The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1157: Please draw a picture

Under the auspices of Jiang Wanxia, ​​the talent change of Meili Daily Chemical Factory was finally successfully completed.

   Innovative talent assessment mechanism can ensure that all talents can play their talents in the company.

   Yang Fei wants employees to understand: As long as you are gold and enter the Beauty Group, you will definitely shine!

   August 6th, this is an ordinary day.

   But for the people of Yilin, this day is definitely worth remembering.

   On this day, Yang Fei invested by Beauty Group, covering the county-wide agricultural product base, officially opened!

   Yang Fei participated in the groundbreaking ceremony of the Yilin County Green Agricultural Products Production Base.

   This marks that Yilin County has officially opened the prelude to industrial revitalization.

   At the groundbreaking ceremony, Yang Fei gave a passionate speech.

   Three-level leaders from provinces, cities and counties participated in the groundbreaking ceremony and made important speeches.

   Various media also came to report.

   Yang Fei has high hopes for this project. This is because he uses his own power to try to participate in and influence the economy of a county!

  While making money, can Yilin County embark on a well-off road?

   It's not just planting like Jixi or Qingyuan. That kind of planting industry can only involve some farmers and can only help a few people get rich.

   What Yang Fei wants to try in Jixi is a brand new idea of ​​getting rich.

   A reporter interviewed Yang Fei and asked a question: "Mr. Yang, what is the concept of your main green agricultural products?"

Yang Fei replied: "Green agricultural products refer to agricultural products that follow the principles of sustainable development, are produced in accordance with specific production methods, and are certified and licensed by special agencies to use green food labels, and are pollution-free, safe, high-quality, and nutritious agricultural products. Such as green wheat, green rice, Green vegetables, green fruits, green livestock and poultry meat, green aquatic products, etc."

   The reporter asked: "According to your statement, aren't the agricultural products currently on the market green?"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Green agricultural products are also classified, divided into a-level and a-level. A-level is the primary standard, which allows the use of safer chemical fertilizers and pesticides during the growth process for a limited time, limit, and variety. Aa level For higher-level green agricultural products, the production process control and result testing standards are more stringent."

   The reporter asked: "You start the entire Yilin County to plant agricultural products, can you find a market?"

"All the agricultural products are underwritten by 666 Fresh Supermarkets. We have hundreds of supermarkets across the country, and the number is increasing day by day. These supermarkets sell and serve citizens in major cities across the country, and the daily demand is amazing. "

   "Mr. Yang, are you not afraid of failure? If this project fails, you are just an experimenter. You are experimenting on the fields of Yilin people. Have you thought about the consequences of farmers?"

   This question is very sharp.

   Yang Fei said: "You don't understand your question. You mean, if the green agricultural product project fails, what will the people of Yilin do?"

   The reporter said: "Yes, haven't you ever thought about them?"

   Yang Fei smiled softly, and asked, "May I ask this reporter friend, what were the farmers doing before I invested? What did they grow in their fields?"

   The reporter didn't even think about it, and replied: "Of course farmers are farming fields, and of course all kinds of crops are planted in the fields."

   Yang Fei said: "It is also farming and farming, so what? Is there a difference?"

   The reporter was speechless.

Yang Fei said, "Let me answer you! Of course there are differences! Before I invested, they were a mess, and they worked on their own, but after I invested, they all joined the organization, and someone taught them advanced technology and led them to plant scientifically. The most important thing is that they used to farm the land and only had enough food and clothing throughout the year. Now, regardless of the seasons of the year, I pay them wages. Farmers can guarantee their income due to droughts and floods. Don't worry about not making money!

   The reporter immediately found a new contradiction: "Then, you occupy their land, what about this matter?"

   Yang Fei said: "Isn't this a joke? The land is always collective and contracted by farmers. I just leased it from them. Regardless of the success or failure of the project, the land will always belong to the farmers!"

   The reporter thought for a while and asked: "Then, Mr. Yang, what do you picture?"

   Yang Fei smiled indifferently: "If I said, I don’t plan for anything, I guess you wouldn’t believe it. I’m a businessman, I just saw a huge business opportunity for green organic agricultural products! I want to make money, nothing more!"

The reporter wrote in a later report that Yang Fei is a very charismatic businessman. He is different from other businessmen. He looks more like a calm and steady wise man and a philanthropist. But his charity is different. Instead of giving money to the poor, he helps them get rich through hard work. The ancients said that teaching people how to fish is worse than teaching people how to fish. Mr. Yang Fei did it. Mr. Yang Fei is worthy of being a model of Confucian businessmen in the new era, and worthy of being an outstanding young entrepreneur!

  Some people are like this. When he talks with you, he will show sharp fangs and thorns all over his body. In fact, he is not harmful. The reason why he is like this is just because he really doesn't understand you.

   And when he understands you, he will not hesitate to praise you!

   In order to better develop Yilin County, Yang Fei specially arranged a few days and drove to various towns in Yilin.

   Where are the rivers and where are the mountains?

  The town is flat. What kinds of crops are suitable for planting?

   Yang Fei is not alone, he has brought a team of experts.

  The members of this team include water conservancy experts, agricultural experts, and meteorological experts.

   Yang Fei has always been very serious about his career!

   Regardless of the industry, Yang Fei will do nothing. Once he invests, once he does it, he must do well and achieve the ultimate.

   Yang Fei has a perfectionist obsessive-compulsive disorder.

   And this character is an important factor that drives his continuous success.

   The results of the investigation made Yang Fei more disappointed.

   Although Yilin has a long history, there are not many places of interest worth visiting.

   Although it is a mountainous area, there are endless high mountains, but there are no particularly majestic mountains.

  How to turn this ordinary county into a scenic spot that tourists like?

   After Yang Fei came back from inspection, he came to Li Yanan.

   School has not yet started, Li Yanan is painting at home.

   Yang Fei smelled the scent of various pigments, feeling a bit pungent, and she couldn't help but shrug her nose, thinking that people are really different from people. I can't bear the smell, but Sister Li is happy.

   "You are here, sit down." Li Yanan focused on painting and treated Yang Fei very casually.

   Yang Fei smiled, moved a small stool, sat beside her, and asked, "Sister Li, are you interested in being the principal of Meili Elementary School?"

   "No interest." Li Yanan refused without thinking, "When the art gallery opens, I will quit my school job and concentrate on running the art gallery. So, don't make my mind."

   Yang Fei touched his nose and smiled.

Li Yanan stopped painting and looked at him: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying, don't ask you to beat me, I mean... Forget it, don't say it, the more you talk about it, the more messy it gets! I must have something else?"

   Yang Fei said: "I want you to draw a picture."

   "What painting?"

   "A painting depicting the development prospects of Yilin!"

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