The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

219. Demon Wars Thunder Dragon King vs Dark Dragon King

"Then I'll play for you, Levin!

"Bullshit, my little girl!

The Illes jump off the back of the Evil Dragon they've been on and come at me. I run thunder all over my body and intercept the Illes.

300 years ago, I was definitely alone. Then I couldn't stop you. But hey, I haven't been playing for the last 300 years!


My fist and Irez's fist collide. Fist pressure bumps into each other and blows around. My arms used to be more squeaky if I did this, but now they're mutual. The Ileys are also surprised to open their eyes.

"I'm too surprised to this extent, Olah!

"Come on!"

I'm gonna kick Irez for stopping a surprise move because I'm out of control. Lightly kicks into the flank of the Ilees, and the Ilees blow away.

However, to this extent, it will not be possible to pass the defenses of the Irays.

Naturally I chase after him. Ileys punches me where I stand to put my foot on the ground and blow up.

"Ola, Ola, Ola!"

Hit me, hit me, hit me! The Irays also distract me from my fist, but I can't make it. Left fist in the face. Right fist diminishes on left flank.

Follow the blowing illaise and wave your feet down as much as you want. The Ileys avoid twisting their bodies down, but kick them again with the opposite left leg.

I grab Irez's clothes before I blow them up and beat them up as much as I want with my right arm, which was buildin 'up magic!

"Ray Gang-kun!

A right fist wrapped in thunder enters as it is sucked into the face of the Illes. The moment he hits the Ileys, the thunder can bounce around him, and he wears the ground. And then there's thunder and blow up in the Ileys, too.

But this alone would do less damage.

"Ooh, get up, Irez. It wouldn't have worked at all."

I say to the Irays, where the smoke can still stand and I will be in it. Then.

"Haha, haha, haha! No, it's fun! I can't believe you can meet someone who can beat me up ~. Finally, I can get serious too ~!

That's what I said, Irez, popping out of the smoke. The Illes show up right in front of me, and I keep them from beating me up.

"Haha, haha, I didn't stand for it, Levin! Enjoy me!

"Shit! Let it go, you bastard!

Just wave your arms down, fisting enough to blow the area away. Me and Ilees release that fist over and over again. It turns into a land with nothing more around it, and no one gets close.

"Aha, dragon claws!


Illais, who was hitting each other's fists with me, opens the fist he's ever closed and bends his fingers like a hook and nail. And wave your arms down loudly.

At that moment, five slashes fly towards me. Same dragon claw I use. The shape is small because it is human, but if the power is a normal one, it is cut off the moment it is touched.

I can stand it, too, but I don't have to bother. It hurts. Avoid the slashing of flying nails as the ground decides.

"I'm going one after another ~, haha!

Turning to me, avoided in the air, the Ileys release one dragon claw after another. Shit, that's not gonna bother you. I put thunder on my hands. And...


Beat the flying dragon claw and turn it off. Wrap thunder around both legs, kick each other, and erase the dragon claws.

"Wow, wow! It's amazing!

I beat up all the flying dragon claws and turned them off, but for some reason I was pleased with the person who flew them off. What the hell is that guy? But at the next moment, the body of the Ileys flows with black magic. And the shape of my body changed slightly.

The hands and feet have long nails stretched out and the arms have scales all over them. Tails grow in the hips and wings in the back. Semi-dragonized? I also half-dragonize it to fit the irase.

All I have to do is grow two hands, two legs and a tail, and a horn from my head. Semi-dragonization is a different part that varies from individual to individual. Some wings don't come out unless you go as far as dragonization as I do.

"I'm coming. Ooh!

As if you've been waiting for me to get ready, when I'm done changing, the Illes pop out. I take it with my arm that you wave your arm down like you're scratching me with your nails.

The Irays strike like they're dancing inside without putting their feet on the ground. Wings, huh? I'm flying, so I'm making an unexpected move in the air.

I thought it was a kick, I wielded my tail, and I thought it was going to hit me, and it spins and attacks me with my tail. They suddenly change their moves in the air like this one attacks. You're a pain in the ass!

"Look, look, it's this way!


I was getting frustrated watching the niggling Ileys! I activate magic without worrying.


Release an electric blast around me. The illaise that was flying around near me naturally involves me too. I haven't done a lot of damage, but I'm sure I can make a gap. Build magic within the present.

"Oh, it's dangerous - Ugh! It's tingly...... what? Bullshit!?

Ileys shouts surprise at seeing how I am now. Well, that's natural, too. Because...

"Blow it, Dragon King's Roar (Dragonix Lore)!"

Illes manages to avoid the roar of the Dragon King I unleashed, but in time, he disappears into one wing of Illes.


Irez fell to the ground, unable to fly in the human form. Dragon King's roar is, as the name suggests, a move that was allowed only to us dragon kings. It becomes the strongest attack of each attribute.

Naturally, until now, I could not release it without being dragonized. However, after working out, I was able to release it even in the state of half-dragonization. Irez was surprised by this.

"Damn, that's what happens because you look down on people forever."

I speak up where the Illes have fallen. I cut a thousand wings, but it's in a man-shaped state. And...

"I'm already angry! I won't forgive you, Levin!

In front of me was the appearance of a complete dragonized irase. Eight wings together are still alive. Is there only one scratch in it or the one you just hurt?

I'll do a complete dragonization to match the Ilaze, too. Well, that's the real deal from here.

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