The Return of Diamond Ace Pitcher

Diamond Ace Pitcher Return Chapter 2185

He doesn't shoot the tricky change ball at all.

If this is not the case, how much trouble can Zecun cause them?

That is an unknown number.

The North American players are ambitious and want to get the score back as much as possible.

Even if they can't score in one go, then they hope to get a hit first to give hope to the players behind them.

But obviously, Zecun didn't plan that way.

In other words, Comrade the Great Devil is not willing to cooperate.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!!"

"nice shot!!!"

"strike out!!!"

The North American team's ninth bat, standing blankly on the strike zone, eyes full of incredible.

According to their original thoughts, Zecun’s pitching was clearly seen through by them.

Even if there is no way to take the hit, it should be possible to find the right time to knock the ball out.

Unexpectedly, Sawamura used the change ball at a critical moment.

And it's not an ordinary change ball, it's the kind of change ball that changes a lot.

So much so that he failed with his swing.

The change ball of Zecun was lifted!!!

This scene was a tremendous shock to everyone on the scene.

In the rest area of ​​the island team.

Supervisor Takeda and the assistant coach even stood up excitedly.

It's really amazing!

This is of course not Sawamura, but Lianji.

Unexpectedly, he caught Zecun's ball so quickly.

This is a very meaningful thing.

very meaningful.


Chapter 066 Application Skills of Bluffing


On the pitcher’s mound, the catcher’s position, including the stands.

Sawamura, Renji, and Miyuki Kazuya all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Zemura used this high-level change ball, but the risk is actually very high.

There is a high probability that Lianji cannot catch the ball.

Fortunately, the goddess of luck pityed, this situation did not happen.

With a 50% probability, Lianji finally caught the ball.

As long as Lianji catches the ball, this scene will remain in the minds of all North American players like a cancer.

They can no longer treat Zecun's change ball as if nothing.

According to their experience, even if the opponent chooses a certain ball route.

The ball of change will also stimulate them and affect them like a poisonous thorn.

This is the premise of bluffing.

You must hold a weapon that may be a threat to the opponent.

Otherwise, how could it be considered a bluff?

Now, what they hold in their hands is such a weapon.

A weapon that can threaten North American players.

Lianji in the position of the catcher breathed a sigh of relief.

He is a very calm person. He doesn't think that he can make a breakthrough in this crisis situation.

Can completely catch Zecun's change ball.

It is of course a good thing to have such ambitions, but to think that you have mastered it is stupid.

As the brains of the troll dateng high school baseball team, Lianji certainly can't be a fool.

He is very clear about the significance of catching that ball. It is a bluffing ball.

Next, if you want to fight with North American players, you must rely on straight balls, ordinary quirks, and those simple variations.

Speed ​​ball!

On the floating ball!!

Ordinary sliding ball!

Up to now, Lianji is sure to catch, and there are a total of these 5 ball routes.

Straight balls and quirks have been almost seen through by North American players.

It is obviously not a wise decision to use that kind of ball against the opponent.

If you want to continue fighting with them, you must use them flexibly, so that you can use the rest of the ball.

At this time, the North American hitters had their turn to start the first.

Very handsome and very popular Francis.

For this, Lianji was a little dissatisfied.

If it was possible, he was actually unwilling to run into Francis the little boy so early.

Although this guy looks delicate, his strength is not at all empty.

Even with so many players in North America, his striking strength can rank in the top three.

Although he suffered a series of losses when confronting Zecun.But if you think he can't do it because he has suffered a loss, then you are wrong.

In fact, this little guy is pretty awesome.He was also one of the first hitters to adapt to Sawamura's pitching.

If it weren't for him, the North American players would never have adapted to Sawamura's pitching so quickly.

Lianji can basically see how the North American players are communicating in private.

I originally thought that these players from North America would definitely be arrogant one by one and would not accept anyone.

There may be problems with their cooperation.

In fact, looking at the previous games of the North American team, you can basically make a judgment.

This is not a very united team.

Within their team, there are also competition and contradictions.

When Supervisor Takeda analyzed the opponent's strength, although he did not specifically point this out.

But the people attending the meeting were all human beings, even if Supervisor Takeda didn't deliberately say it, they could see it clearly.

This may also be an opportunity!

At that time, it is estimated that all the players have this idea.

Really wait until they compete with these players from the North American team.

The situation changed dramatically.

The original discord between the North American team seemed to disappear all at once.

In fact, this is also normal, although Lianji is a little confused.

But Miyuki and Sawamura could see clearly and were not surprised at all.

The North American team does not exist originally, a harmonious team.Like the island team, they were also improvised.

Two shortcomings of the improvised team are certain.

The first is that the cooperation time is short, and the second is that the opinions within the team are relatively large.

Needless to say, the time is short, this is an objective reality.

Players from different places, whether it is habits or ideas, there must be a lot of differences.

This is the contradiction within the team.

In fact, the island team has encountered exactly the same problems.

The improvised team is not strong.

Far from being able to exert the effect of 1+1>2.

Later, the solution was relatively smooth, mainly because it was divided into the Tokyo team and other regional teams.

Then let the two representative teams have a sense of competition with each other.

After having competitors, these arrogant guys, one by one, are obviously more peaceful.

From this point, one can also draw a conclusion that has been verified countless times before.

In some cases, opponents may be more important than friends.

North American players, in terms of talent, are not below the island team players.

There are even a few better ones, just like Francis who is standing in the strike zone now.

The talents of these people even surpass most of the island team players.

In this case, you can imagine.Within the North American team, there is certainly not harmony.

Between them, there is also dissatisfaction and competition.

As for now, why do people suppress that sense of competition?

This is also normal!

Because they met, new enemies and opponents.

And this opponent's threat to them is enough to make them temporarily put aside the competition and differences in the team.

Instead, focus more on the opponent in front of them.

The island team now plays such a role.

Regardless of the situation on the field, the island team leads their opponents by two points.

As the lagging North America, their players are very clear about what they should do?

So they are united, even more united than the island team.

Instead, it is the island team, although it has an absolute advantage.But because this advantage was basically taken by Sawamura Eijun alone, the other players' self-confidence suffered a serious blow.

They actually knew before that their strength was not small compared to Zecun.

But knowing is one thing, and witnessing with your own eyes is another thing.

Now they have seen with their own eyes, those guys who were played around by Zecun, when they played against them, they did not lose the wind.

This statement is all euphemistic. In fact, the star players in North America are in the process of playing against the island team players.

It has a certain advantage.

Otherwise, it won't show up in this state now.

The North American team is clearly behind, but it feels like they are ahead.

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