The Return of the Condor Heroes

Chapter - 44 Under Quanzhen Sect (7)

Guo Jing asked, "She is just a young girl, and has never left the tomb, how did she make enemies with all those people?"

Qiu Chuji replied, "The reasons for all this wasn't related to us and originally we didn't care. One day when the evildoers started to descend on Mount Zhongnan, we decided we couldn't just stand by, so we listened for more news, and discovered that Xiao Longnu's apprentice sister Li Mochou started all this business."

Guo Jing said, "Li Mochou?"

Qiu Chuji said, "Yes. Her master had taught her martial arts for a few years and had discovered her character was ill, and so said she had completed her training, and ordered her to leave the mountain. When Li Mochou's master was still alive, although she did evil deeds, she was still slightly worried. But when her teacher died, she used the excuse of paying her respects to enter the Tomb of the Living Dead, and tried to expel her apprentice sister. She knew that she had not learned everything from her master or her sect's founder, and wanted to come to see if there were any kung fu manuals or manuscripts hidden in the tomb. She knew that there were many booby traps in the tomb, and remembered them. She entered through two sets of doors of the tomb, and by the third one she saw a letter left by her teacher. Her teacher had predicted that she would come back, and left this letter for her and part of the letter said: "On a certain year, month, date, it will be your apprentice sister's eighteenth birthday. If you do not stop your evil ways and repent, then your apprentice sister will assume leadership and seek you out and rid the sect of so treacherous a disciple.

Li Mochou was furious, and burst through the third set of doors, and fell into the poisonous trap left by her teacher; if it wasn't for Xiao Longnu curing her poison, she would have died. She knew that it was lethal and so left the tomb. But she had failed, would she let it go? Eventually she came back a few times but each time she suffered. In her last attempt, she actually fought with her apprentice sister. Xiao Longnu was only fifteen or sixteen years of age at that time, but her skills exceeded that of her apprentice sister. If she hadn't let her off, it would not have been a hard task to take her life."

Guo Jing interrupted, "I'm afraid that could be just a rumour of the Jianghu world."

Qiu Chuji asked, "Why?"

Guo Jing replied, "My master hero Ke has fought with Li Mochou twice, and said that her skills had their fine points. Even Reverend Yideng's high disciple Wu Santong lost to her. Xiao Longnu has not even reached twenty yet, even if her skills were higher, it would be hard for her to beat Li Mochou."

Qiu Chuji said, "That piece of news was heard by apprentice brother Wang from a friend of his from the Beggar Clan. Whether Xiao Longnu did or did not defeat her apprentice sister, there wasn't a witness so no one knows apart from them. I only know that this was what people of Jianghu said. Li Mochou was upset and jealous that her teacher was biased, and passed on the higher set of skills to her apprentice sister. So she created a rumour, and said that on a certain year, month and date, the one called Xiao Longnu who lives in the tomb will have a martial arts competition to decide her marriage."

Guo Jing heard about this, he immediately thought about when Yang Kang and Mu Nianci met in Yanjing, and let out a quiet sigh.

Qiu Chuji knew what he was thinking and he too gave a sigh, and said, "She revealed: whoever beats Xiao Longnu, not only will they get to marry her, all the riches and kung fu manuals of the sect will be theirs. The evildoers did not know who Xiao Longnu was, but Li Mochou widely spread the fact that her apprentice sister's beauty exceeded hers. The "Scarlet Serpent Deity" is said to be a very beautiful woman, her beauty is very rare within the world of Wulin, and even women from brothels can't compare with her."

Guo Jing thought, "What is so special about that? My Rong'er exceeds her beauty over one hundred times."

Qiu Chuji continued, "Many evildoers of the Wulin world lusted after Li Mochou. But those who give a prolonged glance, or did not treat her with respect she would immediately punish them. Now they hear she has an apprentice sister whose beauty exceeded hers, and who had publicly announced that she will have a competition to decide her marriage, so they all thought why not and try their luck?"

Guo Jing was startled and said, "So all those people that were here were in search of marriage. Its no wonder the students of the palace called me a perverted scoundrel."

Qiu Chuji said, "I also heard that these people did not even care about the Quanzhen sect. When a large crowd of people descended on Mount Zhongnan, we wanted to intervene and become a needle in their eyes. Apprentice brother Wang and I had received the news, and decided to repel the evildoers. We had gathered all the students of our sect ten days earlier. Apprentice brother Liu and apprentice sister Sun were in Shanxi and couldn't return. We arranged to practice the "Big Dipper Formations" and we also sent a letter to the tomb to invite Xiao Longnu to the palace. The letter was sent, but there was no reply, Xiao Longnu had ignored us."

Guo Jing said, "So she left the tomb."

Qiu Chuji said, "No. From the top of the mountain and looking downwards, you could see smoke coming out from the tomb everyday. Take a look, it's over there." He pointed to the west. Guo Jing followed his finger and looked to the west, but all he could see for ten miles was forest, he did not know where the Tomb of the Living Dead was. He thought about the young eighteen-year-old girl, living in the tomb all the time; if it was Rong'er, she would be bored to death.

Qiu Chuji said, "All our apprentice brothers were set to meet the enemy. Five days ago, the scouts who were sent out came back and discovered who the two most powerful people were from the crowd of evildoers. They had agreed to first meet at the foot of the mountain at the Everywhere Light Temple, and used the smashing of the stone slab as the signal. You inadvertently smashed the stone slab, and frightened people with your strength; it was no wonder my grand disciples made such a commotion.

The two tyrants' names are quite famous; they have entered the central plains this year to shake the world of Wulin. You have resided on Peach Blossom Island so you wouldn't know about the affairs of the outside world. That nobleman is a Mongolian prince, it was said that he is Genghis Khan's close nephew. Other people call him Prince Huo Dou. You've lived on the plains of Mongolia for a long time, and you were familiar with the royalty, can you remember meeting anyone like him?"

Guo Jing quietly repeated "Prince Huo Dou", he recalled his face, but couldn't remember whose son he could be, but he felt that his face was handsome, proud but also carried a devious air. Genghis Khan had four sons, the eldest Shu Chi [Jochi] was violent and brave, the second son Cha He Tai [Chagatai] was a clever planner, the third prince Wo Kuo Tai [Ogedai] is the khan of the Mongols at this moment in time, he was easy going, the fourth prince Tuo Lei [Tolui] was the most humane, when he thought about it, Huo Dou did not resemble any of the four princes.

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