The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2172: The most precious thing

"Congratulations, Dong Liu." Yang Fei smiled and smiled at Liu Ruyu who was standing in front of him.

"Thank you, Yang Fei."

Yang Fei smiled noncommittal.

Liu Ruyu said: "I know, you are behind me helping me. Without you, not only would I not be able to get Regent, but the stock price would not be as high as it is now."

"Isn't this good?" Yang Fei said, "This shows that when we pray sincerely, it is still possible for God to take care of us."

"It's you," Liu Ruyu said with a smile, "What pray? You are my Bodhisattva! I prayed to you, and you made my wish come true!"

When a woman puts her mind down, her smile comes from the heart.

This kind of laughter makes women very beautiful.

Yang Fei laughed and said, "If I were a Bodhisattva, it would be fine."

"Mr. Yang."


Her voice suddenly became very low, very gentle, like the spring water in the south of the Yangtze River. Just a glance can open your heart.

Yang Fei looked at her.

"I promised you, I want to give it to you."

"Promise me what?"

"What I said, you know, you deliberately want me to say it?"

Yang Fei said: "What? I really don't know. What do you want to give me? You just take it out. Give me something, can't I just leave it?"

"Ah? Are you here?" She looked around, timidly, like a little girl.

"Very precious? Or huge? Can't you carry it with you?"

"That's not true." She bit her lip and said, "Well, I'll treat you to dinner tonight. I'll give it to you tonight."

"That's it? It's okay. It's not too much to eat your meal. Food doesn't matter, good wine and tea, no less!"

"I will cook two home-cooked dishes by myself? What do you like to eat?"

"Are you still cooking? Great!"

"A woman can cook, it depends on whether she is willing to pay for the person she likes."

"Hehe, there is some truth to this. Men can work hard, depending on whether there is anyone worthy of his life."

"What you said makes more sense than what I said. You haven't said yet, what do you like to eat?"

"Fish! Fish is delicious."

"Do you want to put it spicy?"

"If you can eat spicy food, just put it."

"anything else?"

"Well, just make a small stir-fried yellow beef, and then stir-fry a seasonal side dish. Home cooking, these are just a few flavors."

"Okay, I wrote it down, then I'll wait for you tonight. See you or leave."

"it is good."

As soon as Liu Ruyu walked with his front feet, the mouse walked in with his hind feet.

"Fly less."

"Well, how is it?"

"I found it."


"In a mental hospital."

"Mental hospital?"

"It's true! That place is very hidden. In the suburbs, how would ordinary people think that the former chairman of the dignified Gao Group would actually live there?"

"Gao Qin was too cruel, right? He was sent directly to a mental hospital?"

"It's a convalescence. There is indeed a nursing home there. The fees are quite expensive, similar to a noble school. The deep-walled compound has closed doors and some people stand guard."

"Haha!" Yang Fei sneered, "I suddenly thought of the Internet Addiction Youth Rehabilitation Camp. It's almost like this kind of nursing home. Selling dog meat!"

"I went in and looked around, but I didn't find Gao Yi. However, I saw Gao Yi's name on the list in their yard, but I don't know where they locked Gao Yi."

"Easy to get in?"

"Fortunately, a lot of money was spent."

"Strange, Gao Qin is so foolish. Could it be that the senior members of the Gao Group lost their voice collectively?"

Of course, mice are not good at rounds.

Yang Fei said, "Since you can get in, then you can find a way to get in again, find Gao Yi, and bring him out!"

The mouse said: "Bring people out?"


"Fly less, we can get in and out easily, and we will be done with a little money. However, it is not that difficult to bring someone out. If he cooperates well, what if he does not cooperate? Then we really can't steal a person out. Right?"

"As long as you can find Gao Yi, he will definitely cooperate with you and come out with you. Who is okay and wants to live in such a place?"

"Okay, I'll try."

"Go. It's not too late. Go tonight. I'm afraid they will change places again when it's late, and it will be even harder to find."

"it is good."

The mouse came out and went to discuss with Ma Feng and the others.

In the evening, Yang Fei was invited to visit Liu Ruyu's house as a guest.

Liu Ruyu really cooked three dishes, all of which were ordered by Yang Fei.

Stir-fried yellow beef, seasonal side dishes, and a steamed sea bass.

Yang Fei sniffed the dishes and smiled: "The color, smell and taste are all. Not bad, have you really practiced?"

"Isn't it just cooking? I have a foreign country, so I cook by myself. Come, you can taste this fish."

Yang Fei picked up the chopsticks and stuck a chopstick into the fish's head, picking up the meat near the fish's eyes.

Liu Ruyu looked at him in surprise.

Yang Fei said: "What's wrong?"

Liu Ruyu smiled and said, "When I was a child, I heard my father say that when I see a man, it depends on how he eats fish."

Yang Fei said: "Oh? Is there anything to say?"

Liu Ruyu said: "If a man is the first chopstick to hold a fish head, it means that this man has a strong career. If he eats fish eyes, he is even more powerful. This is not an ordinary man."

Yang Fei smiled and said, "Is there any other saying? I have loved fish heads since I was a child. The meat near the eyes of this fish is the most tender and delicious."

Liu Ruyu said, "I am most afraid of eating fish eyes. If it is delicious, you can eat more."

"I won't be polite. You eat too."

"I'm stuffed."

"You haven't eaten..."

Yang Fei discovered that she was exceptional today—how do you say?

It should be charming!

Yes, it is charming.

She put on the makeup very carefully, and also put on the hollow lace skirt, the beautiful body, which is looming in it, is particularly eye-catching.

Yang Fei drank some wine, and when she looked at her, she was even more charming and lovely.

"Are you living alone?" Yang Fei asked.

"My parents live in another place. I'm used to living alone abroad. I live here, it's easier to go to work, so I don't have to run back and forth."

"Where is your boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend? Not yet!"

"Never talked about it in school? You are so beautiful. People who chase you should be able to line up to the other side of the Pacific Ocean."

"No miles away!" Liu Ruyu smiled shyly, "Come on, drink."

She filled Yang Fei another glass.

"Enough wine, pour a cup of tea and drink it. Put more tea leaves. I like to drink stronger tea."

"Drinking strong tea at won't it cause insomnia?"

"I don't feel that way. I always drink strong tea at home. My grandpa drank stronger and still sleep well."

"Okay, then I'll make tea for you."

Yang Fei put down her rice bowl, and she brought the tea.

He drank a cup of tea, looked at the time, and smiled: "Thank you for your hospitality! It's late, I'm going back."

"Is this going away?"

"Something else?"

Liu Ruyu's face was as red as rouge: "I said, there is something most precious for you."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Really? I thought you were joking! What good baby do you have? Don't tell me, I really love to collect babies! What good stuff do you have, show me !"

He took it for granted that the treasure Liu Ruyu was talking about was probably an antique vase or calligraphy and painting.

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