"... you found it somewhat unexpected"

I look out at the incredible pressure-releasing objects that can be arranged on my desk.

The day after I took Claire, the last one, to Cleana for protection. I came to the cave where Cleana taught me to retrieve artifacts, but I got to the back without any particular difficulty.

Behind the cave, there was a desk in the middle of the pond, on which there was an unmade artifact. I wondered whether it would be good to treat it like this, but whether it was the power of the artifact, it had never deteriorated at all or worn dust.

Perhaps the pressure released from this artifact does not lean creatures around here. I didn't even have Kokshi. I came alone thinking it might be dangerous, but I'm too free.

Placed on the desk was a fine sword with a clear pale colour, a pair of silver spears that emitted dazzling light, a pair of gauntlets stained in scarlet, a pitch-black saddle that smeared everything... Has anyone seen anything?

No way... it's a coincidence, isn't it? I can't believe we're all the same for what we need. Alberry was using a fine sword, and Calendaina had a spear, and Mirez was fully armed but similar, and Claire needed it to ride Sila.

While I wonder, I treat all my things to item rings. At that moment, the area is covered by the pressure that the artifact was releasing until earlier. Was it a pattern that came out after I took it? Cleaner, it's not unsealed.

"Thou hast taken our treasure for our protection! If you want that, take me down!

And what showed up was like a man in a black shadow. I don't know because I don't actually have an expression on my face, but it comes from my voice.

"You asked me to get this from Goddess Cleana, I'm sorry, but I'll let you through here."

You know, while I say that, when I try to get the galadork out of the item ring,

"Oh, was it used by the cleaner? I apologize for this. Please come through."

And it made it easy for me to clear the way.

"... Yeah, I thought you wouldn't let me through?

"That's if you're an intruder. You feel the divinity of Cleana. So I thought there was no doubt."

That's what I'm saying, a black shadow that comes bowing its head respectfully. Well, that would be nice. I won't give it back if I tell you to give it back later.

I am dropped off by a black shadow and out of the cave. Now, once at Calendina's... this reaction!

◇ ◇ ◇

"... is this even seen at the end of the world?

I groan potpourringly at the view from the outer wall. Everything I see is black. That didn't take long until I found out all of that was kooky.

Soldiers around, including Regilt, blued their faces and uttered nothing. That would be natural, too. If I wasn't in this position of queen, I would have liked to do the same. But now that I'm queen, I need to lead everyone.

I can't help it, but it's only a few days since I took over as queen, but in my place this country will disappear.

With that in mind, I feel sorry for you, but more than that, I have to do what I have to do. I'm headed toward Regildo, who flaunts next door.

"Regilt, evacuate the inhabitants now."

"But in these few opponents, even if they run away, they catch up immediately, and they kill them"

"I know that. Because as it is, even if it stays in here, it just kills me! Move to help one person at all!

To my words, a resilt that moves out with a bishy salute. The number of Kokshi cannot be tens of thousands. There will be hundreds of thousands.

But why did you suddenly show up with all these numbers? Even though it was a few hundred up until now.

Hundreds of thousands to hundreds. The difference in power is historical. We will always die...... you wanted to apologize for the last time.

I know what that guy did to me thinking of this country. Yet I, with a temporary emotion... it's too late to regret it now.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this will be our place of death. You can run if you want to. No one complains. But if anyone wants to fight me till the end, come on about my back!

I'm going straight down the outer wall, I don't know how much you'll follow me, but I'm not turning around anymore. Until this life runs out, we just push on.

When you reach the gate, the soldiers look at me worried. We all just want to say hello to each and every one of you, but we don't have time for this anymore.

"Open the gate, please"

He's a gate soldier who's a moment confused by my words, but he opens the gate a little bit. I pull out a fine sword that is passed down from one royal generation to the next.

In front of me are the Kokshi coming this way as they give you some sand and smoke. Honestly, this is the only sight that makes my hands and feet tremble.

I grab the necklace I got from that guy I'm wearing from my neck. I want that one to help me. I'm also willing to hope so. But you don't deserve to see me for rejecting that one.

As I tried to raise my face, which I was nagging, as I turned forward with my hands and feet restrained from feeling trembling, a large palm was placed over my head all the way poff.

I look up in surprise, and there's

"Don't push your back on your own. I told you. He said he would definitely come and help."

That one with the silver hair stood better.

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