The Revelation of Gods and Devils

C64 Blessed By Misfortune

Chang Jing who was about to get off of the carriage also started chanting, "Supreme fire spirit, please bestow your servant's power — — small fireball!"

"Oh, supreme Water Elf, please grant me your slave's power — — glacial blade!"

"Oh supreme Earth Elf, please grant your servant power — — Dragon Trapping Curse!"

Chang Jing's incantation was more than twice as fast as Xue Ge's, the beginner's chant. In an instant, the small fireball and glacial blade flew non-stop in the sky.

However, this still did not stop the robbers from advancing. After all, the power of the Primary Magic was limited, let alone the current Chang Jing and Xue Ge, who were extremely close to a bandit!

As Chang Jing attacked the enemy, she also had to protect Xue Ge who was behind him from the consequences.

They were quickly torn apart by the encirclement.

Chang Jing dodged to the left and right while casting her magic, her sword flashes and her fireball's ice blades rose and fell one after another. Chang Jing who was busy taking care of himself, started to look for Xue Ge in the crowd, although she was not careful enough, she was still unable to dodge the blade aimed at his left hand.

Chang Jing felt a wave of pain. But he couldn't give up just because of this. There was still someone else waiting for him.

"Ah …" Chang Jing looked towards the scream and saw that Xue Ge's chest was bleeding.

"Oh supreme fire spirit, please bestow your servant's power — — small fireball!" Chang Jing's small fireball flew towards the person who pierced Xue Ge just now. But it was already too late, Xue Ge who was lying on the ground would not get up because of this.

"Supreme Wind Fairy, please bestow your servant's power — — suspension!" Only now did Chang Jing remember the suspension, so he quickly flew towards Xue Ge.

The current Chang Jing had already lost all rationality, all she thought in her heart was to fly to Xue Ge's side and protect her. He completely did not expect that against Xue Ge who was lying on the ground, the robbers would not be able to make a move.

The irrational Chang Jing had charged into the encirclement that originally belonged to Xue Ge, and forcefully delivered herself onto the enemy's blade! The frail Chang Jing fainted.

After an unknown period of time, Chang Jing was woken up by the sound of someone crying.

He looked around and saw that he was lying in a makeshift tent full of wounded.

He looked at his own body again and realized that he wasn't hurt much. There was only bone-piercing pain in his left hand, but it was already bandaged.

"Could it be that reinforcements have arrived?" Chang Jing thought.

He had just woken up when he heard Grandpa Xue Ge's sorrowful voice come over from outside the tent.

"Xue Ge!" Chang Jing suddenly thought of Xue Ge, and quickly ran out of the tent without caring about the injuries on her hands or the doubts in her heart.

After entering Xue Ge's grandfather's tent, Chang Jing realized that the tent that she was lying in just now was only for the lightly injured to stay in. This was because the injuries of the people lying here were obviously much heavier than the people lying at the other side, and many of them were already at their last gasp.

Chang Jing walked over to where the pale-faced Xue Ge was lying. What he was concerned about now was Xue Ge's life and death.

"Grandpa, she …" He could not finish his words.

"Probably not …" The old man's aged face looked even older now. "Earlier, I tried to inject zhenqi into her in hopes of saving her, but …" The old man's voice began to whimper.

"Why is it like this? Why is the heavens being so cruel to her!" He had given birth to her, but he had let her parents die so early; he had let her come back from the slaughter. Why did he let his heart go ill; and now he was going to cruelly let her die at such a young age? "Why, what the hell is this, God of Thieves!"

Although Chang Jing did not know what this "true qi" was, he knew that it was most likely a life-saving item.

Right now, he didn't dare to ask too many questions. The only thing he wanted to do was to save this little sister who was still alive a moment ago.

Chang Jing suddenly remembered that the Water teacher had once taught him a healing magic, and she had even been exceptionally happy about it. At this time, he did not care if it was useful or not, and with the mindset of not caring about everything else, he peeled off Xue Ge's clothes and started to chant that string of incantation.

"The holy Water Sprite of Heaven and Earth, possessing the maternal aura of benevolence …" I beg you to save this person in front of me, to use your benevolence to save him! — As gentle as water! "

A white light slowly shot out from Chang Jing's right hand towards the heart in Xue Ge's chest. This was because he was in a hurry to save the white light, it was much thicker than the first time she had used it in Faculty of Magic.

A miracle happened, the wound on Xue Ge's heart started to slowly heal.

The white light in the tent became stronger and stronger, spreading out in all directions. The moans in the tent also slowly died down.

Xue Ge's face flushed red, his tightly closed lips revealed a sweet smile.

Chang Jing had not expected that "Flexibility" would actually have such a great power, to actually be able to treat such serious injuries!

The old man, who was immersed in his grief, was even more surprised. He noticed that the injured people in the entire tent were no longer in pain, because the moaning sounds were completely gone.

The people in the tent who were not unconscious looked at the source of the white light in surprise — — Magic Genius, Chang Jingye.

As she had used too much magic, Chang Jing felt dizzy. Seeing that Xue Ge's injuries were more or less healed, she withdrew her magic.

Seeing that the white light had stopped, the old man at the side immediately extended his hand to put on Xue Ge's clothes, and placed his finger on Xue Ge's pulse.

Sure enough, the weak pulse was now no different from a healthy person's.

"Healthy? "That's right!" The old man happily answered his own question, "Haha …" Not only is my Xue Ge fine, he's also healthy! His congenital heart disease is also gone! "

Hearing this, Chang Jing was also extremely happy. This was the first time he had saved someone, and she had succeeded beyond imagination. How could he not be happy?! Although Xue Ge was still young, she had already matured quite a bit. When she thought about how Xue Ge exposed her breasts to the public, Chang Jing blushed, feeling ashamed of herself. Without disturbing the excited old man and the people inside the tent, he quietly slipped out of the tent and headed outside. The magic from before had made him feel a little exhausted, and now he was extremely tired.

Walking out of the tent, Chang Jing sat down on the cool grass by the side of the road. In his boredom, he began to ponder about the fight. He didn't know who had saved everyone. This was because he didn't see anyone else. The people here were all people that had been in the convoy since the start of the journey.

But that wasn't important. After all, everyone had been saved. What he was thinking right now was, maybe what the old man at the principal said was true. It was such a pity that the Spatial Magic could only be used to store things inside the space bag, it should have a better use — For example, the teleportation. Chang Jing thought that if she could use Spatial Magic s, then Xue Ge wouldn't be injured anymore.

He started to have plans to research the teleportation …

Suddenly, a hand rested onto Chang Jing's shoulder. Chang Jing turned around and saw that it was Xue Ge's grandfather.

"Old grandpa, is Xue Ge alright?" Chang Jing asked in concern.

Thank you, Young Master Xiao Ye, she's fine now. With that, the old man knelt in front of Chang Jing, he would not be able to repay the kindness shown to him.

Chang Jing panicked, and immediately reached out to grab the old man's hands, but the old man's hands released a burst of force that almost made Chang Jing fall to the ground.

Without any other choice, Chang Jing could only receive three kowtows with a "trembling heart".

After three kowtows, the old man sat down on the grass.

"You must be wondering why all the bandits ran away?" This was what Chang Jing wanted to know so she listened intently.

"Let me tell you a story first." The old grandpa slowly explained …

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