The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1286: Fight a sniper battle

Of course Yang Fei will not be captured by Chen Ruoling's bewilderment.

   Chen Ruoling is not Su Tong, nor Jiang Hanying.

   If Su Tong and Jiang Hanying tell him that you don't want to go back tonight, then they really miss him and want to spend the night with him.

   But Chen Ruoling said this, half a joke, half a joke, and can't take it seriously.

   After all, the relationship between the two is not so good, and she is not a casual woman.

   Yang Fei followed her words and smiled: "Okay, I'll stay."

   Chen Ruoling was really stunned by Yang Fei's answer that he didn't follow the routine. Yanran smiled and said, "You really won't go back? You are not afraid that Xiaoying will be jealous?"

   Yang Fei said lightly: "The premise of being jealous is that she is my girlfriend. And you have analyzed before that she is not my girlfriend."

   Chen Ruoling was speechless for a while.

   "That's right," Chen Ruoling changed the subject and said, "P&G wants to acquire all the shares of Panda Factory, what do you think?"

   "Panda Factory?" Yang Fei's thoughts moved.

   At the end of 1993, Beijin Daily Chemical No. 2 Factory, which is affiliated to Panda, and P&G jointly established Beijin Panda Procter & Gamble Detergent Co., Ltd.

   In 1994, P&G immediately introduced Tide.

   400g washing powder, Tide sells for 7.8 yuan, which was too expensive for the Chinese consumer market at that time.

   At that time, the panda, which was priced at only 1.8 yuan/bag, developed like a day in the sky, occupying most of the northern market share.

   At that time, Yang Fei had just started in Southern Province, and his funds were limited. Like the panda, the clean white brand was also on the path of low prices.

  Jiebai Pufen, sold at an ultra-low price of only 1.8 yuan for 500g, quickly seized most of the domestic rural and township retail markets.

   Yang Fei also thought about acquiring the panda factory in the north.

   However, in order to pave the way for its own brand, P&G will never let go of Panda.

   The biggest purpose of foreign investment in domestic factories is not for the brand, but for the channel. This is also the magic weapon for foreign companies to quickly seize the Chinese market.

  Domestic brands use five, ten, or even decades to operate and develop channels that foreign investors only need to spend a little money to own.

   Procter & Gamble has a good abacus, and wants to borrow Panda’s channel to launch high-priced Tide laundry detergent.

   Unfortunately, Tide met Whiteness.

The development speed of    clean white far exceeds P&G's imagination!

   For almost a year, there are advertisements of clean white washing powder everywhere. More than 60% of families in our country use clean white washing powder.

After    Procter & Gamble introduced Tide, they met Jibai on a narrow road and fought many encounters.

   Procter & Gamble wanted to buy Beauty Group, but Yang Fei refused.

   Next, P&G launched a fierce attack on Jibai.

   There is a price war every quarter and a total attack every year.

   After several years of fighting, Jibai has not been killed by P&G, but has grown against the sky in adversity, and has grown savagely and robustly as the first domestic daily chemical brand.

  'S white growth has severely hit the blind self-confidence of foreign brands in the country, and has also brought down the high-priced altars of these superior "gods".

   Whether it is innovation or technology, Beauty Group is ahead of foreign companies!

   Cheap and easy to use, has become synonymous with Beauty Group products.

   Procter & Gamble, who stepped down from the altar, launched a price war again, trying to seize the rural market, and even sold the high-end brand Rejoice at a low price of 9.9 yuan.

   However, P&G still failed to do so. On the contrary, P&G suffered heavy losses.

   Rejoice went further and further on the road of low prices and became a low-priced shampoo, but failed to occupy the low-priced market.

   Procter & Gamble failed to beat the Beauty Group at the price of a brand.

   Later, in order to develop the American market, Yang Fei proposed to cooperate with P&G.

   The two largest domestic and foreign daily chemical companies have entered a short honeymoon period.

   Soon after, P&G unilaterally tore up the contract and started a new round of beach landing battle.

   Yang Fei launched a full-scale defensive war at the same time, and this fight took another year.

   Procter & Gamble still failed to shake the dominance of Beauty Group.

   Yang Fei took advantage of this battle to grow against the trend again. On the premise of maintaining a high share of washing powder, he promoted shampoo, skin care products and other brands.

   Now, Procter & Gamble wants to acquire all shares of Panda Factory?

   Could it be said that P&G has to make big moves again?

   Yang Fei's brain turned rapidly, thinking of the cause and effect.

   Capital cannot change its nature.

   Foreign capital comes in, it is impossible to promote local brands, they only fancy channels!

   Especially the wholesale channels at the time were used for it, that is, to take advantage of strength!

   is the most labor-saving.

   Panda laundry detergent, in the early 90s, once ranked the top three in the country's laundry detergent!

   After P&G's intervention, the production and sales of panda washing powder decreased year by year.

   By 1999, the domestic daily chemical market had become huge, but the output of panda washing powder was less than 10,000 tons. It was not as good as the previous Nanhua factory and almost disappeared from the market!

   "Ruoling, do you have the ambition to enter the daily chemical industry?" Yang Fei suddenly smiled.

   "Me?" Chen Ruoling smiled, "What's the matter? Do you want to invite me to become a shareholder of your Beauty Group? Of course I can't ask for it."

   Yang Fei shook his head and said: "It's not a stake in Beauty Group, but a stake in Beijin Panda Factory."

   Chen Ruoling said: "Then forget it! The panda is dead, and if you have something to burn paper, you don't have to burn money!"

   Yang Fei said: "Then please do me a favor. Use a company under your name to invest in the Panda Factory, which can account for more than 10% of the shares."

   Chen Ruoling said: "Why? Do you want to compete with P&G for the right to purchase the Panda Factory?"

   Yang Fei said: "I don't want a panda factory."

   This time, even Chen Ruoling did not see through Yang Fei's thoughts: "Then why do you want to be a shareholder?"

   Yang Fei said: "When you have successfully acquired the shares, I have my own Ruoling said: "This is a trivial matter, I will ask someone to handle it. The current panda factory is not what it used to be. If we are willing to invest, they will definitely welcome it. A 10% share doesn’t cost much, and more than 20 million is enough. "

   Yang Fei said: "Okay, then I beg you. You can be a little more secretive and a little low-key."

   Chen Ruoling said: "Even if I keep a low profile, such a big equity change will definitely attract P&G's attention."

   Yang Fei said: "P&G is concerned about changes in equity, it doesn't matter, but I can't let them know that I am behind the scenes."

   Chen Ruoling said: "Because you are their biggest competitor, if they know that you are buying shares, they will definitely not agree."

   Yang Fei smiled and said, "Those who know me, Ruoling."

   Chen Ruoling said: "I still don't understand. Since you don't covet the Panda Factory, what's the point of asking me to buy 10% of the shares? Do you want to prevent P&G from acquiring it?"

   Yang Fei said: "I never thought about stopping P&G. This factory has been ruined by P&G! They buy it if they want to buy it!"

   He wants to fight a sniper battle, but he doesn't show his hole cards, which makes sense.

   The Chen family is too smart, he has to keep a hand.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Chen Ruoling smiled helplessly and said: "You, you are always so hidden and unpredictable! Okay, this is a favor, I will help you, who told me to like you? Yeah!"

   Yang Fei: "……"

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