The Rise of Iceland

Vol 3 Chapter 183: bloody battle

   The Danish Expeditionary Corps landed at around 4pm, but before reaching the Eastern District where Reykjavík’s Duchy was located, it encountered an ambush by the Viking Corps, and then retreated to the port embarrassedly after more than half an hour.

The Viking soldiers effectively killed and wounded a large number of Danish soldiers by sudden attacks. Danish soldiers were inconvenient to load ammunition on rainy days, which easily caused the gunpowder to be damp, causing the shooting after the second round to appear extremely dumb. bomb.

  攫攫攫. The Danish army was unable to attack, and could only retreat to the dock amidst Christian's unwilling roar.

   At this time, there are only more than 7,000 Danish soldiers who can stand. The rest are either injured and carried on their backs or have died on the floor of the port.

Magnus and Christian, as the commanders of horseback riding, were taken care of by the Viking Musketeers from the beginning. Fortunately, they were too far away and were not shot. They had already thrown away the horse in order to save their lives. Retreated to the flagship under the **** of the soldiers.

   The two commanders and deputy commanders both retreated to the sea, and the soldiers at the pier continued to squeeze toward the narrow passage behind them. Everyone wanted to get on the boat, as if they had saved their lives after getting on the boat.

Standing in front of the window, Hadar looked at the confused and embarrassed Danish soldiers on the pier in the distance. He felt proud, knowing that after this battle, neither himself nor all the Viking soldiers, even the Icelanders, would have any affection for the Danes in the future. Be afraid.

   With a big wave of his hand, Hadar yelled comfortably: "Give my order, the whole army will attack! Let's push the Danes back to sea!"

Hadar’s soldiers took the lead to leave their horses to deliver orders, and dozens of soldiers armed with muskets rushed out of the house where he was located. They shouted, "All troops attack! Drive the Danes back to the sea." !" At the same time rushed towards the port.

Hadar's order became a gap for the triumphant Viking soldiers to vent their emotions after repelling the Danes. All the Viking soldiers rushed out of the room shouting loudly. Everyone was holding a rifle with compacted ammunition. Striding towards the harbor with a short spear and axe.

Every Viking soldier’s face flashed with excitement. They no longer regarded the Danish soldiers as enemies that were of course difficult to match, but as lambs to be slaughtered, and wanted to rush to use the Danish blood as the ladder of their rank and position. .

Due to the prolonged watering of rain, the gun barrels in the hands of the Danes were filled with water and could not be used. All the Danes could only hold on to their spears, swords and other weapons while forming a square formation under the reprimand of the officer, waiting for the maintenance. Beijing soldiers.

   The Viking soldiers ran faster and faster and lost their formation. After approaching, they shot down a few Danes at random, then dropped their muskets, grabbed the flying spears and flying axes on their waists, and threw them out.

   Danish soldiers were attacked by muskets and throwing axes again, and a group of brave soldiers fell.

   The Viking soldiers took the spears, axes and other weapons to fight with the Danish soldiers in close combat until the end of the two attacks.

At this time, the Danish cavalry, with only two thousand men left, had assembled in a corner of the port under Magnus’ orders, and then clenched their spears and charged at the Viking soldiers occupying the pier with all their strength, attempting to charge with the cavalry's sharp knives. Defeat the Viking soldiers and turn defeat into victory.

   In many cases, the cavalry charge can play a key role in determining the outcome of the battle. Magnus and Christian both pin their hopes on the two thousand Danish Royal Cavalry.


   The charge of the Royal Danish cavalry was like a tidal torrent, which was difficult to stop. The brave Viking soldiers could not stop the charge of the cavalry at all.

  厺厽Miaobifang miaobifang.com厺厽. Hundreds of Viking soldiers were trampled and trampled by the cavalry. Soon the Danish cavalry rushed from the dock to the east end of the port. The beheading along the way killed 300 or 400 Viking soldiers and wounded the soldiers. More than a thousand people.

Hadar knew that the port square was very suitable for cavalry to run. At present, it is inconvenient to use muskets on rainy days, and effective means of resistance could not be prevented in a hasty. In order to avoid the Danish cavalry from attacking again, Hadar personally screamed and summoned hundreds of cavalry in ambush in the Eastern District. Then ordered the Viking soldiers to hide in a neighboring house.

The more than six hundred cavalry ambushing in the eastern zone is already the entire family of Iceland’s current cavalry. Hadar was originally like a new force left behind as a last resort to save the defeat or win the pursuit. Now the side-to-side victory is due to the sudden addition of the Danish cavalry. With traces of defeat or even collapse, Hadar had to resort to last resort.


The hooves of horses were getting closer, Hagrid and Hadar, Kadir, and Ulav greeted them, took the reins of four healthy horses from the Viking cavalry, and turned over, then Hadar looked at the Danish cavalry not far away. , Drew out the spear on the horseback and shouted: "Charge!"


   Only one-third of the Danish cavalry were Viking cavalry under the leadership of the Great Duke Hadar and three Viking generals. They rushed towards the Danish cavalry without fear and slapped their horses. Soon the two cavalry ran into each other.

The neighing sound of horses and the collision of weapons, the pouting sound of sharp air piercing the flesh and the pouting sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded endlessly. When the two cavalry passed through and turned their horses to look at each other, the Viking cavalry had lost three points. One of them, but the Danish cavalry also lost a third. The difference in the number of the two caused the same proportion of casualties. Every Danish cavalry was a little moved, and even fear appeared in his eyes.

In fact, the attack on the Viking cavalry this time is just waiting for work, but the Danish cavalry is very tired, and the Viking cavalry is led by Hadar and other big inspired the Viking soldiers to become stronger. Because of his desire to fight, he drew a tie. If he hedged the Danish cavalry two more times, he would still be able to take advantage of the number of soldiers to win the final victory.

There are bright red blood on the bodies and faces of Hadar, Hagrid, and Ulav. It is the blood spattered by the enemy they beheaded. Kadir was scratched by the Danish cavalry on his right arm because of carelessness, but he Throwing away the spear and picked up a big axe with his left hand, looking forward indifferently, as if he didn't care about his pain.

   "Brother, Kadir is also a berserker!" Hagrid looked at Kadir and exclaimed.

Hadar nodded lightly and said: "Today, all of our Vikings who participated in the war are berserkers. We are not ashamed of the blood of our Viking ancestors! Now that the Danish cavalry has been slow to charge, it is already timid. Let's attack again. Once, try to defeat them!"

   "The Great Duke has ordered that the enemy is already timid, charge!" Kadir endured the severe pain. He felt his whole muscles twitching along with the wound. He tightened his back muscles and rushed out with a shout.

  巘戅Miaobifangshu. Because the Danish cavalry was afraid of the Viking cavalry, they did not charge. The Viking soldiers who hid in the surrounding rooms saw that their grandmaster led the cavalry and the Danish cavalry to equalize, and they all rushed out again with excitement. The spear threw it at the Danish cavalry, and three or four hundred Viking musketeers pointed their undamped muskets at the Danish cavalry and pulled the trigger.

The Danish cavalry did not wait to gather the courage to charge for the second round before they were attacked by Viking soldiers. After entangled for a long time, the Danish cavalry left more than 600 corpses before besieged and fled back to the pier. At this time, a large number of The Danish infantry had all escaped on the battleship.

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