Everyone thought to themselves, "He's here!"

However, when they saw that it was only a young man coming out, they couldn't help but start to relax. Such a young age was not something they should be afraid of.

Everyone seemed to have forgotten the shocking scene from a moment ago. When they confirmed that there was no one else around, they started to laugh contemptuously.

"Kid, why are you out so late? Do you want to drink milk with your mother? " A San was the first one to start a joke with Chang Jing.

Without waiting for him to finish, everyone started to discuss at once. The content was only to make fun of Chang Jing and explain to themselves what they had just done — — "Overkill"!

Chang Jing still stood there smiling, she did not feel uncomfortable at all about the awkward situation. What I've just experienced with myself

His memories allowed him to see through a lot of life.

"Everyone, welcome from afar. Ara's messenger, Chang Jingye, has been waiting patiently. " Chang Jing said in all seriousness.

When Chang Jing said this, no matter how stupid they were, they knew that their identities had already been revealed. The more reckless of them were already reciting the incantation in secret.

The boss was worthy of being the boss. Although it was only a small youth, his expression did not relax at all. Amongst the group, only he managed to remain calm.

"Hello!" The boss forced a smile and replied, but his eyes were fixated on Chang Jing's mouth – a mouth that could emit "Zirconium". He did not forget the scene where he had almost brought his entire group back home.

He was waiting for an opportunity. Waiting for a chance to kill. Because he knew, in this world, the only people that could keep this secret were the dead, and if Chang Jing did not die today, then the dead would be her brothers — — dying under Chang Jing's hands or under Emperor Mesi's hands.

"If I remember correctly, Ara does not have the position of welcoming envoy, right?" The boss asked, although he had felt Chang Jing's strength, but making him accept a country like the Ara with such a young official was not easy, not to mention that this official position was originally something Chang Jing had guessed from the start.

"It's such a cold night, it feels good to be out for a walk!" Chang Jing did not answer the question, but sighed emotionally at the sea.

"The night wind by the sea is really refreshing!" The boss followed up Chang Jing's words with a few words. Zhang Kai carried the night sky with both of his hands and took a deep breath. After all, Chang Jing was young, and didn't notice his boss's expression in the slightest. What he didn't notice was that his boss gave his men several looks as he took deep breaths.

"Mm, this environment is really suitable for military activities." Chang Jing changed the topic, "May I ask which general big brother is subordinate?"

"Definitely kill!" The boss suddenly shouted.

Instantly, a group of people surrounded Chang Jing.

"Magician's greatest taboo is close range attacks. Without the time to cast spells, I don't believe that the thirty of us won't be able to kill you!" The boss thought to himself. Although this was what he thought, he didn't slow down in the slightest. Right at this moment, the group of people started to attack.

A San's blade was the first to cut down on Chang Jing, following that, the blade and sword became like rain that 'sprinkled' towards Chang Jing.

Everyone began to feel relieved and to smile. Because the people who threatened their lives had already died under their sword.

"Well done!" Just as the boss finished speaking, he suddenly stopped, because the 'Chang Jing' that was slashed by them just now had spread out.

Yes, it had dispersed. The afterimage shattered, yet his real body was behind everyone.

"Everyone, do you want to move your muscles and bones?" Chang Jing's voice came out from the darkness once again.

The moment they heard Chang Jing's voice, everyone's faces turned ashen.

"Mirage of divine light, could it be that the young man in front of me has already reached the highest level of Ara's martial arts?" They all had the same thought.

Before coming to the Ara, the organization had taught them a lesson about the local customs and practices in the Ara, one of which was "Mirage of Divine Light, one of the top martial arts in the Aragorn". When used, afterimage would appear to disturb the enemy's line of sight, and the number of afterimage would depend on the individual's ability, the more afterimage, the deeper the skill. According to reliable intelligence, the person with the highest cultivation in the Ara can continuously send out nine afterimages. "

The Chang Jing in front of them was clearly an extreme expert!

(Actually, Chang Jing was only using the self-created spell, mirage.)

His boss was not willing to give up, and soared towards Chang Jing. This attack had to succeed!

However, his performance only made Chang Jing's image become even greater, because when he was less than 5 cm away from Chang Jing, Chang Jing's image appeared again.

This time, there were a total of ten afterimages!

"Senior, have mercy!" Everyone suddenly kneeled to the ground. Even someone as strong as the boss also knelt down.

They suddenly remembered that the tutorial had mentioned that there was a martial arts technique in Ara that could make people age again! They clearly thought that the person in front of them was definitely a top-notch expert. If they were to fight against such a person, the only outcome would be death.

Chang Jing herself naturally did not understand what was going on, he could not imagine how such a powerful "Zirconium" could not dishearten this group of people, but it was actually her "mirage" that caused them to be so afraid.

But whatever the reason, this was what he had wanted.

A weapon that could defeat anyone without fighting!

"Get up and speak." Chang Jing said haughtily, her voice unspeakably indifferent.

"Senior, I don't dare." Everyone said in unison.

"Mn," Chang Jing stroked his beard with her hands — — But when he realized that there was no beard on her face, she couldn't help but blush, "Did you see through it?"

But this was not seen by the group, whose faces were all lowered to the ground.

"Senior, I apologize for the rudeness just now."

"Humph!" Chang Jing's acting skills were top-notch, "Impudent? Go back and tell your master that there are a plethora of talented people in the Ara.

After Chang Jing finished speaking, she used the mirage and left, leaving the group of trembling people to kneel down foolishly by the ocean.

Chang Jing, who had tricked her spy, immediately headed towards her own home. She knew that after this incident, these people would not dare to stay on the island, and the only thing they could do was return home to report back.

And the truth was as Chang Jing had predicted, they waited for Chang Jing to leave and immediately went back to Mace to report everything they had met to Duke Zhu Mu, and at the same time, they did not forget to add fuel to the fire so that they could be cleared of their identity.

Chang Jing did not expect that this unintentional act of her would directly cause Mace to slow down the pace of his invasion of the Ara by several years.

At this time, Chang Jing had already reached her own house.

Before he entered, he noticed something amiss — the door was unlocked!

"Could it be a thief?" Chang Jing muttered to herself, he started to be cautious, and gently pushed open the door. Sure enough, there was movement inside. He could faintly hear the conversation between the two people in the inner room.

"This is really fun!" A female voice said in a suppressed voice, "We can still go after a few days. It's so enjoyable!"

"Shh, I told you not to say anymore, but you still said it. Be careful not to get overheard, that would be terrible!" The male voice also suppressed his voice. It seemed that he was quite experienced in being a thief.

"Understood, husband!"

"Could it be a female thief?" Chang Jing was a little afraid, although his current strength was not ordinary, it was still limited to competitions, so she had not really tried it out yet, and even if she had tried it just now, it was mostly due to deceit.

Just as Chang Jing was hesitating on whether or not she should appear, the sound of things being moved came from inside. This time, Chang Jing had no other choice, if she did not enter her own home, she would get emptied out.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and jump into the hole.

"Don't move, you all … Mom and Dad? " Chang Jing was dumbstruck, the two people inside were his parents.

Chang Jing's parents were also shocked, only to see his mother holding up a table with one hand, stunned on the spot.

"You … When did you get back? " she asked in alarm.

"You'd better put the table down first." Chang Jing looked at her usually weak mother who was actually holding a table with one hand. She was not used to it at all.

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