With excitement, Chang Jing tried a few more times on the training field's "as gentle as water", and only when she was completely at her wit's end did she finally be unwilling to eat dinner.

On the way back to her room, Chang Jing suddenly missed Ka Buyi a lot, "This damned girl!"

But these few days it was all thanks to her, otherwise Chang Jing would have definitely been crushed to death by the pressure. He remembered a story she had told him the other day.

At that time, because of how it was with regards to magic, Chang Jing was extremely depressed. Seeing the sorrowful Chang Jing, Ka Buyi turned serious for once.

"What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood? " Ka Buyi's voice was abnormally gentle.

"Hur hur, it's fine." Chang Jing used her laughter to cover herself.

"You're still lying to me!" Ka Buyi had already guessed it long ago, "Let me tell you a story, I like telling stories the most!"

"No!" Chang Jing did not want the already tormented him to suffer another blow — especially the blow where she herself had to watch her own joke.

"Hmph, even if you don't want to listen, I still have to say it!" Ka Buyi did not care what Chang Jing thought.

"In the Duchy of Meuse a long time ago, there was a little boy. The little boy learned to play with many of his classmates and lived a carefree life. But one day, something happened. "

"The little boy discovered that his grades are very bad. Compared to his table that always gets the first place, it's like the difference between heaven and earth — he can only get to around thirty in the class. Thus, the time for the boy to play with his classmates gradually decreased. The time for him to study at his table gradually increased … "

"It's another exam. The little boy's score finally got a little better. However, compared to the other table mates who came over from play and play, his score is still very poor. He couldn't figure it out, so he asked his mother. "

"The child's mother could not bear to tell her child that there was a difference in intelligence between the world and the world and that it would hurt the child's heart. But she didn't want to deceive her child with other mothers' lies, such as not being diligent enough, so he avoided the question and just said, 'Child, don't care how much worse you are than others. Just know how much you've learned.'

Chang Jing was unconsciously fascinated, "What happened next? What happened to the little boy? "

"After that, the little boy learned even more. He evaded all his friends who invited him to play with them, always sitting alone at the table and studying hard. Days passed, and the little boy's grades increased by quite a bit, but the first place for him was still a distant dream …

"The little boy's mood became increasingly depressed, and his grades gradually declined. The little boy did not dare to ask his mother why this was, because he knew that he would never get the answer he wanted from his mother. "

"Is that little boy going to continue like this forever? In the end …" Chang Jing suddenly felt that the little boy was him. Although his previous results were very good, but that only increased his worries and he became even more depressed.

"Stop being so noisy!" When Ka Buyi told a story, he did not like being disturbed by others. After pausing for a moment, he continued to tell the story with a voice filled with emotion.

"Just like that, after a few years, the little boy graduated from primary school with neither good nor bad results. The little boy's mother understood that he did not put less effort, or even more, into students with average grades. She doesn't blame her child, because he's done his best. "

"That summer, the mother took the little boy to the beach to have fun for her child. Something changed the little boy's life at the seaside …"

"A few years later, there was an alumni meeting at the boy's alma mater. The school invited a little boy who had just received the title of Magister — no, he was now a big boy. Ask him to introduce advanced learning experience. "

"The little boy, standing on the platform, told the story of what happened at the seaside all those years ago." At that time, many seabirds were fighting for their shells by the sea. Suddenly, a wave crashed down, and the seabirds began to flee for their lives. Those tiny sparrows had easily escaped the waves. But those seagulls could only clumsily struggle in the waves, and only by hitting them would they be able to escape the claws of the waves. "

"The little boy looked around, and in front of the audience he saw his mother, who had grown old. 'At that time, my mother said something to me — it was the seagulls who were clumsy, and it was they who could really conquer the sea!'" There was warm applause from below. The little boy's mother was already in tears. "

After the story was finished, Ka Buyi said to Chang Jing:

"To those who have met with difficulties in their studies."

"This damned girl!" Chang Jing came back to reality from her memories and unconsciously called her a little ghost girl.

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