"Fuck, fuck! Hey, what the fuck are you guys!? but for you, kid! You bugger!"

Count Buccano, a former Legalian aristocrat, yells at me. There are scattered around what was Count Buccano's men.

I can see General Meria standing behind me angry at Count Buccano's yelling, but I'll stop it with my hands.

"I'm fine with the bucket stuff. Otherwise, I can't protect what I want. Then I am the former Count of the Regalia Empire, Count Maceo Buccano. You repeatedly ignored our notice and made resistance. You will be punished for it."

"What a punishment, you invader! You know what happens if you kill me! I have ties to His Majesty the Emperor! If you kill me, His Majesty the Emperor will not shut up! It's gonna be a war!

Count Buccano laughs low and says such a nasty thing. Ha, how many times has this exchange been going on?

"What's wrong with that? Are you afraid of the Regalia Empire and can you rule the former Regalia territory? If you can call me... yes, next time His Majesty the Emperor will come to King's Land, so I will take you before His Majesty the Emperor then. That's when you say the same thing to the Emperor."

"... uh, eh?

Count Buccano confused by my statement. I tell them to ignore it and take me to the soldiers. It's a total hassle.

"Good day, Master Ray"

"Oh, General Melia is tired, too. What's the damage?

"There have been injuries to the soldiers, but they have all been treated within magical cure. The dead are not here. I was wondering if Count Buccano's soldiers were damaged by about 100 men."

"To the people?

"We are not in the people, but we have found the women imprisoned in the basement of Count Buccano"


And the floor beneath my feet sounds cracking.... Easy, me. There's magic blowing out of anger. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Huh. When I look at General Meliá, General Meliá is also in cold sweat. I'm sorry every time.

"... I'm sorry, General Merliah. There were no women in the soldiers... Hire residents here to take care of the damaged women. Then let the inhabitants eat the meat of the orcs hunted all over this front mountain."

"Okay. Don't worry about me. Because I know how Ray feels."

That's all General Merliah said and excused me, he left the room. Phew, you managed to make it. Now we can capture all the rebellious nobles. I'll leave it to the deputy for a little while, but for now, this will calm you down.

It's been two weeks since I sent a letter from all over the country. A week later, thanks to the fastest delivery flights I've asked Mr. Levin and Mr. Hilde, I'll get back to you from all over the country. Mr. Levin had no choice but to be angry because it was an emergency.

Well, it's impossible to use an ancient dragon on your feet. If I hadn't been Ekla's fiancée, Mr. Hilde would have laughed, too, that the ancient dragon would have been a beautiful and instant battle.

Well, every ancient dragon admitted instantly when Ekura looked sad, "Curu..." That was chocolate.

And every reply I returned was an acknowledgement reply. We are scheduled to gather in King's Lands next week.

How we gather takes advantage of the transfer magic formations that were in the Legalian Empire. Until now, it was a secret, but there were some broken transfer magic formations in the forts of the former Regalia Empire, so I analyzed that with me, Mr. Merlin and Mr. Dorothea, who could use the transfer magic.

And I used the metamagic over and over again to raise the level to 5 to create the metamorphosis magic formation. Although it was about 5 meters in diameter.

Spatial magic was originally level 3, so using metastases about 100 times a day for a few days increased the level. Thanks also to the protection and increased magic.

And because it worked or I tried it myself and I succeeded, I asked the dragons to take the boards depicting this transition magic formation to the countries.

Plainly, it was difficult to draw a metastatic magic formation. Because I had to draw a certain shape with the magical magic power of a transfer magic gate in a special paint. If you make a mistake in one place, the magic team won't activate.

But thanks to this, we are able to travel from country to kingdom. Each country must have the magic to activate it, but with the magic of two ordinary people, one will be able to send it. I hope you forgive me for having managed to improve it.

And he had captured the nobles who were now in disobedience in turn. I'm not going to call the kings of every country where there's insecurity.

In order to be able to gather soldiers in the territory where the mansion is located, we decided to capture the nobles who are currently dividing the soldiers. Today will be its last.

Every nobleman said something similar, and every nobleman did the same thing to capture a woman and make her nauseous.

Especially terrible was the fact that nobles were happy to hurt women. The bodies of the women had been left intact in the basement of that noble mansion, so much so that they had been turned into undead by resentment.

I murdered the noblemen I would summon on the spot and burned every mansion of the women who had become undead. I'm sorry about the ladies, but if it does, I can't go back to it.

"Ray, we're ready."

"Mm-hmm. Okay."

If I had remembered the nobles until I got here, Douglas would have come.

Are you ready to go home now? I leave the mansion with Douglas in the back. Douglas is in my position as a Kingsguard for once.

Not only Douglas, but so is everyone else, but they have grown their stats all over the place thanks to the 'knots' who have interacted with me. Well, we all need training. The results matching that just show up in the status.

When Douglas and I leave the mansion, we are divided into a group to return to and a group to remain in front of the mansion. It's bad for the rest of us who have to do post-processing, but I want you to do your best.

I have to help you get ready when I get back, too. Three princesses are in charge now. Even if you go to the kingdom of Nanol after the inspection of the Transition Magic Formation and ask someone familiar with meetings between those countries to come.

"Master Ray. Ready."

"Okay. I'm sorry about the remaining soldiers, but I want you to work a little harder. Captain Bern, I'll take care of the rest."


I ride the horse the soldier brought me. I haven't had much of a chance to ride a horse, but I can ride to the crowd, too.

"General Merriam."

"Yes! Each team is leaving!

With General Merliah's decree, the return group advances. About 3 days from here to the territory where the mansion is located. Then if you're all that, don't be on the same day right away. Well, I hope it's all right.

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