After a disturbance in the morning, I brought Alexia and Caro, along with Mr. Merlin, to the venue.

As of yesterday, Mr. Merlin was known about his eyes, so the hood is already down and walking. He walks in dignity without being cowardly in the gaze around him. A strong man.

Caro, walking with a mask on, but I guess he cares about the gaze around him, grabbing my sleeve with his finger and following me. Alexia also occasionally asks Caro to worry.

Taking those two to the same venue as yesterday, the kings of the nations were already waiting inside. Everyone's gaze naturally goes to Mr. Merlin. No, only the Pope looked at me seriously. When I snort, so does the Pope.

Yesterday's experiment was a success. It turns out my thoughts haven't come off either.

"Ray, you brought her here..."

"Yes. I think I'll discuss her eye thing first before we discuss it. And about the curse of this continent."

To His Majesty Raymond's words, I return them. Naturally, you came stuck to that.

"Lord Ravelt! Why are you bringing the curse holder to this venue? What will you do if something happens to the kings of all nations!

I wonder if it was Lot, the elf man from Forestfaria. He screams. Yesterday, I told Queen Titania to bring him to the venue today.

Queen Titania has asked permission to use the Transition Magic Team to return the troubled lot to her country.

"That's the thing, but it's okay. There's no curse."

"On what basis can you say that! Isn't that what you're saying because you want to protect that woman!

"The words are too much, Lot. Get out of the way!

Emotions exploded, lots of yelling at me. I guess I just can't watch anymore, Queen Titania notes. Well, I also feel a little overstated in this place where there are kings of all nations, well, not now.

"I don't mind, Queen Titania. I'm sure it was Lord Lot. Including that, I'd like to talk about Oddeye."

When I said that, Lot shut up. I look around the kings of every country and make sure everyone is paying attention to me.

"First, let's have a look at her. She is Caroline Arcadia. She is the first princess of the Archadian pope and my fiancée. Carol, can we go?

"... Yeah, I'm fine. Just, could you hold my hand?


Caro gives it back to her temper even as she trembles. I hold my left hand and lift it, as Caro asked. When Caro feels my warmth in his left hand, he takes a deep breath, puts his hand on the screen with his right hand and takes it off.

Caro is closing his eyes and slowly opens his eyelids. The kings of each country, except the Pope who saw it, raise their voices of surprise. That would be natural, too. Because Caro's eyes are the odd eye for this problem. The right eye is the same blue as the pope, but the left eye is divinely golden.

It would be about the Pope and my family that she is odd-eyed. Everyone else has no idea.

"I didn't know Miss Caroline was an odd-eye..."

His Majesty Raymond and others close to each other are also surprised.

"She's odd-eyed, as you can see. But she's not cursed."

"What do you call that, Lord Raveld?

"Yes, I originally had my doubts about this curse by Oddeye. Why is it called a curse when you have odd eyes? When I looked at the old books, it didn't say why, it just remained a legend."

Does the kings of the nations know about this?

After the incident that caused Mr. Merlin to quit, I asked him to look into the library of Wang Du and the library of the Royal Palace, and Oddeye could find a book that said he had a curse, but I couldn't find a book that said why he had a curse.

"That's when I met her. She was just as worried about Oddeye as Mr. Merlin was again. However, the difference with Mr. Merlin is that he had the ability in his eyes."


Emperor Rosbell responds to my words. The point of reacting to the ability seems to be the emperor, but now I ignore it in order to move on. I look at Caro, and I see him with my eyes, and Caro snorts. And Caro...

"The power of this golden eye says' divine eye '. The goddess Astel gave me protection."

Explains it from my own mouth. And the ability of that divine eye to slip out. Naturally the kings harden to surprise. That won't help either. Until earlier, I thought Caro was cursed, too, if the cause was in Astel, the goddess.

"I listened to her abilities and made one hypothesis. At that time, I thought maybe, but before this, I was almost certain."

That's where I spill my magic as I point my finger in my right eye. The kings naturally concentrate on my fingertips, giving me an increasingly surprising look. Caro and Mr. Merlin were also surprised by this.

Didn't Mr. Merlin tell Carol anyway?... um, I don't think I did. Well, we'll talk later.

"Maybe your right eye is turning purple. This eye is called a predictive eye. You can predict the future a few seconds away. This is from Astel, the goddess."

"Ray. When are you gonna get something like that..."

Sieg looks me in the eye and is stunned. Oh, I didn't think you'd be surprised. But would you be surprised if your own son was an odd-eye? Well, mine isn't always changing color, so it's still better than the other two.

"Me and Caro. Based on the situation between the two of us, I talked to Mr. Merlin yesterday and asked him to do something about magic in his eyes. As a result, we found that the red-eyed one with the left eye had the ability."

Mr. Merlin is embarrassed by my remarks. I guess I remember yesterday. I was in a hurry. I didn't think you were capable of that.

"The ability to..."

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