The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 662: Pin Xiao! Oh my pin-shaw!

What does the arrival of Sean Camp mean?

At the time of the draft, Louie had no answer.

He didn't see any reason not to pick Camp at the time, so he did.

He knows Kemp has the potential to be a dynamite keg, but if handled well, can't he be the key to getting the Knicks past the 1984-88 Celtics?

Before crossing, Camp's impression in Louis's mind was Griffin before Griffin.

By the time he watched Kemp's game, he realized that his impressions were horribly wrong.

Compared to Griffin, Kemp is more like a Stoudemire with a better temperament and a desire to defend.

But he has more spirituality than Stoudemire. How to say that spirituality, maybe like Kobe Bryant who just entered the NBA?

The perfect combination of skill and creativity, doing whatever you want on the court is a common problem for high school players.

Universities can help them correct these problems.

In Louie's eyes, Kemp was the initial version of the perfect power forward, and what he eventually became depends on the environment and the teachings of others.

Can someone in the Knicks teach him?

No, maybe it should be asked, can someone in the Knicks bring him down?

Ewing will teach him defense and let him know what professionalism is;

Anyone who plays with Wilson will be infected by him, and thus have his all-out game temperament;

McHale can teach Kemp a low post attack;

Rodman, who has awakened to the blood, will be his strongest competitor, because Louie has begun to put the former to the 4th position. If Kemp wants to replace McHale's starting lineup, the number one target is Rodman.

Because McHale is older, he may be on the bench at any time, but Rodman is not.

New York has the environment to win, and the Knicks' introversion is insane.

Louie can be sure the Knicks won't be the reason Kemp went astray.

So what does he have to worry about? Too much.

Because Kemp is a person with a low IQ but a high IQ, his self-discipline and willpower are very weak. New York City is such a colorful world to him. On the first day he came to New York, he would put Dilapidated Irish Hart (hometown) oblivion.

Counting on him to be immune to New York City's external influences is like counting on Louie to quit Coke.

You can't expect dogs not to eat shit, and people are just fine.

Louis came to the training camp with anxiety and anticipation, and the players had already arrived.

Billy Donovan is preparing the homework that Louie has left him.

Louie wants Donovan to use the offseason to develop 20-30 local traps to perfect the Knicks' defense.

The so-called local trap, also known as the misunderstanding of the ball handler.

First of all, it is necessary to create the illusion of "safety here" for the ball holder in part, and then close the defense line at a rapid speed and conduct flanking attacks to threaten the ball.

This is the most advanced concept and most teams have similar defensive tactics.

But there are only 1-5 kinds of traps to reserve at most, and Louis asked Donovan to prepare 20-30 kinds. This is not only bullying honest people, but also a test for the other party.

To prepare so many traps with the same effect but different processes in different positions, it is necessary to consider the entire line of defense.

Some teams don't even dare to think about it.

But the Knicks are different, their defensive resources are too strong.

Ewing, Rodman, this was last year's DPOY winner and voted second.

Before Wilson mutates into Pippen, or Pippen reaches his prime, Louie would like to call Wilson the best defensive wing outside of Rodman.

McHale has not been able to play the role of offense, four defenses and three defenses throughout his career as Bird's partner in this life, but his defensive flexibility is deeply trusted by Louie.

Stockton, the infamous old Yinbi, needless to say.

Now comes Kemp again, a young man who is as excited as a drug as long as he plays. If he can use his athletic ability, his help defense may bring unimaginable effects.

"Billy, how are you doing?"

Louis asked.

Donovan said positively: "It's almost done. I'll leave the details to you when I finish them."

"I knew you could do it." Louis smiled, "Come on."

Since the Knicks roster is full, in the era of no G League, they basically do not try out marginalized people, and directly spend a month to cultivate tacit understanding within the team and practice new tactics.

Louie went to the office, no different from last year.

After sitting for a few minutes, he came to the training ground, and Tomjanovich assembled the players to listen to him.

When Louis came to the group, he really had nothing else to say except for the newcomers.

After all, they are too familiar with each other. These people give gifts to each other during the festivals, often go to his house for dinner, and keep in touch on the phone during the off-season.

"I have something to say to the newcomers, first of all, welcome you to this big family." Louie looked at Kemp, "I dare say that it is an honor for you to play here, not only because we are the defending champions, but also because You have a group of teammates around you who have proven themselves on the court and are impeccable off the court."

"Being around them, you will encounter challenges, you will find that some of them are impersonal, some are too devoted, some don't even consider you a close partner, if you want to get friendship here, you have to prove yourself, Because this is a group of people who have proved themselves." Louie's eyes moved away from Kemp, "They don't care if you are a rookie, a veteran, whether you have played in the NBA for ten years, or you haven't even studied in college. The only way to be respected and recognized is to do it.”

"So, I hope that in the next month, I won't hear you complain about who is too harsh, too targeted, too rude, I don't want to hear that, and I won't mediate for you, you have to rely on yourself for everything ."

Having said this, Louie decided to end the one-way conversation with a light-hearted joke: "If you guys want a drink, or if you're done training and want to watch a R-rated movie, I'll be waiting in the office anytime."

Rodman asked curiously, "Coach, with Nene, is your skin in good condition?"

"Dennis, trust your coach's taste, okay?" Louis said proudly, "I'm not that easy to be satisfied."

"Indeed." Rodman had met Lorraine, and he believed that Louis's threshold for women had reached the pinnacle of men.

After Louie came out, Wilson and Ewing conducted the Knicks draft again as usual.

It was the first in-team draft of the 1989-90 season.

Ewing just wants to win, so he chooses strong teammates. Wilson prefers to get to know new teammates, so his first choice is Kemp.

Due to his poor physical condition, Bowie is not suitable to participate in the Knicks' intra-team competition. Even if he really wants to participate, he will be strictly rejected by Louis.

Because the intensity of the Knicks' competition is too high, and Bowie is a glass attribute, Louie doesn't want to watch him get an annual salary of 1 million and then lie in bed for a whole year and then mix up the championship.

It's not fair to the team and to him personally.

Bowie was initially puzzled by Louie's banning him from the team's competition, but when he saw the intensity of the competition, he discovered the goodwill in it.

Even if he is very confident in himself, seeing the Knicks' playoff-like confrontation intensity, he can't help but feel fear.

This group of people really treat the confrontation as a competition, and treat each other as an enemy.

The rookie Doug West who just joined the team was stunned; "This is really an intra-team competition?"

"Doug, don't be distracted, I hope you pay attention to Benj's defense." Zhao Yuanzheng said, "It's worth your reference."

Kemp is the starter for the Winds of the Shoulders (Benj), and he's too weak against anyone other than Stockton.

As an insider, he was knocked over more than ten times in this game.

Once, he wanted to be lazy on the ground.

The opponent Ewing roared: "Rookie, are you trying to tell me that you only have the guts?"

"Patrick, don't scare the high school students, it may take a few years for him to get used to it." McHale said this, he didn't know if he was trying to save him, or if he was mocking.

Ewing sneered: "It seems that our coach Lu's great draft 100% hit record is about to end in the hands of a high school student. It's really sad."

It was this sentence that angered Kemp, who stood up and yelled: "I won't shame Coach Lu!"

"Don't pretend to be dead?" Ewing scolded bitterly, "If you don't pretend to be dead, you don't have the right to say that. You're nothing now, you're just a stupid dog with nothing to show for it!"

Although Kemp felt insulted and desperately wanted to prove himself to Ewing, he was clearly too far behind last season's top center in the league, and it was not a grade at all.

Louie watched the game secretly on the second floor, and found that Camp tried to challenge Ewing and was turned over and rolled against the floor.

"Patrick is too ruthless, isn't he?" Louis said insincerely, "I feel distressed when I see it, Pin Xiao is just a child!"

"XIAOXIAO?" Tomjanovich was Besides, he was almost 20 years old, no longer a child. "

Louie didn't have time to bother with Tomjanovich's discussion about whether Kemp was a child.

He found that the wind of the giant shoulders lost, and Kemp, who had not scored a point in the whole game and was humiliated by Ewing, was aggrieved and cried on the spot.

"Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao, what's wrong with you, Xiao Xiao?"

Louis quickly came from the second floor to the first floor and rushed to the scene of the incident, "Whoever upsets our rookie, stand up for me!"

McHale said, "Coach, didn't you just say don't care?"

With confusion on Ewing's face: "Who is Pin Xiao?"

"Who is Xiao Xiao?" Louis laughed. "You bastard, you made Xiao Xiao cry and asked who Xiao Xiao was? Are you the captain?"

McHale said awkwardly: "Coach, I'm the captain."

"Really?" Louis's smile was not embarrassing but he lost his manners. He smiled slyly, "When did it happen?"

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