The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 50: Summary - 1 book by the way

Although, before I opened the book, I thought that the era of this book would make me splendidly flutter, but at present, there is no sign of this. For me, the number of collections may be the best of all the books of the same period - I'm a little scared to talk about this. When the Superstar Shines", the result is a bit miserable. Therefore, I will not be too optimistic here. I can only say that since I write this era, I must be aware of the street.

I hope that those who are chasing updates will keep chasing updates. Whether you look at the genuine version or go out to see the pirated version after I put it on the shelves, watching the genuine version in the new book period is also one of the ways to support the author. As I said before, now when you go to Sanjiang, you only need to look at a data, that is, follow-up reading. Last week, I asked the editor about the follow-up reading, and the editor said that it is "close to 600, and if it rises again, it can go to Sanjiang." I just assumed that my current follow-up reading is 500. The important thing is that "if it rises again, it can go to Sanjiang."

Hmmmm, I admit that I am a little swollen. After all, the period when I published the book was probably the most intense competition in the sports area for a long time. There are too many books to go to Sanjiang, and it is generally not my turn. I haven't been to Sanjiang, so I'm thinking about it a little bit, but whether this thing can be done or not depends on the follow-up reading, and it depends on you. please!

I have nothing to say about the plot. What I can tell you is that even if it is a good film, few people are willing to watch it again and again. Unless Toyo has a historical super-giant debut with Matsu-sensei's face value and Utsunomiya's figure in the future, even if it is these two super-giant career masterpieces of Zenith star level, I will not watch it a second time.

I mean, since Louis started in 1978, he should have the ability to change everything after 1980, so if you want to predict the direction of the plot, don't be limited by the history you already know, and follow the plot in the book.

Well, the last book I want to recommend is also a basketball article, called "Accidentally Ruled the Basketball World". Listening to the famous and well-known article, I read it myself. There is a problem that the author does not know NCAA, so he spent seven or eight chapters writing a CUBA game at the beginning, and then the protagonist went to the United States, the pace is very fast . My personal suggestion is that those who are not interested in CUBA can jump directly to the chapter after the protagonist's plug-in comes out.

Just a personal suggestion.

In the era when the big players in the sports area have successfully transformed themselves, there are not many good books, so I recommend everyone to take a look.

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