
I was too sudden to shut up. I don't know how you got that wrong.

"It's hard to say this time of year, but I want you to marry my sister."

And I repeated it to him. No, it's not like I didn't hear you.

"Yeah, well, why is there such a story?

When I ask, Mr. Meatier smiles like trouble.

"I'm sure you know the reason for this, Lord Ray, is that the Demon Nation's position is overwhelmingly weak compared to other countries. The reason, naturally, is all that has been done so far. The idea of a demonic equals enemy pervades the demon gods because of the Seven Demons and the wars that they will cross twice."

... That could be it for sure. I don't know what's going on in school class right now, but when I was in school, the Demons told me they were enemies.

"Now that we still have only the papal kingdom and the kingdom of Runwalker to relate to other peoples, there's not a big problem, but when this involves the Regalia Empire, and then also other countries that have never been involved, there's bound to be a problem somewhere"

"So what do you mean, marry me?

"I originally wondered if anyone was going to connect with the kingdom of Runwalker. But I don't have a good opponent. Heavy towns in the kingdom of Runwalker are your fiancée."

Uh, sure, there might be that. My fiancées aren't going to be the guys there.

"That's where you came back. If you announce tomorrow, the whole continent will be enveloped with joy. And if we have a wedding. But that's what makes it so problematic."

... Hmm, I see what Mr. Meatier is trying to say. Certainly a problem as a demon country.

"... that there are no demons in my fiancée"

Mr. Meatier nods at my words. My fiancée varies from God to man, beast, sub, dragon species, but the Demons naturally are not. I don't think I can help that this way either, but from the Devil's Country, it's a problem.

Regalia seems to still be on edge with you brave men and Chanel, and Nanol, Arcadia and Warvest have been on edge since before the founding of the country. Forestfaria is my master's land, and the queen is my sister.

Because Seelia has Mr. Levine's grave and the country manages it, Ekla often goes to Mr. Verty's, and Eyrnort seems to be boosting trade in mineral relations.

It's just that only Demon Nation has no edge and no deals like this. Well, on the contrary, they say the demon kingdom is pretty rough in the country because of the battle so far.

"If we don't use these hands, the Devil Nation will also be in a dangerous situation. For better or worse, we had Gladiel, so we could have fought Regalia, Arcadia, but the cost of war will shrink from now on. In that case, Legalia will definitely attack you."

Sure, until now, we had a common enemy called the Demon God, so we held hands together, but from now on, that won't happen. On the contrary, Legalia may attack as a country that has expelled demon gods.

Hmm. I'd like to consider it positively... but it's not that simple. Besides, I'm not talking about being able to decide on my own. On the day I decide to do this at my discretion... oh, they attack me...

"Mr. Meatier, can I put it on hold once? I'm not talking about being able to decide on my own. We have to discuss this with Alexia and the others."

"... right. You're in a little too much of a hurry. Now let's put it under Lord Ray for training. Mirja, come."

What? When I was confused, one demonic woman came in for fear. Purple skin on Devil's unique silver hair. Her eyes are hidden by her forehead, but she is a beautiful girl at Mr. Meatier's.

The girl, called Mirua, came all the way next to Mr. Meatier, gripping the hem of his skirt in a giggle.

"Lord Ray, this child is Mirja. Mirja, this is Lord Raveld Runwalker."

"… it's a pleasure to meet you… Mirua,"

Mirja greets you in the mostly wind. When I see you with me, you hide behind Mr. Meatier. And look at Mr. Meatier in tears.

"Oh, sister, no, I knew I didn't want to go. I don't want to leave your sister."

"It's okay, Mirja. Lord Ray is a kind man. And Lord Ray has a lot of fiancées, so he's not alone."


... It's very hard to get in.

"Lord Ray, I'm sorry, why don't you take me with you? Now that I'm here, I think it's just sweet."

With that said, Mr. Meatier tries to pull Mirja off, but Mirja won't let go by holding onto Mr. Meatier's clothes. I don't think you have to do that.

"Look, Mirja, don't be selfish"

"Your sister doesn't like me?

"That's not true. I love Mirja. That's why I should keep you at Lord Ray's side. Because it's safer than being here."

... what? Doesn't it sound like it's dangerous for Mirja to be here the way she says it now? Um, there seems to be a lot of other things going on.

Mirua reluctantly obeyed Mr. Meatier's words, taking her hand off Mr. Meatier and turning to me...... I feel so guilty.

"As it were, well, I wouldn't be so depressed. Please don't hesitate to talk to me or put me on hold, Mr. Meatier. 'Cause Mirja, you should take it easy on me."

Mirua snorts cocklessly at my words. Huh, I'm a little worried about taking you home, but I can't just leave you like this. What shall I explain to Alexia and the others?

I put my hand on Mirua's shoulder, and Mirua starts to freak out! And I'm so surprised... don't hurt me lightly. I'll keep saying goodbye to Mr. Meatier and transfer him to the runwalker.

"What? Huh? Huh?"

I'm so surprised that the scenery suddenly changed in front of me, Mirja. I guess this is the first time I've had a metastasis. And you're anxious to not have Mr. Meatier in front of you again in tears... and I lost my head cackling. So, are you okay?

"Mirua, it's okay..."

When I put my hand on Mirja's shoulder trying to speak to Mirja, who makes me bow over her face.

"Don't touch Mirja like that! Son of a bitch!

Shake off my hand and jump back away from me Mirà...... Huh? Who's there?

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