The Rest, Only Noise

Vol 2 Chapter 1241: because he is handsome

Dale Ellis, who oversaw Kobe Bryant during training camp, reported a total of 52 tactical errors to Louie, and

And three reasons why he absolutely cannot be selected for the Knights.

Ellis thinks Kobe is mentally unprepared, which is number one.

The golf quotient stays at the elementary school level - not even high school - thinking that heads-up can decide everything, this is the second.

He has a bad personality, is arrogant, and is invincible. In most cases, it is difficult to communicate, and he himself is unwilling to communicate with others. This is the third.

Ellis stressed that until Kobe corrects these three shortcomings, he does not qualify for the Cavaliers.

"Dell, doesn't this third flaw sound similar to you?" Louie sneered.

Ellis said without any shyness: "If that stinky boy can move around like me, it doesn't matter if he has a bad personality or doesn't communicate with people, but he likes to 'communicate' with people, but he only ' Talk about "things that don't help the team."

"Understood, let's do it first."

Louie accepts Ellis' report.

All the anecdotes about the Lakers these days have to do with the rookie.

Nash's two disgusting fetishes have some veterans frowning.

One is that he made a strict recipe for himself, making it hard to swallow.

In order to distinguish himself from Ewing, Wilson took the people-friendly route outside the arena. Once Barkley laughed at Nash's recipe for not eating pigs, benj came forward. He didn't believe it was really bad, so Try it yourself.

The next day, Wilson was transferred from the training class by Louis due to loss of appetite and general weakness, and went on sick leave.

"Steve's recipe" has since become a punishment tool within the Lakers.

Another is Nash's disgusting free throw ritual.

Before the free throw, lick your hands, then use the soles of your shoes to wipe the saliva off your hands, and then make a free throw.

Dale Ellis called out against the sky.

And then it's about Ben Wallace.

His height has been the focus of player discussions, and before the season begins, the league requires each team to hand over basic information about players.

The circumstances that need to be explained include the player's age, weight, height, size, position... and so on.

Big Ben fills in the height of 6 feet 10... (about 2 meters 08)

"Where did you get six feet ten?"

Seeing this **** who reported his height, Louis reprimanded Big Ben in public.

However, by hypnotizing himself, Big Ben made himself believe that his height has reached 6 feet 9, plus the height of the sneakers, is it reasonable to report 6 feet 10?

"If you can say six feet ten, I'll say seven!" Buckley suggested, "Whoever brings the ruler over, we'll measure the kid's height today!"

Big Ben started talking nonsense on the spot.

What "don't use the amount of height", what "wake up and find that the height has shrunk", the training ground suddenly fell into a happy atmosphere.

Unlike Big Ben and Nash, the memorable story of Malik Rose happened when the Lakers went bowling together after training camp.

Rose was a master bowler, and he earned all-you-can-drink qualifications for the team by bowling that day.

In addition to being picked by veterans every day in training, Kobe was most talked about when he was provoked by veterans at the dinner party on the night of the training camp, and was forced to show off as a singer and sing ex-girlfriend Brandy Norwood (brandynorood) song.

That scene was not good-looking. Imagine a person who doesn't fit in with the group but has to fit into the group forces himself to be open and enthusiastic, plus the singing voice is out of tune throughout the whole process, it is a very embarrassing process.

But Kobe's teammates don't care about that. They want to know how Kobe Bryant in high school was tied to a star like Brandy.

In a flash, the regular season opener of the 1996-97 season arrived.

Louie flew to San Antonio.

Under normal circumstances, teams like the Spurs are ineligible for the opener.

However, the current situation is seriously different from Louis's perception.

On the Spurs side, its (unfinished chapter!)

The first thousand two hundred and forty-one chapters because very handsome

Executive vice president and general manager Greg Vicki decided to come out a year early because the team's roster had been assembled.

This means that the Spurs must have missed Duncan.

At the same time, the Spurs lineup looks good.

After several years of rebuilding, they already have a troika of young, old, young, Allen Iverson, Jamal Mashburn, and David Robinson, as well as others like Antoine Kyle, Powerful role players like Byron Russell, Antonio McDyess, Vernon Maxwell.

From the point of view of the lineup, as long as the coaching ability of Vicki in the early stage of his career does not hold back, the Spurs are at least a playoff team with the strength to win 50 wins in the regular season.

It is worth mentioning that Lu Wuxia, Lou's son, also got on the special plane of the Lakers, and he happened to be going to San Antonio to attend George Gervin's basketball training camp.

The 12-year-old Lu Wuxia has grown to 1.85 meters tall. As the most high-profile young basketball genius in California, his trip to the Holy City to participate in the training camp has also attracted the attention of many media and colleges.

It was also during this trip that Louis unexpectedly learned that Wuxia had a nickname called "massi".

It's an Italian name that means "the greatest".

This nickname comes from an aau game that Wuxia participated in two months ago. The children participating are generally 2-4 years older than him, but he can serve as the starting point guard in the team and scored 26 points and 14 in the final. 7 rebounds and 7 assists.

His passing is as stealthy as a mechanism, his offense is full of spirituality, and he can make elegant throws with both hands.

Flawless mother Monica Bellucci shouted "massi!" with gestures only Italians could understand.

Then everyone called out.

On the plane, the first person to call Flawless "massi" was Louie's assistant Jim Bass.

Little Bass curiously inquired about Wuxia's recent situation, and paid extra attention to the nickname "massi".

"Mr. Bass, it's just a joke from my mother, don't worry about it." Flawless said modestly.

Little Bass said with emotion: "I believe your mother must be very proud of you. I don't think I have ever made my father or mother feel that way."

Hearing this, Wuxia encouraged: "If you take over the Lakers in the future and turn it into a bigger team than it was under your father, wouldn't you be able to make them proud?"

"Ha, that's right!"

The plane landed in the holy city on time.

Afterwards, Louis and the team split up.

He sent Wuxia to training camp, the others checked in at the hotel, and finally met at the training facility arranged by the Spurs.

Louie's son has been discussing a new name with Louis on his way to send Wuxia to training camp.

The older he got, the more Lu Wuxia could not accept the name "Michael".

Although there are many great Michaels in the, in basketball, this name is as symbol of failure as "Erwin", and it is endless failure, unbreakable failure, cursed failure .

He didn't want to grow up with that name.

"You're right." Louie laughed. "Then what do you want to be called?"

"I think it's enough for me to have a Chinese name." Wuxia seemed to have figured it out, "I don't need an English name, just like my father."

This is not bad. In Louis's view, it is unnecessary to take an English name. Since his son also thinks so, of course he agrees.

"You'd better ask your mom first, though, you know how much she loves The Godfather.

After Louis and Wuxia finished talking, they sent him to the training camp.

George Gervin is looking pretty good lately and can still make a nice pick.

This is also the purpose of Wuxia's trip. He wants to learn Gervin's pick.

As for why? you think a 12-year-old kid can have any big ideas?

"Because that move is cool."

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