The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 627: tough jazz dance

Frank Leiden, who left the head coach as an assistant, was suspected of having a shady and evil deal with Sloan.

But Layden has no objection to the teaching assistant position.

At this time, the Jazz were in trouble, Sloan asked him for advice, and Leiden also gave professional advice: "If the Knicks don't plan to replace Brad Rohos, we can let Karl focus on attacking this point. ."

"So, give up the pick-and-roll?" Sloan asked.

"No, it's not giving up." Layden laughed, "It's giving up temporarily."

The difference between giving up and letting go for a while doesn't need to be said by Leiden.

After Sloan's own consideration, he adjusted the Jazz's style of play.

As Leyden said, give Karl Malone enough post authority and let him attack in the post as he pleases.

Malone was overjoyed, but it didn't last long.

Louie let Rohos start, not just for the sake of tidying up, but also for his shooting ability.

In the Knicks, there is only one insider who can consistently hit three-pointers. For the others, although Louie says every day that anyone who makes three-pointers will increase playing time, there are very few responders.

Ewing, a group of scumbags who are trained by traditional insiders, can't accept the fact that insiders frequently get three-pointers from outside.

Even if Ewing has mastered the ability to shoot the ultimate two-point shot from the three-point line, he does not want to expand his range beyond the three-point line.

In Louis's eyes, this is a disease that needs to be cured.

Of course, the Knicks still can't force the insider to shoot 3-pointers, so the problem that they don't practice 3-pointers won't make Louie angry for the time being.

The Jazz let Malone play the low post, which was something that Louie had long thought of.

Pockets are a lingering nightmare for teams trying to bet their offense in the low post.

Malone used his unsolved physical advantage to hit Rohos two goals in a row, including a 2+1.

That 2+1 led to the end of Rohos.

The players who replaced Rohos do not know if they can say on this timeline, "There are 365 days in a year, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute. I can do it anytime, anywhere. Get Karl Malone's Rodman.

Rodman's remarks are the classic clamor of the victim.

In the two-round finals matchup between the Bulls and the Jazz, Malone's data were very sturdy, but the fans were not impressed by pulling his hips at critical moments.

As far as Rodman's defense is concerned, it's not good.

Now, Louie is taking the young, normal version of Rodman to guard against Malone, who is far from his peak and has a stunned youthful temperament.

The normal version of Rodman is the strongest Rodman.

Being normal doesn't mean he's a good guy on the court. The Rodman that makes people feel abnormal is the Rodman who changed his hairstyle every week, got together with Madonna, attended his autobiography signing in women's clothes, and threatened to marry him...

On the court, no matter what period Rodman was, he was not a good stubble.

His duel with Malone pushed the intensity of the match to a climax.

Louie felt that the game was too thrilling just watching the two of them fight against each other.

In order to test Rodman's one-on-one defense, Louie deliberately didn't keep his pockets closed.

This made Malone's coaches anxious, thinking that the Knicks' pockets would tighten with Malone's massive increase in the low post, and that at that point, Malone would be able to use his passing to activate his perimeter teammates to beat the Knicks. s defense line.

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and they didn't expect Louie to make Rodman the 3rd over the 4th.

Rodman plays the 4th position. What he lacks is confrontation and core strength. As long as Malone exerts his strength, he will basically fly. But his fighting spirit is very strong, and he has the ability to take off in a row at a historic level.

This caused Malone to often suffer even if he pushed him away.

There's another point that's not good for Malone's offense.

Dick Bavita could see his elbow swing, but he couldn't see Rodman's countless small movements.

A player like Rodman who has a weight difference between Malone and Malone didn't even get a foul for three or four minutes in a row. Instead, Malone was called for a foul because he accidentally placed his elbow in the wrong position when he was attacking.

"Rudy, you might think I'm crazy," Louie said incredulously, "but you can trust Dick Bavita for now!"

Tomjanovich looked suspiciously: "I even suspect he took a bribe from you."

"Trust me, if he was willing to accept bribes, he would have been reported long ago." Louis said profoundly.

In the league, there are 99 out of 100 people who hate Baveta.

One stop on Kareem's retirement tour was, "I'm glad I only have to put up with Dick for another six months."

Apart from Bavita, no second fighter named Dick would feel they deserved to be teased by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in that situation.

Baveta's inexplicable support for New York, Ewing's big delay effect exceeded expectations, Rodman was tough and he didn't fall behind... All kinds of reasons put together, let the Knicks end the first quarter with a 29 score 20 to take the lead.

"This game is sad for those who support Utah."

"Because you don't see where they win."

"The offense that they were best at was suddenly out of order, and Patrick Ewing's high post attack caused them more trouble than they could have imagined."

In the second quarter, Louis habitually replaced McHale as the core of the transition, with Hornacek, Ainge, Rodman, and Oakley.

However, the Jazz do not have the depth of the roster as the Knicks, so they, like other strong teams that meet the Knicks, will choose to shorten their rotations.

Therefore, Alvin Robertson, who was only in charge of defense for most of the first quarter, together with Chambers and Eaton, propped up the Jazz's transition.

It's also the few minutes that best embodies Robertson's ability.

For the Knicks' high dynamic offense, the Jazz found the answer.

Switch defenses.

Selective switching is the only answer.

Eaton has to sit in the paint, Rodman can go short, McHale has no three-point threat, and once you figure this out, it's easy to switch defenses.

In the Knicks' second team, the only people the Jazz need to stick to are Hornacek and Ainge.

Robertson's defense allowed Louie to see Hornacek the most embarrassed.

On the NBA arena, it is rare to see a defender chasing the ball carrier like a pig, and the ball carrier has nothing to do with the defender, and there is fear on his face, which can be seen between his eyebrows. Only the inner trembling.

That's what Hornacek looked like against Robertson.

He didn't dare challenge Robertson at all.

If Hornacek is a softball, Louie has nothing to say.

But he is not.

Hornacek is a very tough player, he is afraid of Robertson, not out of the fear of strength, but the fear of the opponent's defensive ability.

He really believes his dribbling moves are not safe in front of Robertson.

What made him think this way?

Hornacek could even take over Stockton's ball and play the long-term 1 when opening up the Trail Blazers and Celtics.

But against the Jazz, from his first round against Robertson, from the moment his eyes met Robertson's, Louie knew he couldn't count on Hornacek against the Jazz. .

Robertson's amazing defense doesn't stop there.

He murdered Hornacek with one-on-one defense, stuck with Ainge on the help defense, and switched defenses to get the Knicks' high-post dynamic offense and bring a different rhythm to the game than Mark Price.

At his rhythm, the Jazz played offense.

McHale and Oakley's high post-delay defense is amateurish, completely lacking Ewing's power, which is why the Jazz's system has been reactivated.

"Is there something seriously wrong with the Spurs front office?" Louie said inexplicably. "Aren't they trying to stay competitive? How could such a strong player be given to Utah?"

Tomjanovich praised: "Don't say, Erwin has a shadow of Walter Fraser."

"No, he's more like Dennis Johnson with upgraded accessories... but it doesn't **** matter," Louie said angrily. "Honey has been scared by him! I really don't understand, what's there to be afraid of?"

Tomjanovich understood Hornacek.

"Lu, do you think Honey is a softball?"

"of course not."

"Yeah, he's not a jerk," Tomjanovich said. "He just looked like a **** on Erwin's defense."

Louie asked, "What's the difference?"

"The difference is that 99% of defenders are like a softball in front of Erwin." Tomjanovich himself is a player, he knows that there are some "mind assassins" on the court, these people often pass the impeccable attack. Pressure, let the opponent collapse on the psychological level.

Robertson is certainly one such defender.

"Is he really that strong defensively?"

Louie knows that Robertson has a strong defense, and he is the strongest defensive back after Moncrief, both in terms of statistics and on-the-spot effects.

But Louis never imagined that the Alvin Robertson he was looking at would be underestimated by him.

Because he didn't have a clear concept of Robertson before and after crossing.

Just like Jordan, when you mention him, his image will automatically flash in your mind - GOAT! Flying man! Hannibal-like killer.

The same goes for other players, like Kobe - paranoid, Mamba, ego that doesn't fit into the team.

Curry - 3-pointer, shaking his head a little bit, and never getting the Finals MVP.

Durant - network roamer, tough mouth comparable to the big Sima, glass heart, scoring machine.

James - the first person in the peak group (disgusting), the all-round data monopoly (surprise), sober on and off the court ( is more than a basketball player (worship, long live).

You see, most modern players and well-known ancient players, Louie has a template in mind, and Robertson, he has no template.

So he has to put on someone he knows, but it's still not enough. He hasn't played against Robertson himself, and no sports reporter will write an article for him about how much he likes to torture opponents with defense. So, Louie told him understanding can only remain on the surface.

So he couldn't understand why a tough guy like Hornacek would turn into a soft-footed shrimp in front of him.

Louie understood Tomjanovich's words, he wasn't bigoted and dogmatic. In this matter, Tomjanovich is more professional than him, and he has no reason not to believe this famous player who has played on the court for ten years.

Robertson's outburst, let the Jazz tied the score.

Louis can only go to the technical desk to request a suspension.

This Jazz team is really not that easy to deal with.

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