The Rise of Iceland

Vol 3 Chapter 91: There are pirates from afar

Hadar and Heine were the first to understand what Olaf meant. They remembered what Olaf said before that Vinland must develop industry if it wants to be strong or even protect itself, and to develop industry, coal and iron must be available.

Heine nodded and said: "Although copper and iron ore are difficult to mine, we have cheap labor. Let slaves slowly mine it will always gain. As long as we are willing to invest in manpower, I think we can have our own iron smelting in the future. Factories and weapons factories!"

Hadar was touched by Heine’s words, so he got up and said: “After the full autumn harvest at the end of next month, as long as the grain production can meet our expectations, then planting will be able to reduce labor by more than half in the future, and we can save those saved. The slaves went to mine...Guys! Since we have mines on the border of Wenlan, we have to mine no matter how difficult it is.

With coal mines and iron ore... Wenlan's industrial development is imperative! "

During a brief meeting in the Chamber, Hadar ordered Heine to notify the city of Buckens, which is closer to the Changling Mountains in the north and south, and asked Blackstone to mobilize manpower to build housing camps at the three vein points on the map for future miners to live in.

Before the meeting, Hadar remembered the things Olaf had reminded himself many times before, and said loudly: "We do not have the support of European powers behind Wenlan. Every step we take depends on the common struggle of all of us, so we must Take care of your mouth!

For example, news about our high-yield manure production and mineral mining in Wenlan must not be leaked! If it attracts the attention of the Dutch, English, French, and Spaniards in Europe, Vinland may be facing a war in the future! So please, everyone must not leak all the secrets of our Wenlan agriculture and industry! If anyone dares to divulge, this general will ban his family to Greenland! "


"Yes, General!"


After the meeting, a Viking rode out of the city of Groot with Hadar's handwritten order, and headed to the hinterland of Bakkens.

At the same time, the south and east coast ushered in a group of uninvited guests.

There is a simple wharf on the east coast of Plymouth. At noon that day, five tall armed merchant ships suddenly surrounded the port.

There was no one near the port. After five armed merchant ships docked, hundreds of soldiers wearing plate armor, muskets, and spears were disembarked. They were discovered by residents weeding in the farmland near Plymouth. They saw that they were parked. The ships in the harbor did not fly the flag of England, Scotland, and the United Kingdom. They knew that there were enemies or pirates. They hurriedly picked up the **** and ran into the city to report to Governor William and Speaker Miller.

"Leader of Cadile! Plymouth City is the high ground with more than 10,000 steps ahead!" McGonagall has gone through a lot of hardships, and his personality is now different from before. He looked at Cadile with a grin, and pointed to the distance. Said a group of buildings similar to villages and towns faintly visible everywhere.

Now McGonagall knows that he is in the hands of Kadir for this purpose. Only by relying on Kadir and the Viking Legion in his hands can he avenge himself and the Elder Brest, George, and Bairam, and only rely on Kadir himself. In order to have the opportunity to represent the Puritans to regain control of Plymouth City.

Every proud and arrogant person will always become more humble and realistic after being beaten by reality. McGonagall now feels that it seems difficult to straighten up after the remote sensing is bent, but what is there?

Kadir picked up the crooked helmet and put it on, then turned on his horse, raised the long knife in his hand, and shouted, "Lined up!"

The five hundred Viking soldiers and the five hundred white wolf soldiers had acquired the qualities of a professional soldier after years of training, and they lined up quickly when they heard the command.

Before disembarking, the five hundred Viking soldiers were replaced by plate armor, and the White Wolf soldiers were also replaced by leather armor. Therefore, there is no need to stop after the formation. With a wave of Kadir's long knife, a row of five thousand soldiers is like a long dragon. As he hurried forward, his footsteps were neat and rapid, and he left the range of the port in a short while.

Cadile, McGonagall, Polly, and Bren took the lead on a mixed horse under the crotch, and the city of Plymouth in front of them became clearer and clearer in their eyes.

Speaking of a city, in fact, Plymouth is just a camp with wooden fence walls. It does not have castles and walls like Quebec City.

The Plymouth colony was established in the autumn of 1620. It has been developed in a relatively short period of time. In addition, it has faced several aboriginal attacks and plagues and famines. Even though hundreds of thousands of contracted white slaves are taken by the Plymouth Company and Crick every year. The company sent it. By this year, Plymouth's population is still slightly smaller than that of Virginia.

At present, Plymouth has less than a thousand people, including more than 100 Puritans, 40 or 50 people including the governor and guards of Plymouth, and the rest are all free people and contracted white slaves.

The population is small, and the time period is incapable of building a city. Originally, it was enough to deal with the indigenous people by relying on the fence and the matchlock in their hands, but they did not expect that professional soldiers like the Viking Legion would appear as their opponents.

At this time, Governor William and Speaker Miller in Plymouth had already gathered behind the fence with all the guards and young men in the city. More than 600 adult men and 47 guards lined up. Governor William and Speaker Miller were lined up. Most of the more than 100 Puritans and guards behind them were holding muskets. The remaining 400 freedmen and contract white slaves only held muskets. The rest were armed with long swords, kitchen knives, spears, and even A few others took hoes and sticks.

"Don't be afraid! No matter where the pirates come from, we don't have to be afraid of having guns in our hands!"

Governor William was wearing a half-length plate armor and an iron helmet on his head. The face armor had deformed his most cherished horoscope and he didn't care about it anymore.

Now Governor William's eyes are fixed on the army that stretches on the ground in the distance getting closer and closer. The plate armor of those soldiers reflects the light in the sun, making William's heart more and more cold and his face more and more gloomy.

"The four riding horses are the leaders of each other!"

Speaker Miller pointed to the headed knight who was about to be able to see clearly on the opposite side. He suddenly narrowed his eyes while speaking, and then rubbed his eyes. He stepped forward unbelievably, his eyes widened and his lips trembled and said: "Yes... it's McGonagall! It's not the hell!"


Governor William yelled, pushed his visor away and looked forward, and then a familiar young man appeared in his field of vision.

"It's really McGonagall!"

William was startled, and then he glared at Miller complaining, meaning that he didn't do things well. Not only did he not kill McGonagall, but instead let him take someone to retaliate.

Miller was in a mess, gritted his teeth and said: "Meg is a pirate's running dog! He will bring pirates to our Plymouth to burn and loot, we must kill them!"

Miller's words excited the Puritans, the guards and even the freedmen. They all looked forward, and when they found that one of the knights on the opposite side was McGonagall, they all yelled at them. For a while, slurs in Plymouth City came and went. In the messy insults to McGonagall, Miller approached William and said in a low voice: "Don’t worry, the governor, McGonagall has no more pirates than us. You can see our public sentiment. Exciting, this battle can be defended!"

William nodded noncommittal, but withdrew in his heart.

Asshole Miller, things can't be handled well, and he said that he can hold it. It's just whimsical. The number of people on the other side is seven or eight hundred. I think half of them are wearing plate armor, so the musket must be there...

Plymouth’s defense force was weak. Freedmen and white slaves could not count on it at all. Puritans and guards were the core forces. By all accounts, we only had more than 130 guns, and less than half of the people who had the right marksmanship were the opposite. The pirates also have one or two hundred muskets, and Plymouth will definitely not be able to keep this battle...

If I can't hold the city, I will find a way to escape...

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