and they may have already known that Dorgon has died of illness! "

Heine frowned, looked at Ekutu and asked, "Have you checked? Do you know who spread the rumors in the first place?"

Etoku was sweating profusely, and he knelt down and said, "The servant is negligent, investigation in advance, no...I don't know who is doing the trick..."

Olaf was not optimistic about Etuku's ability to generate intelligence. Now he was just taking advantage of the topic. With a cold snort, he ordered Etuku to be removed from the post of Minister of Naturalization Department and changed to Deputy Minister. Heine was temporarily concurrently serving as Minister. Oros, the Deputy Minister of Naturalization in Vinland, was transferred to take charge of the European Naturalization Department.

Oros was the sacrificial chief of Great Falls, the first large tribe that Hadar defeated during the expansion of Vinland. He was a young man at the time, and later became Hadar's slave. His ability was very outstanding. It is brilliant, whether it is to conquer rebels and border natives, or to govern the city-state, it is effective.

In recent years, he was promoted to the deputy minister of the Naturalization Department and became the deputy of Blackstone. With the participation of Oros, the Naturalization Department of Vinland quickly turned against the four Blackfoot tribes in the west, and also took the southernmost and western parts of North America. The indigenous tribes have figured out the situation, and within a few years they have surpassed the ten-year work performance of the Naturalization Department.

Olaf was very satisfied after learning about it. In addition, the European Naturalization Department has been tepid under the management of Ekuku. Olaf has already reorganized the Naturalization Department. Now that there is news that someone secretly used Dorgon's death To make a fuss, Olaf needs to improve the strength of the Naturalization Department, so he decided to let Oros take over the European Naturalization Department.

Now that he realized that someone was going to make a fuss about Dorgon's death, Olaf, Heine and Song Qinghe discussed how to deal with it.

After discussing for a long time, the three unanimously decided to seize the time to suppress the European people, especially the Nordic people's enthusiasm for the spread of recent gossip and rumors must be reduced.

As for how to reduce the popularity, there are also two methods. One is to combine the internal forces of Nordic Leidang and local governments to carry out hard pressure, and it is expressly required that no talk about the godfather and regent be allowed to spread. Even after learning about Dorgon's death, more malicious remarks will be born in the dark.

The second is to find a way to introduce more interesting things than Olaf's rumors for people to discuss, that is, to divert people's attention and focus. Olaf feels that there is nothing more exciting than fighting.

Olaf used both methods, so Heine went down to arrange the first method. As for the second method, Olaf decided to choose a target to start a war, and to create enough heroic models in the war to establish Hero role model, do enough publicity, downplay the existence of the godfather regent, people focus on war and fighting heroes, and all legends about the godfather regent will be cold or even forgotten, and people who are interested will think about it later Using the news of Dorgon's death to affect Olaf's reputation and subvert Olaf's foundation, the effect is naturally greatly reduced.

With the Nordic Thunder and the Swedish Empire, governments at all levels controlled the dissemination of citizens' speech, and soon

^0^ Arrested many bards and rogues in the market, and even exiled several uncooperative people to Greenland to herd musk oxen. Under severe The honest and responsible Germanic people were frightened, and no longer dared to talk about the godfather Olaf in front of others. All kinds of rumors were really controlled among the people, but they were still quietly spread among noble officials.

To start a war with foreign countries, the current strength of the Great Sweden Empire can completely start a foreign war, but any war must have a legitimate reason. Unprovoked attacks will not only make international countries condemn, but also make their soldiers lack fighting spirit.

Olaf, as a regent who is knowledgeable and good at fighting, naturally understands this truth, so he has been actively looking for reasons and opportunities.

In less than a month, the news of Dorgon's death was brought back to Europe by the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. This news is naturally shocking, surprising and surprising to Europeans.

After all, the rumors of the myth of Dorgon and Olaf at the same time are still spreading. As a result, Dorgon, the eastern monarch star, fell because of the completion of his mission. He turned his eyes to Sweden. , Has Olaf, the godfather regent, also completed the task?

Now that the task has been completed, should he go to heaven like the one from the east, or should he abdicate and let Quan Anxin become a saint?

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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