My released words make me worry about my brother and sister Aeris, and if you're a brother with 13 wives, you'll tell me.

He's the brother I've been thinking about with his arms around him, but he's gonna look at me with his face up. Did you get any answers to this? I was excited to wait.

"I don't."

And my brother told me... Hmm? Something came out of my brother's mouth that I couldn't possibly hear 100% of my plans right now.

"Brother, what now?

"I don't know that."

... It didn't seem like a mistake. This is unexpected. I'm just a little confused about what I was expecting. To me.

"I mean, think for yourself about that. Girls are better than the cool words that someone taught me to think hard for themselves."

... if you do say so. I've been counting on my brother since the beginning. I have to think for myself first.

"Thank you, brother. I'll think for myself."

"Oops. Even May should be happier with what Roy feels like than someone else's heartless words, so come on."

I snort at my brother's words...... hmm?

"... brother, what now?

"Yeah? Better than the words of others..."

"Not, how come it's May I confess?

I ask my brother. How do you know I'm gonna confess to May? Well, why? Where did it leak from? My brother and sister Aerys lean their necks in the wind about what they're talking about when I'm making my head glue.

"What now. I've known for three years that you like Mae. Every day, Priscia talked like she was worried."

Priscia, you're my sister! Sure, Sister Priscia would notice. And at some point he came to my side, brother. Put your hands on my shoulder, with a nigga and a grin.

"So, what do you say to May? Look, tell me, my brother. I'll grade him!


Ugh, uh-huh! I've never felt this way before since I met my brother!

"Look, look, say it"

"Look, I don't make a lot of fun of Roy. You're pathetic."

There, sister Aeris gave me a help boat. Huh, thanks for the help. My brother went back to his old seat like, "Oh, boy," and started making a mess of things. Well, okay.

"Well, brother, sister Aeris, thank you for listening. I'm going."

"Roy, look."

My brother threw something at me when I said that and tried to leave the room. When I received it in a hurry, it was a small box. I guess there's something in there. I thought I'd open it up.


I compare the contents of the box to my brother many times. Sister Aerys doesn't seem to know what's in it, but she's leaning her neck.

"Brother, what is this..."

"I confess, you've already bought the engagement ring, haven't you? I wish you could use that for your wedding ring. I might be a little quick."

That's what I say and laugh at, brother. There were two rings in the box that my brothers wore, one made of True Crystal.

But this ring should only be worn by someone with a blood connection to the Archadian papal family and their counterparts then......

You got my doubts, brother.

"Me and Astel changed the constraints. I have the True Crystal stone, too. Until now, it could only be used for Pope Arcadia's bloodline engagement, but the Runwalker Kingdom's was given to a counterpart recognized by a royal human being. However, because of the loosening of the constraint, the performance of the ring has decreased slightly."

That's what I say and laugh at you brother...... you did that for me and May.

"Roy and May both protected my family all the time while I was gone. I'll give it to you, with thanks from me and the implication that I'm counting on you."

"... thanks, brother. I'll do my best!


I bow my head to the two of you and leave the room. Thank you so much! Brother!

In time, May would be in the time zone playing with Master Allen and Master Elene by now. Should I go there too?

When I went out to the garden, as expected, Allen and Elene were running around, and May seemed to mix up there having fun. Then you're not going to the guild today. Sister Ferris and Huck were with you.

Master Elene is happily chasing after sister Ferris' tail, and even more after Allen's as she joins hands with Huck.

"Oh, not Roy. What's the matter with you?

Sister Ferris calls me when she realizes I'm here. Behind that, Master Elene is bouncing around trying to grab her pretentiously rocking tail, but Sister Ferris avoids pretending. Master Elene seems to enjoy it.

"No, I plan to go out with May at noon, but I have a little time, so I thought I'd come with you"

There are samurai and soldiers around, so it's an outward way of talking. Soldiers know each other, and they all look at me with envy.

Daimyo, are you jealous that I'm getting along with my sister Ferris? But unfortunately, the Ferris sisters have a brother. It doesn't make sense to look at me like that.

"Oh, yeah. Well, then, Mae, come on up."

"Oh, it's good. Because I just got here early. Let me have some fun with you too."

"Really? That would be nice."

Then I enjoyed it with Master Allen until noon time. May also looked so cute playing with the two of them looking fun.

◇ ◇ ◇

After Roy left the room.

"Good, Aeris, let's go on a date!

When I smile at Aeris, Aeris looks at me with a terrific look. What the fuck?

"Ray, you're gonna follow the two of us, aren't you?

And I've said it. I didn't expect you to find out.

"Huh, that's Aeris. You've only been with me the longest of my fiancées."

"Well, you won't be fooled with those words. I'm happy with the date, but not in the way of those two. Besides, we have to decide this!

Aeris can illuminate my words, but I wasn't confused. And bash the materials on the wedding prep relationship on the desk.

I can't help it. I'll finish it off, and I'll see where Roy turns a bright red face and confesses!

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