The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 448: Ask for advice

"This brother, can your Bupleurum let me see?" Gu night asked kindly.

The teenager looked at the pharmacist's clothes on her body, and her brow was wrinkled. Although she was impatient, she put Bupleurum on the booth to facilitate her viewing.

Those who come to participate in this level of pharmacist gatherings want to learn from others and exchange ideas through each other. Probably, he took Gu’s night as a small pharmacist who wanted to ask him for the Bupleurum method.

The baby pharmacist's Bupleurum is the most common vinegar and Bupleurum. There is no difficulty in the processing method, but the grasp of the fire is not so precise. When it was fried, the fire was a little bigger, and Bupleurum was too dry and lost some of its medicinal properties.

"You Bupleurum..." Gu night just wanted to help him to point a few words, but he was interrupted impatiently.

"I am busy at this time. I don't have time to explain it to you. Go to somewhere else to see it!" After the little pharmacist finished, he re-raised Bupleurum and walked toward a seemingly good intermediate pharmacist. In a modest manner, I showed my own Bupleurum to the other side.

Gu night is very embarrassing, super! Really kind to be thunder! However, she looked down at her pale blue collar without any ornamentation and shook her head with a smile.

"That... Can the girl help me see my medicine?" Behind her, a collar had been washed a little faded, and the teenager with the patch inside had a smile and looked at her with a smile. .

Look around and watch the night, pointing to yourself: is she? Is it for her to help me see the medicine? Her eyes rested on the three ganoderma patterns on the collar of the other. Actually have a third-level pharmacist, ask her?

The teenager grinned a little shyly and whispered: "I am outside the Jinyu Mantang, I have seen the girl and the Huangmen people fighting drugs..." Gu night was so stunned. So this is ah!

Gu night rushed his friendly smile and signaled him to take the medicine. The medicinal materials brought by the juvenile are four-flavored. The four-scented scent is generally used for water imbalance, qi stagnation, typhoid fever, rupture of the pulse...

However, the other party's four-system fragrant, Gu night always feels weird. She picked up a piece, sniffed it under her nose, and slowly let go, and asked: "The four systems are decorated with the same method... Wouldn't it be your own?"

The teenager was a little embarrassed to scratch his head and said: "I bought four incense sticks from the pharmacy, and I tried it out one by one..."

"You can know that the way of pharmacy is lost in a thousand miles. It is good to be aggressive, but the medicinal materials produced by our pharmacists are related to the patient's condition and the patient's life. A little mistake, but the condition Unhelpful, but also misunderstood..." Gu night did not want to see a humble teenager, who went astray in pursuit of a higher pharmacist level. Can't help but mention something.

The other person's face was white, and for a moment, he whispered: "Girl, I have four incense sticks, is there a big problem?"

"The big problem is not. However, there is not much benefit to the condition." Gu night put down the incense in his hand and looked up at the boy. Only by buying the four-scented incense, you can do this step. The teenager is still somewhat talented. If you give me a little bit of guidance, there should be no problem with qualifying for a medium pharmacist.

For all pharmacists, level 4 is a watershed. If the low-level pharmacist does not have the support of the teacher or the family, it is almost impossible to enter. Exercise requires a lot of raw medicine, and low-grade medicine can't sell the price.

The juvenile's family is not very affluent, no one is guiding, and it is courageous to dare to challenge the complex processing method of the four-system incense. The hardships can be imagined!

"This piece of incense is actually a failure, right?" In fact, before the night, the teenager was already cheeky, and invited several intermediate or senior pharmacists to help him see it. From their eyes and expressions, there is something in his heart that they don't understand. The new 81 Chinese network updates the fastest computer: https://

However, in order to study the four-system fragrant method, he almost poured all the savings in the family. In order to raise money for her, the mother did the embroidery work late at night, and her eyes were smothered by the oil lamp...

When I came to Beijing this time, my mother borrowed money everywhere and only made up for the toll. If he can't break through the primary at this big pharmacy and advance to an intermediate pharmacist, he will not be able to rush to a higher pharmacist level. He eventually became a small pharmacist who stopped at the beginning...

He was really reluctant, and the old pharmacist who taught him pharmacy once said that he was talented. Unfortunately, the old pharmacist only taught him to die a year...

His ability to achieve a good grade 3 pharmacist in the pharmacist assessment two years ago is the result of his efforts. Talented, hard work, but unfortunately no good Master guidance is in vain. For a moment, he was a little confused - man, after all, can't earn a life?

Gu night can't bear to see the young man squandering, no way, who makes her soft?

"In fact, can not be regarded as a completely failed drug, but because the processing method is not appropriate, the drug is not fully played out." Gu night's words, let the head down the teenager, raise his head again. A pair of eyes that are thirsty and looking at her.

"The so-called four system is made with **** juice, rice vinegar, rice wine, salt water, mixed, boring, and then fried. You can do this step without anyone pointing, it is very good. But There is a certain difference in the ratio of **** juice to salt water."

The teenager looked at her quietly, and there was a glimmer of hope in her heart. Perhaps, the girl who is much smaller than him is the noble person he hits. Intuition tells him that her next words will benefit him for life. The boy was engrossed and did not dare to miss a word she had said.

The eagerness of the juvenile has strengthened the thought of pulling him in the heart of the night. She paused and continued: "The ratio of Xiangfu tablets to **** is twenty-one. That is to say, twenty kilograms of fragrant scent needs a pound of **** juice to soak. Rice vinegar and wine need The amount of two pounds, and salt, only need four or two, after melting with water, mixed into the infusion ..."

The teenager silently repeated the data in his heart. This is too important for him! Unexpectedly, the ultimate solution for him was a little girl from the cardamom. The teenager looked up at his "being".

The little girl's side was hung with a faint smile, and a ray of sunshine shone on her face, reflecting her scorpion shining. After many years of juveniles, I remembered the past with my disciples, and still remembered the early autumn morning. The empty courtyard and the crowds seemed to fade away. Only the aunts were fixed in his memory forever.

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