"... finally, it's time to start the operation"

"Yeah. If it hits us, we'll get him."

"Wow, I'll help you with a slight force too!

"Cousin, wait! Because I'll give you mine for the first time!

◇ ◇ ◇

"Wow, I haven't slept well in a while."


The day after the meeting that invited the kings of the nations ended. I was stretching my body out on the bed. I've been cutting my sleep lately and getting ready for a meeting. Yesterday I was able to sleep slowly for a long time.

Next door, Ekla, who slept with me, stretches out her body and yawns in the same way. Ha, that's cute. As I stroke and soothe Ekla's head, she knocks on the door. This time of year.

"And if you'll excuse me, Master Ray!

After all, it was Krona. But there seems to be something wrong. Are you out of your mind?

"Good morning, Master Ray! Looks like you slept right yesterday, are you okay?

"Morning, Krona. Oh, my body's fine. I haven't slept well here lately. I haven't slept well in a long time."

When I say that, Krona was good, too, and she smiles and prepares for her usual morning. But sometimes when you look at me with a flicker, you dye your face red. What? What's wrong? But before I ask,

"Come on, Master Ray. Get ready and head to the dining room. Ladies and gentlemen, please wait."

"Oh, yeah, I'll be right there."

Krona got ready as usual and left the room. You're distracting me. Well, why don't you ask me later? Shall I get dressed?

I wash my face and change my clothes. Put Ecla in his usual steady position and continue down the hallway. Going down the hallway, I can bow my head to the different samurai.

Speaking of which, it's about time their contract ended. They had been hired by the chief samurai of the kingdom of Nanol with the promise that they would only be in between meetings. If you don't get ready for it.

I also have to return the desk I borrowed from the kingdom of Nanol, etc. That's a lot to do when you think about it. Well, what we do in a hurry is about the samurai, so let's do it slowly.

We need to build an extra metamagic team to prepare for the war, but that's also the stage where we're letting the materials gather.

"Cu, cu, cu, cu, cu, cu!

On my head, ecla sounding fun. You're in a good mood today. Did something good happen? When I opened the dining room door stroking such an ecla, everyone was already sitting and waiting.

"Morning, Ray. Did you sleep well?

"Oh, good morning, Alexia. Good morning, everyone. I slept well. Looks like he was tired."

I sit in the upper seat, which is my usual fixed position. Everyone else hasn't decided on a seat but me, and the sooner the better.

Alexia in front of my right today, Caro sitting in front of my left...... that? Speaking of which, Mae and Roy don't have the Phyllias. I'm sure he was still in this territory.

"Shall we eat Ray too?"

"Hey, what's wrong with the Mays? I'm supposed to be here all the time."

"Oh, Mae and the others are going to the Runwalker Frontier Uncle Territory. Phyllia invited me."

That's what Priscia answers. Really? Well, if you're going to play, you're gonna be fine. Don't worry about runwalkers.

Then, everyone starts eating breakfast. Except for me here are Alexia, Ferris, Caro, Helen, Aeris, Mr. Merlin, Priscia, Ekla, Chanel, Mari, and Krona.

Not a few more than usual, but still quite a few. If that's what you think.

"Ray. Do you have any plans today?

And Alexia asks. Everyone will look at me in response to that. Um, plans. For now.

"I guess what we need to hurry is the return of the samurai who are letting us hire them from the kingdom of Nanol. It's time for the contract to end."

"Speaking of which, you did. But don't you have to be in such a hurry? Father would forgive me if I were a little late."

"Hmm, that being said, you say you're courteous to your close friends, too, right? The term of the contract is until the end of the meeting, so I need to get you all home by the end of the day."

When I say that, Alexia stuffs her words with stuffiness. What's the matter with you? Is there something there?

"So there's nothing in particular after that, is there?

There, Helen asks to help Alexia. After that? Sure, hurry is to return the samurai, but there's something else I'd like to do.

When I told him about it, Alexia and the others gathered at the end of the dining room and started discussing something. It's just me and Ekla eating breakfast.

And Alexia and the others are done discussing, go to their seats... and stand to surround me without going back. Hey, what?

"Ray, I'm sorry, but you're gonna get caught."

"Huh? Whoa!

When Alexia said a disturbing word, she unleashed her magic on me. It's the magic of the captive system. I immediately avoided jumping off the spot, but why the hell!?

"Damn, you've been avoided. But I won't let you get away with it!

Everybody's stuffing me with jizz. Why? Did I do something? I don't know why, but should we run away here? Or should we discuss it?

"Mi, guys, calm down. Why are you doing this? Did I do something?

"Yes, I did! A great sin that must not be committed!

That's what Aerys says, he jumps at me. What should we do? Should I avoid it or take it?

I decided to take Aeris. I don't know what I did, but I guess I did something that pissed everyone off so much. You should honestly apologize here. I have to apologize, including what I don't remember.


Aeris jumped in, so I take it in the form of a hug to Aeris. Aeris also makes a loose voice in between that you just didn't expect. And...


And I hear my fiancées screaming.

"I'm sorry, Aeris. I don't know why you're so angry. I'm sorry, but can you tell me?

"Wah, ok, give it a rest!

Ooh, ooh? My unexpected answer came back. Should I just, like, give it a little more? As I was told, Aeris' face became so fuzzy that there was no more. What's this, sweetie?

I was embracing a fuzzy Aeris, but Dear Sir, Aeris was captured by Alexia and the others.

And Aeris is surrounded and pissed off by everyone. All I hear is sloppiness, wanting to be done too, wanting to be done more than that.... what the hell, more than that.

Then, forgive everyone and let them sit in their original seats. We need to hear a good story from everyone. Why were you so angry? I'll make sure Krona puts a drink in front of everyone before I talk it out.

"So, just now, I want you to tell me why I pissed everyone off. It's enough that everyone's so angry. I don't remember what I did. Sorry!"

I bow my head to everyone. I don't think I'm allowed to do this, but at least I have to show my sincerity. Then.

"Oh, keep your head up, Mr. Ray! Nothing, because we're not mad!

And Helen says. Raising his fearful head, he had the look of everyone with a very troubled look on his face.

"I'm not mad at you, Ray. It's just that Ray's been busy with meetings and demons lately, hasn't he? So we were thinking about getting some rest."

"But my cousin says no matter how much you ask, it's a work job. As a result of our discussions, we were forced to catch him and give him a rest..."


"The truth is we wanted to flirt with Ray! Especially those of us who were voicemailers!

Caro, Chanel and Ferris told me why they acted earlier in their order... was that what you said? It's true that I've been working here lately, and I haven't even had a break.

And Alexia and Krona could have spent some time together while they were in the Legalian Empire, but not everyone else. That certainly can't help being pissed off. Because it's my fault.

"... ok. Let's all be neat this afternoon. As I said earlier, I'm only going to end the samurai thing. I'm sorry, guys. Without thinking about everyone."

"Don't apologize. Because I know we're doing everything we can."

That's what Priscia says, but I knew you had to do something like this from me. I don't care where you think I am.

Then, after the meal, I gather the samurai sent by Nanol to confirm the contract and pay the salary with the termination.

Some of them said they wanted to work here like this, but I just couldn't give them permission, so I asked them to go home to Nanol, and after talking to Nanol's head of the maid, they tried to get in touch. I'm sorry I pulled through on my own.

We all had about 30 samurai dispatched, so checking each and every one of them quickly daylight.

I have other work to do, but I promised everyone. That's it for today. But what should I do, though I said I would spend the whole time? After breakfast, I stopped seeing everyone.

Heading to the dining room for now, there was no one there and only one potpourri and letter were placed on the desk. There's...

"Wait in the bathroom!

And, for some reason, it was written in bright red. Why red? I'm a little scared. But, well, I can't help thinking about it here. Should we head to the bathroom?

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