The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 71 - Where is He?

Qiao Yun arrived at his car and slipped into the driver's seat. As soon as he sat down, he started wheezing as if trying to contain all the ridicule and rage inside him. He then started slamming his fist at his dashboard.

Bang! Bang! Every hit was so heavy that he might end up destroying important bits of his console.

"Hmph! Li Heilong… you really think you have what it takes to scare me? Dream on…" He then sighed. As if it was bringing relief to him, he leaned against the seat and flipped down the sun visor from that side. There was a mirror there, and he got to glare at his beautiful reflection.

"Youlan's face really is very useful. Just some makeup here and there could turn her into a very different person." He then flipped the sun visor up again and started his car. However, a phone hidden in the console started to ring. Qiao Yun fiddled with the hidden compartment and took out a phone.

He then stared at the unknown caller ID despite knowing who it was just from the combination. Begrudgingly, he swiped to answer. "Director Sun, I hope you have good news."

The voice coming from the other end only chuckled. "Don't worry, Sergeant Song. The facilities will be very ready. Though I have to say… such an imaginative child like him might be quite difficult to restrain. Should we procure more of it?"

Song Qixi, who was in a disguise, only hummed as he looked out of his windshield. He seemed to be seeing something at a distance in the dark parking floor. "Get as much as you can. Even if they ended up not being needed, at least we have more at stock. I might bring two subjects after all.

"I haven't tested much of her capabilities, but she should be able to produce the same results…"

"Ah, such a reliable man you are indeed, Sergeant. I must be on my way now." The director was pleased.

"And I, my own." Song Qixi pressed the end call button and placed the phone back inside the hidden compartment. When his eyes looked out his windshield again, a female figure was staggering towards his car from in front of him. She didn't seem to be wary of the cars that would suddenly roll out from their parking spaces.

Nonetheless, Song Qixi rolled out as if he didn't see her. He even had the audacity drive casually, almost hitting the woman by an inch. He didn't pay much attention to her as he continued to roll out the floor.

As soon as he got out of the space and drove through the winding path of the parking floors, the temperature in the car suddenly dropped. Song Qixi noticed that his breath had already misted and his windows started frosting.

He then moved his eyes to the rearview mirror and noticed a woman sitting in his backseat. She had her head down so he couldn't see much of her face.

Only that she was white like a sheet of paper.


Song Qixi only spent a few seconds looking at her before focusing on the driveway again. It was as if he didn't mind a stowaway in his car. The woman seemed to notice the lack of reaction before moving her torso closer towards the driver's seat.

A hand then crawled up the back of the driver's seat, and the woman was trying to get his attention. She wanted to hear him scream just like those who were unfortunate enough to be targeted by this dirty thing.

"You shouldn't disturb the driver when he's driving. Isn't that how you died?" Song Qixi suddenly spoke, startling the woman in the backseat. He then glanced past his shoulder to take a look at the ghost's horrifying face. "Sit still and be quiet. If you want to follow me home, I don't mind."

"Why? Are you? Not scared?" The woman struggled to get words out of her crushed throat. He was nearing the exit of the parking floors, and yet she had yet to scare him shitless.

"Hmm, that's not true. I am scared." Song Qixi hummed as he spotted the exit. "Just not of you…"

As soon as the car left the building and saw the remaining light of the day, the woman vanished. Song Qixi glanced at the backseat again and sighed. "Sentient but low-quality…"

The low-frequency sound that kept devices from recording stopped whirring in the background. Li Heilong was back to drinking wine while seated before his desk. He still had work to do, but he couldn't help but think about the encounter.

Someone was planning to do something on Liu Xiaodan… that only kid whose blood could be transfused with Li Feng.

Even if he got sent to Cherry, Li Heilong still had ways to filter medicine out of his blood for a clean transfusion if ever Li Feng needed some again. However, if someone from Wangguan wanted to do illegal things… or legally accepted yet morally intolerable things to him, Li Heilong must stop it.

However, there was this problem about Li Feng's attackers.

Li Heilong reached to his forehead and massaged it as if it could relieve his headache. A big sigh snuck out of his lips and formed a white cloud of mist. He tore his eyes open and realized that the room had gone so cold for no reason.

When he looked around, he almost jumped off of the building when a child was already sitting on the couch.

Silky black hair peeked from under the white ball cap, and a small frame was toughened by that light-blue denim jacket. His feet clad in white sneakers would also dangle from the seat. Even if he didn't appear the same, Li Heilong had a feeling that he had seen this child somewhere.

"Grandpa, who was that?" A melodious, innocent child's voice echoed to Li Heilong's ears. The child didn't appear ominous in nature, but the fact that he came out of nowhere told Li Heilong he wasn't ordinary.

"I don't know either." Li Heilong got to his feet. He couldn't help but shake as he guessed a million times. Even if he would cross out his thoughts, only one thing remained. The child was not human.

"Okay, maybe Baba knows…" The child then looked over his shoulder and eyed at the trembling formidable CEO. "Grandpa, are you busy?"

"Liu Guangru…" Li Heilong knew that face. He had seen it in the evidence photos. He didn't believe that they were fake after all. However, for the child to visit him? What did he want?

A smile bloomed on the child's face, and he got off of the couch. He then ran to Li Heilong like how any child would approach a familiar figure, but Li Heilong backed away in reflex. This thing… was oozing with evil underneath the innocent exterior.

He was a businessman who would wreck people open; he could tell things just from the look of Guangru's eyes.

The child didn't mind so much since he was still able to grab Li Heilong's hand. He then beamed at him. "Grandpa, come with me. Guangru wants you to see something!"

"W-Where are we going?" Li Heilong only took out his phone and immediately typed down without even looking at his phone screen.

"Guangru found them!" In a split-second, his innocent smile curled into a maniacal shape. "I found them."

Buzz. Mian Bingbing's phone vibrated with a weird notification tone while it was on the nightstand. She was tending to Li Feng who was kept from leaving his bed. Mian Tianyu had gone through his body and saw that the wounds were all healed aside from his broken legs. It was very alarming to them.

The dybbuk had already attached itself to Liu Xiaodan and Li Feng. With two hosts to feed on, how strong would such an abomination be?

Li Yunru noticed how the phone moved only once. It must probably be a message sent from someone, but she knew her auntie's ringtone. That wasn't the normal sound it should do. Then again, when she caught Mian Bingbing looking at her phone on the stand, her face was sour and unwilling.

"Is it from Daddy?" Li Feng noticed how his mother glared at her phone. He knew that even if his mother was not willing to stick with his father anymore, they still set a different ringtone for each other… just so they knew it was them the moment the phone rang.

Maybe his mother kept this at a b.a.r.e minimum, but his father was different.

Her number was on speed dial, and her messages were the only starred item in his inbox so her messages would always be on top. As for how they wrecked their marriage and were planning to fix or end it, Li Feng didn't know much.

"What does he want now?" Mian Bingbing only snorted softly. Right now, they were stuck to be together in dealing with the adverse effects of having Liu Xiaodan's blood inside Li Feng. If he needed to say something, at least Mian Bingbing was willing to see his message.

However, when she opened it, it was only some gibberish that even the phone didn't bother putting into proper writing. Mian Bingbing frowned while Li Feng tried looking at it. Huh? Why would Li Heilong send such a thing?

Then again, it was as if a certain thought flared through Mian Bingbing's mind. Her eyes flashed with terror as she tried replying to the message… by keying in the same simple characters together… very slowly.

Her mouth then gaped before she pressed Home and dialed for Li Heilong's secretary. The rest of the people in the room were clueless and startled by her actions. However, she didn't care about them; she just needed to talk to the secretary.

"Hello, this is—"

"Where is he?" Mian Bingbing's tone was cold and cutting, drawing blood from anyone who would hear it.

It took the secretary a while to answer. "Uh… M-Madam Li? Wait, I'll divert—"

"No, I need you to fetch him directly."

"Yes, madam." The secretary was trembling. Why was the madam getting angry all of a sudden? Was CEO caught cheating?

The secretary felt a chill crawl up to her spine as she looked again. She then placed the phone next to her ear. "Madam… he's not here…"

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