The Return of the Condor Heroes

Chapter - 26 Seeking a Master In Mount Zhongnan (3)

Guo Jing also hurried to the scene, and saw the Wu brothers hurt and asked what happened. He was angry but also concerned about Yang Guo, and hurried up to the peak; he searched around but couldn't see a trace of him. He raised his voice and called out, "Guo'er, Guo'er." The loud voice resonated out for miles, but he did not see Yang Guo, nor did he hear a reply. Guo Jing waited a while becoming increasingly concerned and eventually descended down from the peak. He rowed around the island in a boat, searching for him until it was dark but still he couldn't see a trace of Yang Guo.

When Yang Guo pushed the stone and saw the Wu brothers roll down the peak, he had seen Huang Rong coming, and knew he would face a heavy punishment and so hid himself among the rocks in the cliff. He heard Guo Jing's call but did not reply. Yang Guo was hungry but he did not move from his hiding place among the rocks. He saw it was approaching dusk, the sea beginning to darken, and there was no sound of people anywhere nearby. After a while, the sky was lit up with stars, a cool wind was blowing; he felt cold and came out of his hiding place and gazed down the mountain. He saw clearly a light coming out from the window, and imagined the Guo couple, Ke Zhen E, Guo Fu and the Wu brothers, eating a meal around the table; chicken, duck, fish and meat filling the table, and couldn't stop by drooling. But he thought of how they were talking about his punishment behind his back, and couldn't help but be furious. He stood there at the foot of the mountain, in the sea breeze he thought about how he had been bullied all his life, everyone looking at him coldly; he was filled with a feeling of indignity.

In reality, when Guo Jing could not find Yang Guo, how could he eat? When Huang Rong saw that her husband was troubled, she knew he wouldn't listen to her so she did the same as him, and accompanied him in his torment. Before the next day was bright the two went out searching again.

Yang Guo had endured hunger for a day and a half now, and on the second morning he gave in, descended the peak, and went to a stream and caught some frogs. He peeled off their skin and picked up some dry leaves, wanting to roast them on a fire. He was by the streamside and wanted to cook the frogs immediately to cure his hunger but thought that Guo Jing and Huang Rong might see the smoke, so he went into a cave and prepared the fire. As soon as the frog's legs were golden, he ate straight away, eating a leg in one big bite. He suddenly heard Guo Jing's voice calling out, "Guo'er, Guo'er!? He thought, "You want me to come out so you can beat me, I'm not going to come out."

That night he slept in the cave and after he had slept for a while, he awoke suddenly and saw Ouyang Feng come into the cave. He said, "Son, I've come to teach you kung fu in order for you to avoid getting beat up by the two little Wus." Yang Guo was happily surprised and followed him out of the cave, only to see him crouch on the ground, and gave out a few "gu" sounds before pushing out two palms. Yang Guo tried to follow, but his palms and kicks weren't the same. Ouyang Feng curled is hand into a fist and threw it out, Yang Guo couldn't avoid it and it landed on top of his head, the pain was severe and he got up.

After being hit on the head, he woke up; it seemed it was all just a dream. He felt his head, and came across a bump. It ached severely and he sighed repeatedly, thinking, "It looks like father has recovered and has escaped from the bell. When is he going to come and collect me, and teach me kung fu so I can avoid being bullied by others?"

He went out of the cave, and looked up at the sky, and saw many stars hanging within the branches of the trees, and remembered that Ouyang Feng had taught him kung fu. He had forgotten about this; he crouched down, gave out a few "gu" calls; he wanted to use the formula of the "Toad Stance" that Ouyang Feng had taught him in Jiaxing. He tried to use his fists and legs, but whatever he did, he couldn't do this stance. He searched his mind, and threw out two palms, like he did in his dream, but that was a completely different thing.

He was alone at the foot of the peak, and stared out at the sea, the lonely feeling in his heart was stronger than ever. Suddenly he heard a gentle voice from the sea calling, "Guo'er, Guo'er." He immediately replied, "I'm here. I'm here." He ran down onto the beach where Guo Jing could see him from faraway. In high spirits Guo Jing rowed quickly to the shore, and jumped onto the beach. The stars shone on the two as they rushed to each other. He picked up Yang Guo into his chest and just said, "Come back and have supper." He was emotional, his voice almost cracking.

When they reached the house, Huang Rong had prepared supper for them. They never mentioned what had happened again.

At dawn the next day, he called Yang Guo, the Wu brothers and Guo Fu out the hall, and invited Ke Zhen E as well. He instructed the four disciples to kowtow to the six Jiangnan Freaks headstone, and then said to Ke Zhen E, "Senior Master, I request your permission to take in four grand apprentices."

Ke Zhen E was delighted and said, "That will be for the best, I congratulate you."

Guo Jing then instructed Yang Guo, the Wu brothers to first kowtow to Ke Zhen E and then underwent the ritual of a new disciple to a master towards the Guo couple.

Guo Fu smiled and asked, "Mother, I need to do this as well?"

Huang Rong replied, "Of course."

Guo Fu gleefully kowtowed to the three.

Guo Jing said seriously, "From today onwards, you four are apprentice brothers."

Guo Fu interrupted, "Wrong, its apprentice brother and sister."

Guo Jing gave his daughter a look and said, "When father has not finished speaking, don't open your mouth." He waited and then said, "From now on you four must treat each other with love and respect, share in good fortune and suffer in misery together. If there are any disturbances or conflicts, I won't look lightly upon it." He looked at Yang Guo when he said this. Yang Guo thought, "As long as you treat your daughter the same, then I won't push her around."

Ke Zhen E took over, and passed on the rules and regulations of their school, it was the usual don't bully the weak, don't harm the innocents. The Seven Freaks had numerous rules but Ke Zhen E couldn't remember all of them so just said the main ones.

Guo Jing said, "I have learned a variety of skills, apart from the skills of the Jiangnan Seven Heroes (this is what Guo Jing called them.). The Quanzhen Sect's internal energy, the Peach Blossom Island and Beggars Clan's skills; I have learned a bit of all of them. You mustn't forget your roots so today I will teach you Grand Master's skills first.

As he was about to pass on the formula, Huang Rong saw that Yang Guo's head was down and his body was sticking out, his face had an indescribable aura, like Yang Kang's. Her heart was troubled, and thought, "Although his father didn't die directly by my hands, it could be said that I caused his death. If I don't watch over him, he will become trouble in the future." She smiled as she thought of a plan, "Teaching four of them will be hard work. I'll teach Guo'er." Before Guo Jing could agree, Ke Zhen E clapped his hand and said, "What an excellent idea! Your intelligence is incomparable; you can definitely make something out of this disciple." Guo Jing was pleased in his heart, he knew his wife was infinitely cleverer than him, her methods must exceed his. He didn't open his mouth to object.

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