The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 370 - Her Name Before She Died

"Are you keeping her, Baba?" With a head tilt, Guangru only hummed. He agreed with the thoughts of his father about Zuixue. This ancient demon was summoned from hibernation and was very much loyal to the Qiao family. It would indeed be better to dispose of this one. It was nothing that would obey Liu Xiaodan because of his ways. However, how was he supposed to dispose of it?

"...Feng should look like shit later. Not only was he devastated, but he was also tortured very well. When his body calms down, it will hurt like hell." Liu Xiaodan smiled in his son's direction. "Moreover, you might get mad if you see the other girl, so just vent your anger on this one, okay?"

Guangru blinked. He could see what Liu Xiaodan could, so he wasn't surprised by what his father meant. About the other matter being insinuated, he was a little lost. Vent his anger? This one was already down. Then again, he remembered how his mother released her pent-up frustrations. 

Guangru turned to the other ancient demon with a hint of craving and hunger. "Are we eating her?"

Under the terrified gaze of Zuixue, Liu Xiaodan gave a nod. "Modulate everyone's consumption. Give extra portions for Ming and Old Doctor so they can break through. Send some to Ling as well. Save enough energy to heal Feng. Leave a small portion for me."

The other friends couldn't devour a part of her… simply because she was too strong. It would be like humans biting through a buffalo's hide. Guangru would have to devour her fully and designate portions like before. At this, the wooden vines began to move and crush the other ancient demon.

"Master! Master! You will be my new master! Please, don't eat me!" Zuixue begged for help, but Liu Xiaodan didn't humor her. He only smiled at he as he watched her being reduced into a blood mist absorbed by Guangru. Soon enough, he summoned the swamp creature and had it devour a part of her that Guangru left behind for him.

Qiao Dong and Wu Zhen watched in horror, the former rousing from fainting just now. The Qiao family's ultimate weapon was only food to Project Hades and his gang of dastard friends. Inwardly, they realized why Qiao Muwei and Wu Zhong had to wait for Project Hades's submission first. This experiment was too strong!

Soon enough, another figure flitted along the air. It was a rather monstrous being whose body parts were rather dissected and disconnected like it was made of floating parts instead. The two thought that it was one of the released demons from the angry expression it had on its face.

"How dare you eat an ancient demon without giving some to me?!" A rather sulky female voice came from the creature. From the way she spoke… she was evidently from their side as well. Qiao Dong's eyes that lit up were robbed of vigor once again.

Liu Xiaodan didn't finish the part given to him and shared it with her. "I gave the entire Black March to you after all. Are they too weak for you?"

Just when the man spoke, Mian Qingwei took a mouthful of the mist that served as the flesh of the dying ancient demon. She then quickly realized that it was too strong for her; she even made gagging motions and lurches. In the end, she decided to back off. "They were… but I guess I already have my fill for today. This thing is nastier than Qingtao's cooking."

"Hm, maybe it's just your body rejecting cooked animal meat?" Liu Xiaodan lifted his brows. He had that feeling when he was at the prison. Now that Guangru was evidently stronger and he had spawned ghosts, that nasty taste was being regulated. He still felt like he was eating rubber when eating human food, but it was more tolerable now. It might be the same for Mian Qingwei.

"Then, I will invite you to try it some time." Mian Qingwei only huffed. Actually, she was just one entity. She was already too full to eat now, she just left the Black March to the Mian shamans that came to seal the gates.

As if her arrival had attracted some eyes, Bihan had appeared at the scene shortly. However, upon seeing that Liu Xiaodan was only standing around with that horrendous creature, she figured that it was also a friendly. She walked closer to ask Liu Xiaodan for more instructions. However, she saw a very unlikely person… that was also shocked to see her.

Wu Zhen felt his entire body shaking. His eyes widened before questioning his reality. "...Jingyi?! What… how?!"

"...this is the third time." Bihan narrowed her eyes at the man. She could feel insatiable anger rousing from every fiber of her being, but she really couldn't recall what they mean. All these people were calling her with a different name that she couldn't remember. Was she supposed to know them, or was 'Jingyi' a strange greeting? No, it's definitely a name.

"Song Jingyi?" Qiao Dong spoke as well. He barely knew this woman, but… for her to be here?

With a family name connected to it, Liu Xiaodan finally reacted. Seeing that he cared now, Guangru gave bits of what happened earlier. He then turned to Wu Zhen and decided to ask, "Is that her name before she died? Song Jingyi? Was she one of the children of the Song Patriarch?"

Liu Xiaodan asked because the Song family had ties with the Mian family as well. Mian Xue ran away with her lover, Song Qian, even if they were not meant to be together. They were even said to be assassinated one day, but no one knew that Mian Xue hid their child… until he was given to the Mian family. 

"..." Wu Zhen didn't want to answer. It was as if he wanted to use his knowledge as a bargaining chip. However, Guangru huffed as he got off of the display rock. "It's okay if you don't want to say it. I'll just extract it from your brain as you die. Do you think you can stop me?"

"What?!" The old man growled. He then took a look at Bihan, and the previous guilt and horror were replaced with resentment and fury. It was as if it was already futile to hold back, and he started insulting her again. "Even if you are revived as a ghost, you are still very useless. No wonder Zhong threw you away. Hmph, you really don't deserve to live through that fall!"

Liu Xiaodan only glared at the old man. However, Bihan was more shocked as if those words were opening a floodgate in her mind. Useless? Throw away? Live through that fall? She staggered back in pain as her memories started to run haywire.

Guangru, however, only hummed. "Baba, you already killed Wu Zhong. Mr. Five got rid of Wu Ran. Bihan, Wu Jiao; Dr. Wang, Wu Shuang. Should I take care of this one?"

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