The Rest, Only Noise

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I'm here again.

Today, I would like to recommend a football article to you. You know that I don’t understand football, so it’s not bad for me if the content is rigorous or not, the important thing is to write it well.

The book I'm pushing for you today is called "Football Should Be Played Like Me". The most novel thing to me is that the content is a systematic football article with an overhead background. Because I don't know much about football, even if you arrange Ronaldo Messi to Evergrande and Guoan, I can accept it, but if the same situation is changed to basketball, it will be very dangerous. I gave the author a lot of sweat for this, but I didn't expect her to write well, many people read it, and she went to Sanjiang.

So my worries don't exist at all. Today, when the great football gods have challenged other genres and achieved success, except for Lin Da, the whole is relatively depressed. Authors who dare to challenge like this must be the future of football literature.

In just two chapters, he/she told you the worldview, system, and brilliantly arranged lore in very smooth writing.

What are you waiting for, even if I don’t know football, I still enjoy watching it, go watch it, click on the collection, and contribute to the first order if it hits the shelves on August 1st.

"Football should be played like me", you deserve it.

Oh, don't forget that the big brother eggplant in basketball is also on the shelves on August 1st, please be sure to join us.

"This Forward Is Not Serious" is a book I've been chasing. I wanted to write an autistic protagonist before, but I gave up after reading Eggplant. It's really not easy to write so well, so I'll just forget it. Cheap-mouthed hermaphrodites or even civilized people like Louis are more suitable for me. Um.

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