What are you kidding, Jiang Xingci won't be good at singing?

There are only a few old-fashioned songs in the entire entertainment circle in Huaxia, Jiang Xingci can teach these listeners to be human beings in minutes by taking a few classics on the earth, if it weren't for the fear that Liu Shishi would not be able to hold up the field, Jiang Xingci would not have made so much effort to practice his guitar at all.

In addition to those classic music masterpieces on the earth, Jiang Xingci also has a voice proficient in vocal music, which can transform various voices.

Despite this, those viewers didn't know that most of them were dumbfounded.


Pan Rusong and his wife both laughed, and Pan Jun said expectantly: "I didn't expect Detective Jiang to do this, it's really fake, I feel more and more that the talent between people is huge."

Pan Rusong's wife said angrily: "Just your bear appearance, how can you compare with Xingci?

"Okay, okay, Pan Jun has his own plans for that. Pan Rusong glanced at Pan Jun, and said with a cold snort: "It would be nice if our son was Jiang Xingci, so that we don't have to worry about it."

Pan Jun almost vomited blood on the spot, but he still had to smile and applaud unhurriedly.

Most of the audience was wondering if Jiang Xingci could sing, but superstar Lu Dehua noticed that Jiang Xingci's posture holding the guitar was very professional, although Jiang Xingci and the guitar were both one size smaller, but it still did not affect the music.

is also a superstar, but Student Zhang shook his head and said: "In recent years, where is there originality, the wind of plagiarism has prevailed, and it is estimated that Jiang Xingci is also a temporary intention to play casually."

"No, no, no, I think he might surprise us, after all, I'm a big fan of him, he's a legend!" Lu Dehua didn't hesitate to praise himself.

Xiao Jingxuan in the corner clasped his hands in front of his chest, his eyes were cold, and said, "Since you killed yourself, then don't blame me."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Jingxuan couldn't wait to instruct the music director beside him: "Wait a minute, record his music, you must find out the evidence of his plagiarism, I will completely ban him, even if there is a certain paragraph that is more similar, it is enough." "

Got it. "The music director is very skilled at doing this kind of thing.

Jiang Xingci, who was sitting in the center of the stage, finally moved, coughed lightly, cleared his throat, and called into the microphone twice, looking extremely unprofessional.

Most singers open their voices before singing, so that they can sing with high quality.

Seeing Jiang Xingci such a layman's scene, the audience couldn't bear to look at it directly, some even covered their ears, and some good deeds began to record videos.

"Because I created it on the fly, the band couldn't work with it, so I had to play and sing on a simple guitar. Jiang Xingci explained, straightened his sitting posture, and said loudly: "The first song, dedicated to the former self, is called "Once You"!"

A skillful guitar solo made the entire Wuchao Gymnasium completely quiet.

Every note is so pleasant, the rhythm is layered, and it makes people feel happy.

"I once dreamed of going to the end of the world with a sword and taking a look at the prosperity of the world~~"

As soon as Jiang Xingci spoke, the sound of vicissitudes instantly made many people float into the clouds, and everyone instantly substituted the situation in the song, remembering their dreams when they were children.

"The young heart is always a little frivolous, and now you are home all over the world~~" The young heart is always a little frivolous

, but time has passed, and everyone has been smoothed out by the reality of society.

"The girl who once made you feel distressed is now quietly gone

~~" "Love always makes you eager and troubled, and it has made you bruised all over your body~~"

These two sentences make everyone recall their first love, a wonderful feeling of paradox, always thinking of secretly looking at her more, and always fantasizing about a happy ending with her.

That haunting dreamer, are you doing with him now?

I thought that this song would enter a sad love song here, but who knew that Jiang Xingci's voice turned and became melodious.


" "Didida~~"

The melodious singing voice came out of Jiang Xingci's mouth, and there was a magical taste, and the aftermath lingered in the Wuchao Gymnasium.

Everyone should have a sense of freedom and uninhibitedness, and all the sorrows and memories are gone.


" "Didi~~"

When it was the second time, almost everyone would sing this sentence, and tens of thousands of people sang loudly, and their voices were surprisingly consistent.

At the end of the song, Jiang Xingci held down the guitar, and the venue instantly fell silent.

Bursts of applause rang out, which was the greatest affirmation of Jiang Xingci.

It can be said that Jiang Xingci's performance is not like a child at all, and almost everyone knows that Jiang Xingci is just a nine-year-old child.

Jiang Xingci is not only a magical young detective, but now he has another identity, that is, a magical new star in the music industry.

This nine-year-old?

With this original ability, just this guitar playing, many people recall from the song, and they can't wait to rebuild themselves.

Pan Rusong slapped Pan Jun on the head and said angrily: "Look at you like this, look at Jiang Xingci again, next time I participate in Jiang Xingci's concert, I will definitely not be with you, lest people say that we look like father and son." "

Mom, look at my dad......" Pan Jun grabbed Pan Rusong's wife's arm aggrievedly.

Pan Rusong's wife pushed Pan Jun away, looked at Jiang Xingci with admiration, and only said five words: "Your father is right!" The

criminal investigators in that part of the Criminal Investigation Bureau were stunned, one by one, they had basically seen Jiang Xingci, but this was the first time they had seen Jiang Xingci like this.

Gu Kai waved his hands and muttered to himself: "Didi~~

" "Wucao!Jiang Xingci, you are so handsome!" Chen Ya couldn't help but purse her lips, saliva was about to flow down, and said, "I really want to hug and kiss

!" "Deputy captain, be reserved, pay attention to reserve!" A group of criminal investigators were extremely happy, and they had never been so happy.

The professors of Huaxia Criminal Investigation University couldn't hold their breath.

Professor Han Jianyu commented: "This song can be listened to by our students, one day, the end of the world, work hard for their dreams, how beautiful

!" "Yes!" Cao Liqun said with emotion: "It's a pity that we are no longer young and don't have that opportunity."

"Words can't describe it, I felt the power of music for the first time!" Li Qingyu's eyes flickered.

Zhuo Cheng excitedly shook Professor Han Jianyu's hand and said, "Old Han, thank you for the ticket you gave me, I will cover your meal for a month from now on!"

Tianwang superstar Lu Dehua and Student Zhang left their seats one after another, and asked the staff on the sidelines: "We want to sing this song with Jiang Xingci, can I ask?"

I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang Xingci wants to sing the next song, there is no other arrangement for the time being, and he has arranged it in advance, so as not to let anyone disturb him!"

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