The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 57-It's not easy to say hate (1)

Jiangcheng People's Hospital got the opportunity to cooperate with Origin Technology. Of course, after packaging the hair transplant technology, it began to promote it.

Origin Technology's biological hair transplant technology, after this period of fermentation, although not everyone knows, but it can be regarded as a small name in Jiangcheng.

Now Origin Technology and Jiangcheng People’s Hospital have jointly created the "Jiangcheng People’s Hospital Oasis Hair Transplant Center", which is a life saver for many bald patients!

Many bald patients in Jiangcheng go to the hair transplant center by themselves or with their family members. They want to transplant their hair!

The winter in Jiangcheng is wet and cold, and the haze is heavy. The hair transplant center was originally an old rehabilitation center, which makes people look even colder.

Several bald patients registered, and after a series of examinations such as dermoscopy, the experts diagnosed permanent hair loss, namely baldness.

The experts from the People's Hospital are still very responsible and patiently said to the patients: "Permanent hair loss is a problem in world medicine. There are many causes, including genetic problems, but also acquired immunity, mental health and living environment problems. "

The patient has also visited hospitals in many places. He knows all these things, and what they want is a solution.

"Excuse me, the doctor, can we treat this? I heard that you can treat permanent hair loss here. I saw on the Internet that Wang Ke, the founder of Fanghe Real Estate, is using this technology to treat hair loss, and the effect is very good."

The doctor patiently said: "Don't worry, just listen to me. As far as traditional medicine is concerned, there is definitely no way to treat permanent hair loss. Maybe you will always be like this and there is no way to grow your hair. Maybe you are in a good mood. My hair will grow again in a few years."

The patient hurriedly shook his head and said: "This is an old problem for more than ten years. This time I heard the sound, hoping to find a cure."

"There is still a way!" The dermatologist explained patiently: "Go out and turn right to the Oasis Hair Transplant Center. Although the hair transplant center is a cooperation between our hospital and an outside company, it is a non-hospital institution. Linked to the hospital, it is your volition whether to transplant hair or not. We do not make mandatory requirements."

This is to shirk responsibility, otherwise the charge of 100,000 will be charged in the hospital.

"I understand, I understand!"

The patient found the hair transplant center. There was no heating in the center, and the patient shivered as soon as the cap was removed.

I found the treating doctor with the diagnosis report. The treating doctor looked at it and said: "Whether the hair transplant is voluntary, the charging standard is 100,000 yuan for colony growth treatment; drip irrigation with colony culture solution every day, for one month, 400 yuan per day; Don’t use the colony maturation catalyst, the green silk will turn black after half a year; buy the colony catalyst and add 100,000.”

The treating doctor's attitude was not very good. After making a quotation, he said to the patient: "You think about it, the next one!"

The doctor has a bad attitude, that's right!

The treatment doctors were selected by Zhou Xiao personally in the dermatology department, and the treatment was the same as that of the hospital doctors.

It stands to reason that the treatment is the same as before, and the work of the hair transplant center is easier. How can these doctors be unhappy?

Of course not happy!Although the salary is the same, there are fewer patients, less performance, and fewer skin plasters.

Zhou Xiao will always remember the grieving expressions of those selected doctors.

The doctor is not happy. Although the attitude is not bad, there must be routine routines.

"What, one hundred thousand!" The patient exclaimed, cursed secretly, left the hair transplant center angrily, and murmured when he went out: "What kind of treatment is so expensive! Grab someone!"

It's right to exclaim, it's right to curse secretly!

Zhou Xiao steadily put a small amount of disgust into the bag.

But in all fairness, is 100,000 yuan hair transplant expensive?

It's not expensive at all for those who really want to transplant hair.In terms of the current cost of green fibrobacteria, it is not expensive.

Zhou Xiao hasn't earned the money for developing and producing the equipment for the production of green bacillus, so he can't always be a good person for free.

If you are partially bald, and your body still has hair follicles that can be collected and used, the most advanced hair follicle transplant technology is used. This technology calculates the cost according to the number of hair follicles per unit area. Hair follicles have two or three hairs.

Calculated like this, if you are partially bald, the cost of hair transplant may be tens of thousands of dollars.If you have a large area of ​​baldness, similar to a Mediterranean haircut, then about 100,000 is indispensable; if you go further, you are in the Sahara Desert and you don’t even have hair follicles that can be collected on your body, then I’m sorry, hair follicle transplantation can’t save you.

Therefore, the price of a hair transplant center is not expensive for those who really want to transplant hair.

But for those who are unwilling to perform hair follicle transplantation and want to try their luck here, they will definitely have to scold their mothers.

Zhou Xiao didn't expect that, as he said casually, the price he already felt was high, but in fact it was not high in the industry.

For several days, the hair transplant center asked many people, and almost no one actually gave money for hair transplant.

One hundred thousand yuan is already prohibitive, and if you don't buy a catalyst, it will be even more prohibitive to wait half a year for the green hair to turn black.

It is one thing to say that microbial hair transplants are effective on the Internet, but it is another thing to really make you pay 100,000 yuan for hair transplants.

One hundred thousand yuan is not a small number for many people.

A week later, the hair transplant center still has no business.

The therapists at the hair transplant center were suffocated in their hearts and reported to the hospital one after another, requesting to change jobs.

"We are here to eat and wait to die. I want to go back to the dermatology department!"

"There is no business at all, and many people are discouraged by the price!"

Not only is the therapist's heart hairy, but Peng Yufei's heart is also hairy.

He and Zhou Xiao cooperated to establish a hair transplant center in order to create a beautiful business card for Jiangcheng People's Hospital.

From now on, when it comes to hair transplantation, everyone will think of Jiangcheng People's Hospital. This is word-of-mouth, and this is the future development direction of regional hospitals.

But now?

The high price makes the hair transplant center unable to exert its advantages at all.

How can the patient know that it works without even trying?

One hundred thousand!

If you are losing your hair, are you willing to spend one hundred thousand to try a biological hair transplant that is said to be effective on the Internet, or to try a hair transplant that is quite mature and has been successful by countless people?

Peng Yufei also asked himself this question, and then he knew the answer.

He found Zhou Xiao and asked for a price reduction!

Zhou Xiao looked at the panel of the system: [Chlorophora, monopoly value, city: 15.26%; disgust value, city: 27.85%]

Peng Yufei was not happy, Zhou Xiao was happy.

In just one week, the disgust value increased by several percentage points, and a breakthrough of 60% is just around the corner!

"What we need is to increase publicity!" This is the solution given by Zhou Xiao: "There are not many people who know about us now. When the advertisement goes out, people will come."

Price reduction is inevitable in the future, but not now.

Peng Yufei said anxiously: "This is not a problem of advertising, but a problem of price. The price is too high, and ordinary patients cannot afford it. The cost of hair transplantation cannot be solved by medical insurance."

Zhou Xiao waved his hand and said, "This is not a question of price, but a question of concept. Which is more important than 100,000 yuan or having hair? Patients who can think clearly will come."

Peng Yufei was fooled by Zhou Xiao again.

In fact, what Zhou Xiao said was correct. Huang Xu, a star who thinks that hair is more important than money, seeks treatment with a strong desire.

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