Cheng Zhifu personally took people to Xiaoqingzhuang beside Qinghu. Xiaoqingzhuang was one of the first villages to detect the epidemic. When the epidemic was discovered, the outside of Xiaoqingzhuang was guarded by officers and soldiers, and the villagers were not allowed to enter and exit.

With more and more patients suffering from the disease, the villagers of Xiaoqingzhuang are almost desperate-the plague is terrible, and the villagers have heard word of mouth from the older generation. The end result is the destruction of the village!

When Chen Zhifu arrived, Chen Xi had gradually spread in the sky, and the sun had just protruded from the horizon. As usual at this time, cooking smoke was already flying over Xiaoqingzhuang. The hard-working villagers would carry **** in groups and go to work in Tanaka. From time to time in the village, the voice of a peasant woman rebuking a naughty child ...

At this time, Xiaoqingzhuang seemed to be an empty village. The whole village was silent, and there was a heavy death gas over the sky. In recent days, people who have been seriously ill have died. In order to prevent the spread of the epidemic, the dead are not allowed to be buried, and they must be pulled outside the village and burned ...

In ancient times, it was important to be safe. However, in the shadow of death, the villagers of Xiaoqingzhuang have no mood to take these into account. Perhaps the next one to die is him; who is the next one to burn?

Cheng Zhifu asked the guarding soldiers and learned that in Dao Xiaozhuang, almost all of them had contracted the disease, except for a few people who had hit the well. This also verified the words of the little girl of the doctor of medicine—the epidemic was spread through water!

Plague, the discoloration of everyone, even the doctors who accompanied him are no exception. They wandered at the mouth of the village, looking at the dead village, a horror of fear rose in their hearts, and no one dared to enter the village.

Cheng Zhifu bitterly persuaded: "The girl of the medical doctor said, as long as you wash your hands and don't drink the village water, you will not be infected ..."

"Master Zhifu, it's not that we don't trust you. But after all, the psychiatrist in your mouth is just a teenage girl. What exactly is her medicine? After all, it hasn't been verified. It's not that we are afraid of death. There is a young man, and we can't live without it! "A doctor in his late forties, touching his beard, sighed.

Yueyuan sneered, and said, "Fear of death is fear of death. Why should you speak so grandly? Cheng Zhifu, I'll go with you ... Of course, if you don't believe our lady, you can wait outside. Give me the medicine chest, I'll go in myself! "

Cheng Zhifu said, "If the doctor is a doctor, the old man will believe it. The old man will accompany you in!"

"Girl, full moon, I will go in with you too!" General Li took his nostril and hummed to the doctors, "You guys, you have lost all of Doctor Xicheng! We Xicheng people, It ’s not all kind! ”

Cheng Zhifu followed the guards and soldiers and knocked on the door of the village head. The village chief's family also played wells, and there were not many infections in the family. The most-loved little grandson in the exclusive, because of playing with other children in the village, did not like to wash their hands, contracted dysentery.

The little guy pulled for a few days, and he had pus and blood, his eyes were dehydrated, and he looked worse than Liang Zhizhou's little boy. The little guy was housed in a separate room in the backyard, where the livestock and grass were originally kept. These days, if it is not the mother of the child, the child has not been abandoned, or someone may have disappeared long ago.

When the village chief heard this, the divine doctor invited by Cheng Zhifu had a method to treat the plague, and he was full of tears. He was really fed up with the smell of being held in the village.

The oldest brother Dong of the village, because he couldn't stand this, hanged himself on the beam of the house with a trousers belt in the middle of the night. If we go on like this, people will not die, but they will destroy themselves first!

"Let's talk nonsense, saving people is like fighting a fire, where is the patient?" Yueyuan was carrying a medicine chest, interrupting the village chief's words of thanks to Dade.

"In the backyard! Please come with me!" The village's youngest son, the patient's father, quickly led the way.

"I'm not a sacred doctor, I'm just a maid of the sacred doctor!" Yue Yuan followed the village chief's younger son into the backyard. Entering the room, she smelled a strong stench and could not help frowning.

The little daughter-in-law who has been cooling her son with water all the time, said with a slight expression of truth: "Doesn't it smell bad? Don't let people go out, eating and drinking Lazar is all inside, it smells good! Four dogs, you are willing to show up Are you afraid of being passed on by your son? "

"Daughter-in-law, this sacred doctor can cure our son's illness! We have saved our eggs!" The village chief's younger son looked at his wife-in-law with a look of excitement.

The little daughter-in-law's dull eyes were frozen for a moment, and suddenly recovered her glory. She looked towards the full moon, her lips trembling, and she was so excited that she could barely make a sentence: "Save my son, the **** doctor, please save him! My egg is only six years old, he is my sweetheart, He can't die-- "

Yueyuan lowered her nose and hand, pointed to the barrel of Gong, and frowned, "Clean them out, and open the window. The sky is getting warmer, and I'm not afraid of boring people!"

Outside the child's dad's miscellaneous room, he didn't dare to get closer. He heard the words: "Girl, the doctor, can't do this, it will pass the illness to our family!"

"In the end, are you a doctor or am I a doctor? If you want me to save your son and the people in your village, you must do as I say. In addition, I am not a divine doctor, I am just a maid and assistant of the divine doctor . "

From the medicine chest, take out a bag of floats and give it to the child's mother, and commanded: "Grab a handful and put it in a bucket of Christine, stir as much as possible. In this way, the sick gas in the patient's stool can be completely removed. By the way, you have been in contact with patients a lot these days. Wash your hands before meals. Do n’t share dishes with the patients ... "

The child's mother seemed to have received the decree, holding her hands in her hands, and whispered timidly: "The tableware used by the hairy eggs was made exclusively by his father with wood. He kept it baby every day and easily did not use it for others. I'm sick these days, so I can use some wooden spoons to coax some rice soup ... "

Cheng Zhifu listened and nodded gently. Maybe this is one of the reasons why the village chief's family was not infected!

The child's mother went to dispose of the feces in Christine's bucket. She took out the infusion tool in the full moon, hung the severely dehydrated little boy with normal saline, and crushed the berberine into a powder, which was poured into the sleeping little boy.

Berberine is too bitter, the little guy frowned, somewhat resisted, and faintly woke up. Unfortunately, his body is too weak to resist. Full moon squeezed the little guy's nose familiarly and poured the potion into it.

Yueyuan gave all the drifts to Cheng Zhifu and said, "You ask the village chief to take you around the village, and first remove the feces of one of the sources of infection."

Cheng Zhifu carefully took the powder he hadn't seen before, and handed it to General Li, solemnly admonishing: "This difficult and important task is left to General Li and your soldiers. The old man took a few Artisans to survey the landforms and find water sources. The most important thing is to solve the water problems of the villagers! "

Cheng Zhifu was just suffocated by the smell of Christine's barrel in the egg room. The feces of the sick were comparable to biochemical weapons. He couldn't hold it!

General Li felt that the drift in his hand was like a hot potato just out of the pot, neither was it, nor was it. Guard the Lord and send him to assist the Governor to control the epidemic. He had to listen to the words of Master Zhifu. Never ... let Master Zhifu do this pickled job!

As a result, Li's officers and soldiers under his tie became Xiao Qingzhuang's big dung, appearing in various latrines in the village. Farming people, in order to scoop up natural fertilizer, even if it is a urine, they must scoop it out of their own latrine. Every household has a simple latrine, and next to the latrine is a place to store manure in the open air.

The task of General Li and his officers and men is to float in a dung pool and stir in it with a long dung spoon-vomit! That smell can almost kill people.

Soon, the village chief's son came to support them with young adults who were not infected in the village.

Originally, the villagers who were trapped in the village waiting to die, heard the village chief's son said that the prefecture's master brought the therapist to rescue them. Suddenly, a strong desire to survive.

Therefore, when the village chief's son summoned those villagers who had not been infected, and told them how to prevent the infection. Many people listened and asked for help.

These days, they are frightened and frightened. The people around them fall ill one by one, and die one by one, first the old, the weak, the young, and then the weak young people ...

These unaffected villagers wanted to flee, but were besieged by officers and men; they wanted to hide and had nowhere to hide. The terrible plague is everywhere, and maybe the next one is the one who died of the disease.

Looking at the loved ones around him, the illness became more and more serious ~ ~ Looking at the neighbor who greeted him with a smile a few days ago, turned into a corpse, was carried to the village entrance and was burned to ashes. That despair, that fear, tortured them all the time. Their nerves are like a rubber band pulled to the extreme, and they are in danger of breaking down in the next second!

Suddenly, the village chief's son brought the good news-the source of the plague was found, that is, water and feces! Water source, they do not dig wells, they handle excrement. Who does n’t dig manure pits every year?

While working, retching officers and soldiers, waiting for these villagers who took the initiative to help, as in the case of amnesty, threw the dung spoon to the villagers and pushed away from the command.

With more people and strength, less than half a day, all the contaminated feces have been processed. Cheng Zhifu also relocated the seriously ill to a courtyard, and Yueyuan took several soldiers for treatment.

Cheng Zhifu couldn't help any more, so he gathered the healthy villagers in the village together and preached how to stop the epidemic and how to take care of the patients in the family.

For those villagers with relatively mild symptoms, Li will tie the soldiers under his tie and deliver house-to-house medicine. The little girl of the doctor said, berberine eats three times a day, three capsules for adults, and half for children.

List of chapters of high-speed writing

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