The Return of the Condor Heroes

Chapter - 63 Tomb of the Living Dead (11)

Yang Guo said, "Gu Gu, I'll take you out to play, how about that?"

Xiao Longnu said, "Don't say such things! Ancestor Grandma passed down a rule; those who have lived in the Tomb of the Living Dead must not leave Mount Zhongnan one step."

Yang Guo was shocked, and thought, "Peach Blossom Island is an island in the middle of the sea, I went there and was able to leave, how can this large tomb keep me here?" and he asked, "Miss Li Mochou is your apprentice sister, she lived in the Tomb of the Living Dead, how did she leave Mount Zhongnan?

Xiao Longnu said, "She didn't obey my Master, it was my Master who sent her out of the tomb."

Yang Guo was pleased and thought, "If there is such a rule, when I want to leave all I've got to do is disobey you and you will send me out of the tomb." He thought how he mustn't let this slip otherwise his plan wouldn't work.

The two of them talked, just for a moment, Yang Guo forgot all about the cold, but after a while his body started to shiver and shake. he then pleaded with Xiao Longnu, "Gu Gu, spare me please. I don't want to sleep on this bed."

Xiao Longnu said, "When you were fighting with your master in the Quanzhen sect, you didn't say a word about mercy, why are you like this now?"

Yang Guo laughed and said, "Those who ill treat me, even if they beat me I won't say a word. Those who treat me well, I'll be willing to die for them, what's a word of mercy compared to that?"

Xiao Longnu gave a 'humph' and said, "Little rogue, who's going to treat you well?"

Xiao Longnu was brought up by her teacher and Grandma Sun, and for these last eighteen years they were her only company. The two of them treated her well but because her Master wanted her to learn the "Jade Heart Manual" so, ever since she was small, she was told to purge her emotions. When she cried or smiled she would be punished heavily. Grandma Sun was a warm person but she didn't dare to disturb her refinement of the skill, and so Xiao Longnu became a cold, unfeeling, lonely girl. Now Yang Guo came. He was a young hot-blooded, emotional person, and the way he spoke was completely the opposite of Grandma Sun and her Master. Xiao Longnu heard him speak; she was aware that something was strange but she listened to him talking and forgot about their tiredness. When she first agreed to take in Yang Guo, it was at the request of Grandma Sun. Later on when she heard Yang Guo say that she treats him well, she felt that she indeed did treat him well.

Yang Guo heard her tone had no more strictness within it, he said loudly, "Its cold…its cold, Gu Gu, I can't endure it anymore." Indeed he was cold, but it wasn't anything too serious.

Xiao Longnu said, "There's no need to be noisy, I'll tell you about the bed."

Yang Guo was pleased and said, "Great, I won't call out anymore, please tell Gu Gu."

Xiao Longnu said, "I said that there are many fighters who wished that they had the chance to sleep on this bed, that wasn't a lie. The bed is made out of an ancient Chilled Jade; it aids those who practice advanced types of internal energy."

Yang Guo asked, "Isn't it just a stone?"

Xiao Longnu chuckled and said, "You've said that you have seen countless strange and wondrous objects, haven't you ever seen an icy cold piece of rock before? It was Ancestor Grandma who spent seven years of blood and sweat in the extreme cold of the northern plains to dig out the Chilled Jade from under thousands of feet of ice and snow. If you practice your internal energy on this bed, one year is equivalent of ten years of normal practicing."

Yang Guo was surprised and said, "Oh, so it has such benefits."

Xiao Longnu said, "When you first sleep on it, it is extremely cold and hard to endure. Only by circulating your chi to oppose it and slowly getting used to it, you'll be able to practice your internal energy in your sleep. A normal person who practices internal energy, even the most energetic, will have to spend a few hours each day in sleep. You have to be aware that practicing internal energy is opposing the natural flow of things, chi and blood intermix; it is completely different to what happens normally. But each night when you sleep, the chi that is produced in your sleep does not waste the energy you have accumulated in the day, it enhances your internal energy."

Yang Guo understood and said, "If you sleep on ice and snow at night, then you will have the same effect."

Xiao Longnu said, "Not so. Firstly, when you sleep on ice or snow, your body's heat will eventually melt the snow and ice into water; secondly, the Chilled Jade is much colder than ice and snow. When you are refining internal energy, the most important thing to avoid is fire deviation; when you are practicing normally, half of your refined energy clashes with the fire in your heart. The Chilled Jade Bed is the world's most yin and cold object. When sitting on the bed and refining your internal energy, the fire in your heart is cooled and neutralized. That means you will be able to press on further when cultivating your internal energy; how can that not be faster than practicing internal energy normally?"

Yang Guo was delighted, and said, "Gu Gu, you treat me very well, you lend the bed for me to sleep on, that means I won't be scared of the Wu brothers and Guo Fu. Although Zhao Zhijing and the rest of the Taoists have practiced martial arts for so long, I still will be able to catch up with them."

Xiao Longnu calmly said, "One of the decrees that Ancestor Grandma passed down was that once you have lived in the tomb, you must forget your struggles with other people."

Yang Guo quickly said, "Even though they bullied me and killed Grandma Sun, we will just leave it just like that."

Xiao Longnu said, "Everyone will die. Even if Grandma Sun did not die at the hands of Hao Datong, in a few years she would die of old age. Live a few more years or live a few less years, what difference does it make? Don't mention anything about revenge to me again."

Yang Guo felt that, although her words made sense, he could not let go; but he wasn't able to think of a reply to what she said. Then, the coolness of the bed entered his body again, he shook continuously.

Xiao Longnu said, "I'll teach you a method to oppose the coolness of the bed."

She then passed on the formulae and the way to practice internal energy to him; it was their sect's foundation kung fu. Yang Guo practiced according to the instructions. He had only practiced it for a while when he felt the coolness retreating; by the third repetition, his body felt like it was on fire. He didn't feel the bed's coolness, and instead felt that sitting on the bed was extremely comfortable, his eyes closed, and slowly he fell asleep. He slept for half an hour; his hot chi disappeared, and was wakened by the bed's coolness. He then repeated the method again. He spent the night this way, falling asleep and waking up again, but when he suddenly woke up he didn't feel any tiredness. In just a night, his internal energy level increased further.

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