The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 835: Mystery class

This is the era of feature phones. People don't have high requirements for mobile phones, and they can make a phone call.

But it is not easy to make a simple functional machine.

Although Yang Fei didn't know how many mobile phones he had used, what kind of functions a mobile phone should have, and which era should correspond to a few gigabytes of internet speed, he is definitely a layman in this industry.

Not everyone is an all-rounder.

Yang Fei studied chemistry, and he did most of his work and business related to chemistry. Therefore, he started daily chemistry with ease.

Moreover, although the domestic daily chemical industry chain is not as developed as abroad, it is relatively mature.

At the very least, if you want to produce something, you can find corresponding suppliers in China, and you can also buy production equipment and machinery materials.

The mobile phone is different. The domestic industrial chain is blank. Occasionally, some processing plants are OEM production, or purchase components for assembly to produce copycat mobile phones.

Domestic mobile phones in the true sense of the country have not yet come out.

Some of the manufacturers that have obtained the license have directly embarked on the road of OEM production.

And some, like Yang Fei, started independent research and development and production of mobile phones.

No. 1065, Nanhai Avenue, Shenzhen City, on the east side of Nanshan Park, several white buildings contrast with the lush tropical vegetation behind them.

This is where Kejian Co., Ltd. is located.

And not far from here, there is another huge company sign with only two words: "Love more."

In the world's impression, Aido is still an electronic company that produces VCD, and its name should be called Aido Electric Company.

However, the sign on the door of this company reads "Aido Co., Ltd.".

The difference in a few words indicates that these are two completely different companies.

The building is very simple, hidden among the green trees, making people pass by without paying attention.

On this day, a domineering and luxurious Rolls-Royce slowly opened the door of idol.

People who know this car can probably guess whose car it is.

Those who know Yang Fei also know that this is his exclusive car.

So far, the youngest billionaire in China, and the first college student to drive more than five million Rolls Royce.

At that time, many people had seen this car and were speculating about the owner of this car and the relationship between him and this idol company.

However, no one knows what Yang Fei is doing here.

Rolls Royce drove out and went straight to the airport.

Yang Fei is about to graduate before the new mobile phone has been developed.

Yang Feishou has been in Aiduo Company for so many days and solved some troubles in production. Today, he will return to Beijin to attend the graduation ceremony.

Also accompanied by Chen Ruoling and Hu Zhibiao seeing off.

"Boss Yang, this phone is too difficult to make, right? It's more troublesome than making a VCD. As long as VCD is assembled, people who haven't gone to school can teach him a few minutes." Hu Zhibiao sighed.

Yang Fei smiled and said, "Mobile phones are high-tech electronic products, so of course it is difficult to do."

Hu Zhibiao said, "You said, why are foreigners so powerful? Can such high-tech gadgets be produced? You can talk through thousands of miles without wires."

Yang Fei pointed to the sky: "There are radio waves. The principle of mobile phone calls is like this. After we dial out the other party's number, the signal is first transmitted to the base station and then to the exchange. The exchange will search for the base station where the other party is located. This connects to the other party’s mobile phone. Once connected, the audio signal will be converted to a digital signal, which will then be transmitted to the base station by radio waves.

Hu Zhibiao said: "You still understand, I, I also count on you to fight a turnaround."

He did trust Yang Fei, and he complied with what Yang Fei asked him to do. He sold his assets and paid off his debts.

With this move, Hu Zhibiao in this life can be exempted from prison.

As for the establishment of the new factory, Hu Zhibiao could not spend too much money, so he invested in the trademark of Aiduo and the advertising resources of Aiduo.

Hu Zhibiao had heard before that mobile phone production licenses are very rare, and there are tens of thousands of people who want to obtain licenses in China, but the number of licenses is limited and not ordinary people can get.

At the beginning of the cooperation, Hu Zhibiao still had doubts about whether he could win the license.

Yang Fei is great, but he really has so much energy to win the mobile phone production license that tens of thousands of people compete for?

When the list of license plates came out, Hu Zhibiao was very impressed, and said when he met everyone, he had really met a noble person.

He also had a new understanding of Yang Fei's energy and abilities.

Although Yang Fei was younger than him, he was respectful and respectful to Yang Fei. He listened to and obeyed all Yang Fei's words as a holy voice.

As a shareholder, Chen Ruoling also accompanied Yang Fei to develop the first generation of mobile phones in Shenzhen City.

Today, Yang Fei and Chen Ruoling took a plane back to school to attend the graduation ceremony, carrying only Xiang Qiao and the mouse with them.

On the plane, Chen Ruoling asked: "Yang Fei, the mobile phone production line is a big problem. If we can't buy the right machine, how can we produce a good mobile phone product? How can this problem be solved?"

Yang Feisheng frowned slightly and said slowly: "I have been thinking about this too."

"Mr. Yang? Hello, it's really you. I haven't seen you for a long time." The stewardess walked over, bent down, and grinned at Yang Fei.

"Haha, it's you. We meet everywhere in life." Yang Fei smiled.

"Mr. Yang, please tell me if you have anything to do. I am very glad to serve you." The flight attendant hooked her eyes like a silk.

The stewardess smiled slightly, turned and walked away.

Chen Ruoling asked: "Do you have a story with her?"

Yang Fei said lightly: "What story?"

Chen Ruoling said: "The way she looks at you is unusual."

"It's just acquaintance."

"The rich are different. Everywhere they go, there are beautiful women who like them."

"Hehe, mainly because I'm handsome."

"However, I think this woman is extraordinary."

"Not ordinary? How to say?"

"Although flight attendant is a good job, I think that with her salary, she can't afford the watch on her wrist."

"Really? I didn't pay attention, what watch?"

"A well-known Swiss women's watch brand, the price is more than 200,000 yuan."

"Hehe, maybe someone has money at home? It depends on people, don't be so one-sided."

"The girl with money in the family doesn't have to go out to be a flight attendant. The flight attendant is nice, but she is actually a waiter, don't you? If you say that she wears a fake or second-hand one, I still believe it.

"I didn't see it, you still have a class concept."

"Didn't class always exist? The proletariat and the middle class have not been mentioned all the time? You are already a top class person."

"Eh? I can't agree with If it is divided into nine levels, I will count as the third level at most. Above me, there are at least two kinds of people."

"There are two kinds of people above you?"

"Well, there is a class of people who are the leaders of the industry and the people of the times. They create trends and let people follow in their footsteps. Their wealth can be estimated, but they are the vast majority of people on this planet. Unattainable. It can be called the trend layer. People often say that the times make heroes, but these people can heroes make the times."

"Tsk tut! What else is there?"

"That's the mysterious layer. People in this class usually don't show mountains or dew. You can't see any reports about them in the media, and there won't be any news about them in society, but they control the vast majority of the world. For example, a bank shareholder with a market value of hundreds of billions is actually a group of children. Chen Ruoling, you belong to this mysterious class."

Yang Fei said, suddenly slapped his thigh: "Yes!"

Chen Ruoling listened to him intently, and was startled by his sudden scream, and asked, "What's the matter?"

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