The Rise of Iceland

Vol 3 Chapter 195: The spring of one thousand six hundred and thirty-two

In 1631, the center of the world in the eyes of the Orientals was Daming, where disasters continued. Earthquakes, famines, civil disturbances, and gangsters continued to weaken the Daming dynasty, which was slipping faster and faster on the downhill road. Houjin succeeded in creating the first A batch of artillery, named the general of God Bless Cheer.

The center of the world in the eyes of Westerners is still the same as before. In the European war that lasted for more than ten years, the protagonist of the Protestant League has changed from Christian IV of Denmark to Gustav II of Sweden.

Gustaf II deserves to be a genius military strategist. Under his wise command, Europe's first established regular army, formed and trained by his own citizens, was in the north of Germany, conquering the city and expanding its results.

The emperors and generals of the Holy Roman Empire were very frightened. After dispatching several soldiers to increase their staff, they attacked Magdeburg, which fell to Sweden, and carried out revenge on the city in the name of purging and killing the Protestants. The massacre almost slaughtered more than 30,000 people in the city, and the front of the Holy Roman Empire was directed at the left ribs of Gustav II's army.

Gustav II reacted quickly and joined forces with the princes of the northern city-states of the Protestant German faith. The army of nearly 50,000 people and the famous Shenluo Tilly launched a decisive battle, defeated the Shenluo army in one fell swoop, and seized a large area of ​​northern central Germany. .

The Europa continent in 1631 was destined to be the stage of His Majesty Gustav II. Successive victories made him a hero comparable to a thousand-year-old emperor. The monarchs of European countries all maintained Gustav II Adolf. With respect and fear.

In the second half of 1631, the war was suspended. Representatives of Sweden, France, and Shinra were negotiating in Bavaria in southern Germany. However, the **** of the Holy Roman Empire, the Duke of Bavaria, apparently had no intention of real peace talks, and had been arguing with Sweden. Everyone knows that after the cold winter, maybe next spring will be the continuation of the war.

Different from the tense atmosphere in Germany, Vinland and Iceland in the winter of 1631 have always been quiet and peaceful hideaways. People nestled in their own rooms with fireplaces, charcoal basins, and coal stoves. They slept and woke up to eat and were full. Sleeping life, only occasionally go out to do something.

For the Vikings and Indian slaves living in Iceland, the cold winter and long nights make it impossible to go out. Even though the ports in Iceland are non-freezing ports, no one goes out to fish. The tradition of Iceland is to accumulate in the summer. Dried fish should be consumed in winter.

Vinland’s flatness is due to the sparse population and the strict hierarchical rule of Viking Raydan, which leads to strict classification and definition of labor and income, identities and responsibilities, so people always live in a fixed pattern, cold winter Wenlan was also unable to engage in production. Almost everyone stayed in the room with potatoes and sweet potatoes for more than a month.

It wasn't until the Viking Thanksgiving Day in January 1632 that Wenlan suddenly became lively.

Viking Thanksgiving Day is a holiday created by Catlin imitating the British who colonized North America. The difference is very big. First of all, the objects of gratitude are different.

The British are grateful to the Indians, and the Vikings are grateful to the ancestors who discovered Iceland, Greenland, and Vinland hundreds of years ago. If there were no ancestors to Greenland, Vinland, etc., there would be no current Vinland. And Greenland, so when the Thanksgiving Day came, everyone took out the wine and meat from the house for a carnival. The slaves of the Vikings also received the reward of the master, and the contracted white slaves also received the reward of Olaf. Thanksgiving in Wenlan is not only a holiday for the Vikings, but also a holiday for everyone.

Olaf has long been tired of Wenlan’s boring life, but it’s better to have busy things to pass the time in other seasons. Staying at home in winter is very lonely and boring. Olaf also wants to be lively, so he is in Hadarborg. A banquet was held, and all the Vikings who stayed behind in the city of Groot were summoned to the castle to eat and drink for a day.

After Thanksgiving, the weather in Wenlan gradually became warmer before the end of Thanksgiving, and the factory's resumption of work and production and spring hunting operations gradually began to be implemented.

When Olaf was busy, Iceland also ushered in the spring of 1632.

In winter, Iceland was silent for more than a month. After the arrival of spring, it gradually recovered its former bustle, especially Dagang. Commercial activities began in late January. Only in early February did Icelandic merchant ships carry wool and sheepskins. , Cowhide, dried fish, etc. leave Hong Kong for sale.

It was only this year that the Great Duke of Iceland, Hadar, re-issued the latest tax collection rules and regulations to tax the operations of the Vikings in Iceland, including agriculture, fisheries, grazing, and commerce.

After a simple measurement, the people of Iceland know that the tax collected by the Icelandic Parliament is one-third less than that collected by the Governor's House in the past. This makes the Icelandic people who have been squeezed by no exploitation for hundreds of years grateful and tasted it for the first time. Being the master of the house, the ice man treats the sweetness of the ice.

Hadar also completely put on the title of "Benevolent Great Duke". Every Icelandic citizen paid taxes enthusiastically and carried out their own production and life with high morale.

In addition to relocating people’s livelihood in Dagang and the other four general districts, they are also busy organizing training for soldiers.

Although training was stopped for more than a month because of the winter, the Viking soldiers still showed strong organizational and executive power. Most of the five Viking regiments were Icelanders. They were tall and strong, and they had a sea robbery. Folk customs, many people have practiced fighting skills such as swordsmanship and flying spear and axe since So after professional training, everyone is a unit with comprehensive combat capabilities.

While the wealthy Icelandic businessmen in Dagang dispatched ships to go out for business and looting, Hadar also sent two ships from the northeast peninsula back to Dagang on Heine’s suggestion, preparing to take the supplies sent by Vinland to Amsterdam for sale. .

When the winter just entered last year, Heine, Katrin, Rowling and other family members returned to Iceland. The Viking executives were reunited for a winter. Although the National Palace in the winter was a reception banquet for three or five days, Hadar and Ulav Heine, Heine and others are not obsessed with it. They have been planning to break the Danish blockade after the spring, relying on nearly forty large ships in their hands to go to Amsterdam to operate, sell some special products of Vinland and Iceland, and then purchase Some wood, munitions, etc.

Gandis, the manager of the East India Company, also met with Hadar and obtained the monopoly of Icelandic specialties, which means that no matter now or in the future, Icelandic Vikings and foreign merchants can only trade with Gandis’s East India. This is the feedback from Honrod’s support and help to Hadar years ago.

At present, Denmark has launched diplomatic forces to stop Britain’s commercial activities with Iceland, while Denmark controls the Baltic Sea’s access to the sea. At the same time, it also restricts its merchants and ships from Sweden and Poland from going to Iceland.

But Dutch businessmen are the boldest. Many of them are still quietly trading with Iceland. In the winter Hadar and others plan, Iceland will take the initiative to go to Amsterdam this spring for business activities, and at the same time, to prevent Icelandic ships from not being there. When the North Sea was attacked by the Danish navy, Hadar asked Gandis to contact Danish family members in an effort to discover the movements of the Danish navy.

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