The Rise of Iceland

Vol 3 Chapter 98: Industrial prosperity

   The time soon entered October. The weather in Wenlan dropped sharply with two early winter light rains, and everyone had to wrap themselves in leather jackets when they went out.

   Olaf has been paying attention to the production of maltose and potato wine by the two Atang workers these days, traveling to and from the factory and workshop every day, and at the same time inspecting the food produced that day.

   By mid-October, the weather is getting colder and colder. Although it is not close to zero, many trees have already fallen leaves.

Up to now, Olaf’s two Atangs have produced nearly 50,000 pounds of maltose and more than 100,000 gallons of potato wine and sweet potato wine, consuming more than 300,000 pounds of potatoes and sweet potatoes. The lees has not been filtered out. But the residues after making starch were taken away by the slaves, who might be preparing to take them home to cook and eat.

In this experimental production, everything was not going well. A few days ago, due to the improper operation of the workers, the seven cylinders of sweet potato wine were broken. Olaf found out that he had let them go after only verbal punishment. After all, he had to allow his subordinates for the first time. They made mistakes, and their work efficiency was much better afterwards.

   Olaf estimated according to this schedule. Except for the coldest winter season, where production is not possible, he can still work for more than 20 days next month, and then next spring will begin. It should be able to consume 700,800,000 pounds of potatoes and sweet potatoes before April next year, and naturally produce 130,000 to 40 million pounds of maltose and 500,000 gallons of potato wine and sweet potato wine.

   In addition to producing such a huge amount of maltose, potato wine, and sweet potato wine, there will be two to three million pounds of residue, distiller’s grains, etc., which will be used in the breeding industry next spring.

At present, Wenlan does not promote the breeding industry. It is still the grazing of cattle, sheep, horses, etc. and the reindeer brought and purchased by the Icelanders. It belongs to extensive free-range breeding. Although the management cost is very low, the reproduction rate is low and the growth cycle is long. , Is not considered an advanced breeding technique.

In addition to grazing and individual captive breeding, the Vikings in Herut City would also raise some chickens, ducks and poultry in their yards, so that they could eat eggs. Some wealthy individuals also raised a few sheep or pigs. It is the development model of the small peasant economy in the current era.

Olaf believes that with the popularization of high-yield crops such as potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins, Wenlan’s grain reserves will increase in the future. In the future, wine and sugar workshops will be unable to work except for the coldest two months. Production is discontinued and will continue to operate at other times.

   In that year, there will be more than nine or ten months that can guarantee the production of wine, sugar and food residues. As a consumable commodity, the more the more the better.

A large amount of food residues can be used to develop breeding feed, encourage Vikings to expand the variety and scale of family breeding, and even build several large pig farms, cattle farms, sheep farms, and breeding farms in a corner of the city of Herut. Racecourse, reindeer farm, etc.

Fresh feed can not be eaten but can be dried in the sun for storage, and then to deal with winter consumption, the manure produced by farms and household free-range and captive animals can also be used to make manure, and then ensure the fertility of the arable land and increase the yield. A virtuous circle.

   Wenlan's output of grain, meat, and leather goods will increase, and its reserves will also greatly increase. It has the foundation and ability to deal with epidemics, wars, natural disasters and other difficulties. It is the foundation for strengthening its strength and moving toward the founding of a nation.

  Agriculture determines whether a person’s stomach can be filled, and whether a stomach is full or not determines the most basic future of the country and its people.

Olaf believes that as long as the rapid development of Vinland’s agriculture and the efficient development of farming and breeding can be ensured, the population of Vikings will increase exponentially in ten or twenty years. The core Icelandic Vikings and Bai Vikings in the future will only need enough. Many, the natives who rule tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands, rule the vast territory of North America is also a matter of course.

In terms of IQ ability, Olaf is not top-notch among Vikings in Vinland, but Hadar, Hudik, Yött, Hoskurd, Heine and others are all limited by the insight and knowledge level of the backward era. Colonial rule has no good planning and development direction.

   Like other colonists in the seventeenth century, England, France, Denmark, the Netherlands and other countries had a very backward colonial rule.

   In Europe in the seventeenth century, people like Olaf who carried out industrial planning and development guidance for Vinland Resources hardly existed. This is a question of consciousness and also has the role of leading knowledge.

After all, Olaf had also seen the vigorous battle against poverty that his elders were engaged in for six years. In the past few years, under the strong leadership of the organization, there has been a wave of planning industries across the country, and while getting rid of poverty and becoming rich Improve the village-level collective economy.

   So, in the final analysis, it is just one sentence, industry is the foundation of making a fortune and making a country strong.

The Opium War in the late Qing Dynasty was essentially caused by the competition between Western and Eastern industries. The most fundamental way to plunder the wealth of other countries was to dump products, purchase your raw materials and process them, and then dump them at you. People from other countries.

Olaf knows very well that since the beginning of the colonial mode in the great nautical era, any country that opened its eyes to the world has entered the accelerated mode, plundering wealth through colonial rule to increase national power, so the defeat of the Qing Dynasty to the great powers in later generations is not limited to other people’s European homeland. At that time, the British Empire had a colony of 20 million square kilometers, and France also had 6 to 7 million square kilometers of land, and they had been operating for many years, only developing basic industries to provide raw materials and cheap labor for the European headquarters.

Olaf has in his mind the advanced experience of colonial rule and governance for hundreds of years in later generations, so he can propose that Hadar and others are convinced and willing to obey the opinions. From a certain perspective, Olaf is like a prophet in ancient books. , Guiding Wenlan from a small and weak colony to slowly develop and grow, and embark on the road of rapid development as a powerful country.


   After the weather dropped significantly, Heine ordered people to dig larger and more cellars in the city on Olaf’s suggestion to store sweet potatoes, potatoes, and pumpkins for the winter.

   Corn, wheat and other grains were dried in the sun last month, and then the fullest seeds were selected from them, and the remaining part was transported to the windmill workshop to be ground into flour, and the rest was bagged and put into the warehouse.

The windmill workshop has not stopped using it after Hadar distributes the grain Every day, Vikings and white slaves use windmills to grind flour, corn flour, etc. This is free use, and it is used by Europeans. Very rare benefits in the concept.

   At present, Wenlan has a small population and a single development model, resulting in a weak business atmosphere.

   Since Hadar adopted military rule, resources can be completely controlled in his hands, so basically the Vikings, as the ruling class, are allocated free of charge for their basic living needs.

   But according to the plans of Hadar, Olaf and others, Wenlan will be reformed from next year.

   As Wenlan’s population increases in the future, after land is allocated to individuals, it is still necessary to return to the business model and implement the formal path of the tax system.

   In the future, Wenlan will still collect agricultural taxes based on land, commercial taxes based on commercial activities, and wool tax for development of breeding. Only through reasonable taxation can we promote the free release ability of Vikings and white slaves and develop industries.

   After the implementation of the tax system in the future, the Vikings and the white slaves will have to determine a clear recruitment system, and determine the Vikings to perform military service, and the white slaves to perform militia and military service. This is the most fundamental system for Wenlan's future development.

As for the indigenous slaves, the private property of those masters cannot be included in the protection of laws and regulations at all. As long as the indigenous slaves are required for servitude and war, they must be expropriated. Make corresponding compensation.

   These reform methods were all written on paper and placed on the bedside of Hadar. He studied day and night and discussed and perfected them with Olaf, Ulav, Heine and others, and gradually formed a governance model suitable for Wenlan's national conditions.

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