"I want everyone to stay here. 'Cause I'm coming."

I take the galadorg out of the item ring and tell everyone. I don't want everyone to be in danger.

Albury said he went, but I can't help but overhear what I just said. I regret my teeth, but I tell her that doesn't mean I won't take Alberry because he's weak.

Alberry has certainly never fought a giant enemy, but he has fought a large number of opponents. Even if it is surrounded by dozens of enemies.

Tell Karendaina to do the same thing, but that won't work. Conversely, when Calendina fights Japawone's Kokshi, never fight alone, I say. Because it's visible to be surrounded.

Albury finally convinced me when I told her about it. There's no way Alberry or Calendina are weak, because they've both fought behind their backs. It's just the right material.

There was a way to fight that suited each of them, and this time it just didn't suit Albury. If you're going to get used to it, you should be a little smaller. It's too big this time.

I activate the lightning suit and move on to the giant Kokshi. Kokshi seems to be targeting one Calendina.

Tentacles stretching from all over the body stretch out to entangle Calendina. Calendina avoids sewing gaps. Would the shoes that Calendina would wear also be artifacts? Avoid it as if it were running in the air.

Huge fists loom there. Calendina misses a good thing with a spear, but her arm will be paralyzed, she waves her arm from time to time. It's tough to divert a fist so proud of its mass so many times.

I let the universe show up with a weapon and run on it. Even from this distance there is a tremendous sense of pressure. The fatigue of the soldiers is terrible as well. One shot or so... No, it will kill you if you plunder. I have avoided attacks many times. It would be spiritually painful.

I will unleash a thunderous weapon on the tentacles targeting Calendina. Thunder weapons wear the targeted tentacles, and the cut part from the body falls to the ground.

"Are you okay, Calendina!

"Yes, it's okay, Master Ravelt!

Calendina, breathing on her shoulders, sees a giant cocksucker. I'll go next to Calendina and do the restorative magic. Your health will not return, but fatigue and so on will be lighter.

That's when Kokshi's tentacles grow where we are. Me and Calendina split left and right, but a large number of tentacles also split left and right. Apparently Kokshi has certified me as an enemy too.

I create a sword of thunder in my hands with my impending tentacles, and I cleave it, but it grows from beyond, whether I cut it or not. He's a pain in the ass. Huge fists loom there. I don't have time to avoid...

"Dear Ravelt... Huh?

He will not be beaten, but will move in front of Kokshi's face. Calendina was in a panic because she forgot I could use space magic, but when she found out I had moved, she looked weird.

I set up a spear throw in front of Kokshi. In my hand is a spear of thunder shining blue and purple.

"Wear it, Thunder God Spear (GUNGNIL)!"

Did Kokshi find out it was dangerous, trying to deflect his face to avoid spears, but in time he decides to take the right half of his face.

There is no blood erupting from Kokshi, just crying out. Just that scream rocks the atmosphere, it becomes a shock wave and it strikes.

Me and Calendina endured, but the soldiers were mostly blown away. Some soldiers are bleeding out of their ears.

On top of that, Kokshi's face, which should have been decided, gradually heals. Do you also have the ability to play? That's right, you couldn't have predicted this, and Calendina is whining next to me, "Oh, no..."

Well, what's the matter? If I wanted to take this Kokshi down, I'd have to turn it off in an instant. But if you unleash so much power in this place, it will damage the city. Do you want to fly somewhere?

"Calendina. Is there a land you don't use anymore on this continent or something?

Calendina leaning her neck to my sudden question.

"Yeah, yeah, it's weird when it comes to not using it anymore, but there's a place called the Forest of Death further south than here. It is an already dead land with only dead trees and no creatures. I was wondering if it would be okay there. What will they do?

"Hmm? You gotta get rid of this cocksucker."

I approach the regenerating Kokshi and activate the metastasis. From here, south, first transfer as far as you can see. Me and Kokshi in the air, and I finally transferred Calendina with me because you'd want to know. Is that it? Surely only dead trees grow. I'll transfer again.

"What? Huh? What?"

Calendina voices confusion over her first metastasis. Sounds like Alberry. Coming to the Forest of Death, Kokshi releases to the ground and makes Calendina stand behind me.

Phew, you've been using this since the war. It's been a while, so maybe we can't add or subtract a little bit.

"Let's go, Boom, Thundergod no Thunder (Keraunos)!"

Previously, I couldn't do it without the help of Hikarin, but now I can use it alone. Galladorg in his right hand is a spear, wrapping a thunder cage in his left hand, and eight circular thunder strikes behind him. My thunder magic. The most powerful magic.

"... su, wow..."

Calendina shrugs behind me, but I keep my eyes peeled off Kokshi. Kokshi understands my moves are dangerous, he's started attacking like never before.

They're firing demon bullets at us. I wipe out the demon bullets that fly in the thunderous god no thunderbolt. One shot at a time has a hell of a power, but it doesn't work for me right now.

I release a circular thunder flying behind my back around Kokshi. Thunder each flies to surround Kokshi and circles around Kokshi.

Then the line stretches from all the lightning and leads to each thunder. It's the completion of a giant magic formation. When you shed my magic there, the magic team started flashing and thunder broke out.

"You, thunderous god no iron strike"

I wave my heavenly spear down toward Kokshi. At that moment, a glimmer of thunder poured out of the sky, resonating with the magic formation, which became so huge that it covered Kokshi and fell over Kokshi.

The moment I bump into Kokshi, the thunderbolt blasts, covering one side of the perimeter with dazzling light. Without hearing Kokshi's terminator, only the thunderous sound rang.

I thought the light had subsided and there was only the earth where everything was burned black... but in the center where Kokshi was, people were falling.

One muscular man. The fact that Kokshi was at the center... is he the messenger of Sheid on this continent? Let me talk to him.

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