The Richest Man is The Village Doctor

Chapter 12: : Get huge wealth

     Han Jun and Qiu Bing were sitting in the presidential suite with Chen Yang drinking. Both of them were cautious. Chen Yang was really terrifying.

   can control the biting of poisonous snakes.

   This evil sect is incomparable, and I don’t know if Mr. Naji will survive.

  Naturally, Chen Yang doesn't care whether Mr. Naji is dead or alive. At this time, he was eating wildly, and his mouth was full of oil. Not to mention, he had already killed a bottle of Maotai alone.

   His little face was flushed with drinking.

   "You two, have you finished eating?"

   Chen Yang asked after seeing the two absent-minded.

   "It's finished, it's finished."

   The two said that they had finished eating.

   "Then go back, it's almost nine o'clock."

   Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said.

   "It's nine o'clock?"

   The two are a little confused, is it late at nine?

   But then, the two of them became sober in an instant. The **** had an appointment with the lobby manager at nine.

   "Then let's go first."

   They didn't know that the lobby manager hadn't arranged it, but it was really inappropriate to stay here.

   "Call." Chen Yang waved his hand.

   The two hurried out of the presidential suite, and after looking at each other, they all gave a wry smile.

   There is a restaurant in the presidential suite, Chen Yang stopped drinking, and he couldn't do anything after drinking it.

   "Jerry, help me guard the outer door, Xiao Yin help me guard the bathroom door, Lao Du, you stay in the wife's room, and by the way, there is Xiao Ba, you just squat on the window sill and don't move."

   Chen Yang happily entered the bathroom after arranging the four beasts.

   This guy is a bit drunk, and while taking off his clothes, he sings: "Hi, it seems that life has reached the peak?..."

The surf bathtub in the presidential suite is not so big, and it is not so comfortable to lie in it. Chen Yang vomited a bubble in it, and regretted that he cast the wrong tire. If he wears it as a rich second-generation or Li Tianxiang, Rare, he still struggles to be a bird, how good he enjoys every day.

   It's a pity, wearing a green hat, or a green hat for a poor ghost.

   At 8:50 in the evening, Chen Yang washed himself clean, and was a little excited. Although he often acted mischievously in his previous life, it was the first time in his life.



   Hi, I feel that life has reached a climax!

   At 8:55, the doorbell rang.

   Chen Yang in his pajamas jumped up and shouted: "Come on..."


   He opened the door a gap, and his face went dark. The person he was looking forward to did not come, but someone he hated came instead.

   Naturally, this is also a woman.

   Li Xuechun, the daughter of Li Tianxiang.

   "What? Surprised to see me?"

   Li Xuechun standing outside is very beautiful, with long legs and fluttering hair, but he is a famous brand.

   This woman is more charming and charming than when he was in college a few years ago, and her temperament is definitely good.

After all,    is the daughter of a billionaire. Those who want money and have money have already cultivated their temperament.

   "It was quite unexpected, that... I'm waiting for someone, will you come back tomorrow?"

   Chen Yang directly refused. This girl deliberately approached her back then, so she didn't have any good impressions of her.

   "Waiting for someone? My dad can't come, so I came over to talk to you."

   said, the woman pushed open the door and walked in.

   Chen Yang is annoyed, this is not a good thing to disturb Laozi.

   But since this woman is here, you can get the money first.

   "Did you bring the money?"

   Chen Yang asked while walking inside.

   "I have to look at the picture first." Li Xuechun said lightly.


   Chen Yang stopped immediately, and walked to the door again to open the door and said, "I have talked with Li Tianxiang, one hand for the money and one hand for the picture. You can't look at the picture first."

   "Then what if you use fake pictures to lie to us?"

   Li Xuechun walked onto the sofa and sat down at this time, without intending to leave.

   "It was Chen Yuantu who stayed anyway. I don't know if it is true or not."

   Chen Yang said impatiently: "If you don't have money, please leave. I forgive me for not accompanying me."

   "Excuse me, are you Mr. Chen?"

   Just when Chen Yangmen was talking to Li Xuechun inside at the door, a sweet voice sounded.

   Chen Yang turned around, and his eyes lit up, two beauties, really coming, the lobby manager is so interesting.

   "I am, I am, you guys wait a moment, Li Xuechun, are you going to leave?" Chen Yang turned around and asked anxiously.

   Li Xuechun's face is dark at this time, Chen Yang is looking for another woman in front of her?

   "I'm here to discuss business with you, please pay attention to your image, and you, leave immediately."

   "Li Xuechun what do you mean? This is a suite opened by Lao Tzu. I don't want to talk about business tonight, so get out."

   Chen Yang was so angry that he even took a special bath, and two Yingying Yanyan were in front of him. Is this Li Xuechun going to spoil her good deeds?

   The two beauties are a little bit off, what's the situation? The woman inside wants to discuss business with Boss Chen, Boss Chen still doesn't want to talk, and they seem to have come early?

   Isn't it a good nine o'clock? It's nine o'clock already.

   Li Xuechun was also irritated by Chen Yang. Chen Yang, who had not dared to breathe in front of her before, had changed so much that he dared to yell at her, and blatantly wanted to do bad things?

  "My family opened the hotel. My dad also opened this suite for you, right?"

   Li Xuechun stood up and walked to the door at this time, frowned slightly, looked at the two women and said: "I am the general manager of Longhui Group, please leave immediately."

"sorry Sorry."

   The two women said sorry again and again, then turned around and left.

   They heard that the general manager of Longhui Hotel is a woman, but they didn't expect this woman to be, so how dare they offend?

   "Don't go..."

   Chen Yang stretched out his hand weakly, trying to stop the two beauties, but the two beauties were already on the elevator.

   "You make me look down on me more and more."

   Li Xuechun said coldly: "I didn't expect you to be such a disgusting man!"

"It's a normal physiological need for me. Now you have interrupted Lao Tzu's good deeds. You are given two options. One is the price increase of the transaction, which will cost you ten million yuan. Or you will accompany Lao Tzu tonight and Lao Tzu will give you medicine. Eat it all."

   Chen Yang also gave up. He had no face, so he was shameless and took off the bathrobe directly.

   Li Xuechun never expected Chen Yang to have this kind of operation, never expected that Chen Yang was not only disgusting, but also turned into a stinky rascal.

   "You... put it on soon, or I will call the police."

   Turned his head coldly, Li Xuechun's face was so angry, she also took out her mobile phone to prepare for the alarm.

Chen Yang saw that Li Xuechun was not joking, and even after pressing down the three numbers one, one and one, he immediately put on his bathrobe, and walked to the sand to sit down and said, "Talk about business, where's the money." ?"


   Li Xuechun disgusted.

   "Have you ever finished?"

  Chen Yang is also very hot. After I walked through, I wanted to experience life, but now he was confused by this crazy woman without even experiencing it, so he was also angry.

"Evil or nausea has nothing to do with you. It was the same back then... I was blind. To be honest, if you don't have a good father, you are not as good as those two. What are you doing here with me? Three? Hurry up, do you have any money? I will check out now. You will never want to find a map for the rest of your life."

   "Ten million is in the security room downstairs, give me the picture, you go downstairs and get the money to get rid of, don't let me see you again." Li Xuechun said coldly.

   "Okay, wait a minute."

   Chen Yang picked up the phone and dialed Han Jun: "Withdraw money from the security room of Longhui Hotel, then go to the afternoon room." After speaking, he hung up the phone.

   "Now, please go out. I want to change my clothes. I will give you the picture when I make sure that Han Jun has got the money." Chen Yang said blankly.

   Li Xuechun got up and walked out, because Chen Yang didn't care whether she was there or not, so he changed clothes.

   As soon as Li Xuechun went out, Chen Yang immediately ran to the window and said, "Old Ba, follow Han Jun at the door of the hotel, not to be lost." He was afraid that Han Jun would hack his 11 million.

   At the same time, he quickly got dressed, Xiao Yin and Jerry were put in his pockets again, and then he led Dubin out of the presidential suite.

   "Aren't you blind? You are not blind."

   Seeing Chen Yang leading a **** dog out, Li Xuechun leaned against the wall with some fear, but still couldn't help but ridicule Chen Yang.

   Chen Yang didn't talk to her, and went straight to the elevator.

   Li Xuechun immediately followed.

   Soon, the two reached the first floor.

  While Han Jun and Qiu Bing had already come first, the two hadn't gone far, they had been squatting nearby, and had not even returned to the hotel, so they came by express.

In the security room, six or seven security guards are guarding two large travel bags. Each travel bag is full of 11 million in cash. Even if one bundle is one hundred and ten bundles, , Looks very heavy.

   Han Jun and Qiu Bing are counting the numbers, their hands are shaking.

   Seeing Chen Yang and Li Xuechun coming in, they just nodded and then continued to count.

   After a while, the one hundred and ten bundles were After the two big bags were filled up again, the two carried the bags on their bodies.

   "Is it all right?"

   Li Xuechun said at this time.

   "Here you are, this is it."

   Chen Yang handed over a book with the brown paper in it.

   Li Xuechun opened the kraft paper immediately after receiving the book.

   But at this time, Chen Yang turned around and walked out. Han Jun and Qiu Bing walked faster because the picture was fake and they were guilty.


   At this moment, Li Xuechun called out suddenly.

   Chen Yang and Han Jun Qiu Bing stopped subconsciously, but the three of them did not look back.

   "Chen Yang, if it is fake, you will bear the consequences!"

   In fact, Li Xuechun, a charming girl, did not see the true or false. The paper is old, and the pictures are indeed hand-painted, so she can't tell whether it is true or false!

   But what I should say must be that if Chen Yang really lied to her, the consequences would be unimaginable.

   "It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. Don't look for Laozi." Chen Yang said and left quickly.

   At the same time, the system interface in his mind also changed.

   Wealth value: 9,095,000

   Qi and blood: 1 (Niu Power)

  Mentality: 7

  Mall: (Exchange)

   Skills: animal language, level 2 electricity

The wealth value directly increased by 9 million. Although it was 11 million, he had promised to give Han Jun and Qiu Bing one million, plus the extra one million he also gave Han Jun and Qiu Bing. Yes, so the system is directly excluded.

   "Well, the mall has skills to redeem again."

   Chen Yang eagerly opened the mall interface.


  PS: Another ten thousand words, the third one, thank you all.

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