Chang Jing finally understood the reason why the Headmaster sent the chattering Vice Headmaster.

"Eight hundred thousand?!" Chang Jing almost jumped up, "Please, a small stage worth eight hundred thousand, do you think it's made of gold?"

Astor waved his injured hands as well. "Let's rob!"

The vice principal put away his smile and took out a small notebook.

"This is not an ordinary stage. First of all, it's a hard rock imported from the Duchy of Meuse. You should all have heard of it. It's a treasure of our Demon God Continent …"

Chang Jing knew that he was about to say "It's the end of the day, my saliva is flowing into the sea", so she directly interrupted him.

"No, not even eight hundred thousand! At most, three hundred thousand!"

"Hehe, I've reached the crux!" Magic buff, do you know? " The Vice Principal took out a handkerchief that was covered in sweat and leisurely wiped his glasses. "Making Magician perform magic on such a large stage is a huge project. It needs …"

Chang Jing and Alistair couldn't say anything. All they could do was look at each other and smile bitterly when they met such an old man.

Three days later, Chang Jing and Alistair finally recovered from their injuries under the help of "Flexible Aqua". As for the recovery of their magic power, they weren't so lucky, they only recovered about 60% of their original strength — — The weakness of "Flexible Water" was that it could only treat wounds but not its "Strength"!

"Where are you going now?" On the way back from the treatment room, Chang Jing asked Osiris.

"I want to go home," Austin looked to the sky and stretched out his hand towards the west, "My home is in that direction, on the west side of the The Fiendgod continent."

"You don't want to learn martial arts anymore?" Chang Jing remembered that when she asked Astor about it, he said that the Ara was going to learn martial arts.

Oster sighed and said, "There may be a lot of people who know martial arts in Ara, but there are even more who use martial arts. I have been in the Ara for so long, but I still have not been able to find a master that can convince me. "

"Martial arts, martial arts?" Chang Jing was a little curious, could it be that there was even martial arts in the Ara?

"Don't you know?" Astor thought for a moment, then said, "Yes, it's normal that you don't know. In the current Ara, there are very few people who know your country's quintessence 'martial arts'! "

"Do you know?" Although Chang Jing could vaguely guess the location of the martial arts from the < Art of Warlord > manual, she couldn't help but feel a little unconvinced when she heard the foreigner's words. How could a foreigner know his own country better than he, a true citizen of Ara?

"I also happened to read about it from my father's book. It detailed the geography, customs, and military strength of the Ara … There is a detailed description of the Ara's martial arts in the book. " "Martial arts originated from an ancient eastern country in the ancient times. At that time, the uncivilized people lived by hunting, and gradually, fighting skills appeared in the process of fighting against nature. This is the most primitive martial arts."

Chang Jing was still a little confused after hearing Aster's introduction, so she asked, "Right now, martial skills are also focused on fighting techniques, so why did you deliberately separate them from martial arts?"

"I was just talking about the origin of martial arts," Astor paused, then continued, "With the development of society, mankind has also entered the age of civilization, and war has become the theme of society. Thus, martial arts were no longer the 'tool' for hunting, but the technique of war. At that time, martial arts valued the formation technique of marching and fighting, which was also the coordination technique of soldiers. "

"After the long war, society gradually came to peace. The peaceful society has brought limitless opportunities for academic development, which has led to the emergence of hundreds of competing phenomena. Among them, a master of martial arts who also possesses Taoism has created a concept of training the body's physical ability based on luck and will to fight the enemy — from then on, martial arts has truly stepped onto the stage of history. "

"But the development of martial arts has gradually declined, and has instead regressed back to the level of fighting skills from ancient times," Astor said regretfully. "This is the result of those martial arts masters guarding in seclusion."

Chang Jing was like a thirsty student as she quietly listened to Ozzie's explanation. After Ozzie finished speaking, he asked with a tone of doubt.

"Do martial arts have the concept of 'acupoints'?"

"Yes, how do you know? "Acupoints only appear during the peak of martial arts!" Astrid looked at Chang Jing in surprise and thought to herself in her heart, "So he knew this from the beginning. She only listened to me attentively to respect me just now!"

Chang Jing took out the《 Art of Warlord》 that Yi Chen had given him from the space bag and handed it over to Aster, "There are records on this book."

Ao Te had long gotten used to Chang Jing's familiarity with various types of magic, but when he saw Chang Jing take out a book out of thin air, he was shocked. "Could this be the Spatial Magic?"

Ao Te took the book from Chang Jing and opened it.

"What kind of text is this? I can't recognize a single word."

"Hehe, I forgot that you can't understand these words." Chang Jing scratched her head and laughed dryly, "This is like a book of Secret Scriptures s, it records a kind of martial arts."

"Secret Scriptures?" Aster suddenly laughed out loud. He took out a few books from his backpack and said, "Look, these are all 'Secret Scriptures'."

"This is the 'Tathagata Divine Palm', this is the 'Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms'," Aster giggled as he showed the books to Chang Jing, "There is another even more powerful one, the 'Unparalleled Yuan Yang Legs'!"

Chang Jing was stunned, he never thought that the person in front of him would have so many good things on him.

"Where did you find that? So many?"

"You can have it now!" "All lies!"

"Fake?" Chang Jing was shocked, he had never seen a fake before.

"Yeah, I originally brought enough money with me to the Ara, but who would have thought that most of it would be spent on buying these fake goods!"

Hearing Oz's words, Chang Jing couldn't help but to have doubts towards the < Art of Warlord > in her hands, but she quickly understood.

"After all, this is a gift from the Big Brother Yi Chen.

"I'll give you the money!" Chang Jing took out the remaining $100,000 prize, "Since we're going home, we don't have any money, but speaking of this, the Cross Lake School of Magic is really too unlucky, they took $800,000 from us in an instant!"

Aster waved his hand in panic, "No, how can we do that! I still have over a hundred thousand on me, it should be enough to pay for my journey home. "

Chang Jing forced the money into Oster's hands, "Didn't you say you treated me as your brother? Is there a need to quibble about these matters between brothers? "

After hearing what Chang Jing said, Ao Te Te kept the money that Chang Jing had given him and patted his shoulder heavily.

Chang Jing also clapped her hand on Oster's shoulder.

Sometimes, there was really no need to say too much. If you talked too much, it would seem fake.

"Then, I'll leave first. If fate wills it, we can still meet again."

After a long while, Aster said reluctantly.

"Take care!" Chang Jing did not plan to send her off again. Since they were going to separate, sending her away made things even more difficult. Even though they hadn't known each other for much longer, they, who had struggled back from the border of life and death together, had already formed a deep friendship, a brotherhood that surpassed that of blood ties!

"Take care!" Chang Jing whispered again as she watched Ao Te's figure slowly grow further and further away.

"Chang Jingye!" A sweet shout came from behind him.

Chang Jing turned to see that the person was Qing He. Purple!

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