Kingdom of Nanol

Ray Perspective

"Go, Four Gods!

By Baron's decree, the Four Gods come to me. Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Xuanbu, Peacock. Even the peacock I just defeated is back.

"Let's go, Baron"

I run towards the Four Gods, too. At the same time, deploy the weapons that appeared around me. With your right hand out to the side, one weapon flies in from behind you and grabs it.


White tiger waving his arms down against me. At the end of my hand, my tall nails are stretched, and they try to tear me apart. I'll take the nail straight.


I shake up the sword in my right hand, Durandal, and hit the white tiger's paw. The White Tiger is bounced back by losing momentum, but he quickly regained his position and waved down his opposite hand.

Its power to slap the ground is such a powerful blow that a crater can hit the ground, but if it doesn't hit me, it doesn't make sense. I had already jumped into the air and avoided it. And throw a crimson spear in your left hand.

"Put it on, gay Volk!

The moment I throw the gay volk, the gay volk becomes so numerous that it becomes troublesome to count in multiple divisions that it pours down on the white tiger.

The White Tiger wiped out the demon without even raising it.


A blue dragon can fly there. Behind it, the peacock flaps its wings and comes flying its wings. The flying feathers strike down with Durandal, but a blue dragon approaching the gap came swinging his tail down.

I would take it at Durandal, but I couldn't stand it and was slammed straight to the ground. I get hit in the back and coughed up, but I don't have time to crawl to the ground. If you noticed, nearby, Xuanbu, wrapped a snake around his body, was about to shake up his leg and crush me.


"Shit, you're gonna get crushed! Myolnil!"

I erase Durandal and summon a new, glowing hammer in my right hand. Hit Xuanbu's foot as he waves down to crush that gavel. At that moment, Xuanbu's legs blow away, losing momentum and flipping.

There's no way I'm gonna miss that gap, and I'm gonna throw Myrnil at Xuanbu's head. Rotating at considerable speed, Myornil proceeds, crushing Xuanbu's head, the winding snake, and returning to hand.

Xuanbu, who lost his head, fell shaking Zudon and the ground.


I don't know if it's because my people have been defeated, but Blue Dragon comes at me with anger. I summon a sword in both hands.

"Demon Sword Balmunk, Demon Sword Glam!

Cross the sword between your hands to receive the Blue Dragon, which is coming towards me without biting. Shit, what a force. They never break through the sword, but they push it backwards one by one.


"I wonder if I'll lose!!

I step forward and launch the Blue Dragon fangs from the bottom up. Losing the momentum, Aolong deflects his face. Erase the sword of both hands and summon a new sword

"Rip it up, Heavenly Wings slash it!

Sword in the sheath, swing through the heavenly feathers slaughter at once. A muscle of slaughter flies from the heavenly feathers slaughtered out of the cohabitation, breaking the body of the blue dragon. Blue Dragon still doesn't die, he sticks in with his remaining upper body, but he cleaves.

The finely cut blue dragon became light and disappeared.

Only peacocks remain. He doesn't want to come near darkness because he remembers me getting hit. Just fly flaming feathers as you swirl through the air. That's fine then. I'm just gonna rip it out of here.

I hold nothing in my hand, I take the upper position. I thought I saw it and showed a gap. Peacock releases flaming feathers at once. Enough feathers to cover my sight. But I'm not moving from here.

The reason is simple. That's because I'm gonna win!

"Rip it off, Excalibur!

Swinging down from the upper stage, a gleam of flash emanates from the glowing sword in your hand. The flashing light purges the feathers, which were enough to fill the field of vision, as if they had not existed from the beginning, and pushes them straight ahead.

The flying peacock was caught in a stream of light and disappeared as it was.

I look straight at Baron. Baron dyes his face in anger.

"Come on, you're the only one left, Baron."

"Don't joke, don't joke, don't joke! You're going to ruin my plan! Divine Magic, Light Dragon Conversion!

The moment Baron activates his magic, Baron's body changes. The body overflowed with disastrous impatience, his arms enlarged, his tail stretched, and his wings grew.

That's more of a demon than a dragon.

"Grrrr! Let's go!

Baron running towards me. Until just now, this intimidation, my body would have atrophied and wouldn't have moved. But now I am.

I don't feel like losing.

I summon a large number of weapons on my back. Release everything toward Barron!

"Cut it out, you little punk!

Barron plays away from flying spears, axes, swords, various weapons, and goes with prevention, but that's not just a weapon. It's the most powerful weapon I can imagine. Naturally, it cannot be prevented.

A spear wears Baron's right arm at the beginning. Baron pulls out the spear, but a sword descends from the sky ahead and pierces his left knee. Baron, who has had difficulty avoiding it, plays his weapon with his magically enhanced arms and goes, but scrapes more and more. The axe descends and cleaves both wings, and the sword pierces.

"Damn it! You! You're as good as you are!

"I'm sorry. There's something I can't give away, too. So I can't let you destroy the world!

Barron explodes his powers and the weapon he was stabbing disappears. And they're coming at me. I have a holy spear in my hand.

"Sineje! Mega mino shitoyowo!

"Sorry, but you're the one who's gonna die! Let go, Longo Miniado!

The glowing spear in my hand thrusts toward Baron. Barron hits me, but pierces its arm and pushes straight into Barron's chest. The moment I stab Baron in the chest, I release my powers at once.

"Gahhhh! Ya, yamelo ohhhhhh! O, orega, orega, kieruuuuuu! Majin de al oregaaa!"

"I'm sorry. I'll have you on the road! Ha!"

The longo miniado piercing the baron gleams, covering one side of the perimeter with light. Barron's disastrous temper has also been overshadowed and erased.

There's nothing around, just a bright white space.

"... Is it over"

I sit around on the spot. I was reincarnated into this world for 14 years. What do you care? You were shorter than in your previous life. But it was a more contented life than in previous life.

Still, it's everyone's face that reminds me.

Alexia, Ferris, Caro, Aeris, Helen, Priscia, Ekla, Chanel, Mari, Krona, Phyllia and Merlin.

My loved ones who weren't in their previous lives. I guess they all cry for me. It may make you feel lonely. That's all I'm sorry about.

But I want you to live well. And my share. Even for the life to come.

"... my body is losing its senses"

I probably fell asleep without being able to sit down. I don't feel like going up, down, left or right anymore. I didn't even have time to feel it in my previous life, but is this the feeling of dying? But...

It's not too bad.

Because you die laughing at the end...

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Kingdom of Nanol

Siege Perspective

"Whoa! Marco, Wright, are you okay!?

"Yes, it's all right, Father."

"Me, too."

Is this... outside? When me, Marco and Wright were fighting demon soldiers, they suddenly thought the floor glowed out and flew outside the temple. Is this some kind of trap, too?

If I thought so and looked around, the ground in front of me would glow. Me, Marco, and Wright stood up and watched, and they showed up.

"What the hell was that, what's that?

"School director!

"Oh, Marco to Sieg, and then it's the lights. Why are you here?

He was the director of the Sylphide School. Apparently, the school director was also flown outside. But who the hell did? And another magic formation appears. That's where I emerged from.

"Ray! Ray!

She was Princess Alexia. Left and right do have Hikarin and Marilyn of Ray's Spirit. It just doesn't look right, all three of them were in tears.

"Alexia, what the hell happened?

"... Shh... Ray... Ray..."

The school director asks Princess Alexia what happened, but Princess Alexia just hugs the school director and weeps. And at that moment.


The temple that was in front of me disappeared. Where the temple was, it disappeared as if it had been cut off. And that there's no Ray here. The fact that Princess Alexia was in tears made me understand.

That Ray stayed in the temple. I don't know what power I used, but it would also be Ray's fault that the temple disappeared.

...... that idiot.

Around there was the crying voice of Princess Alexia.

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The Second Demon Wars

With tens of thousands of dead and more than twice as many wounded, this war closed its doors.

Three years have passed since the end of the war involving the world in history.

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