"Shit, shit, shit! I'm gonna fucking kill you!

A dark-haired man stands up with Yura holding down his right shoulder. I don't know. Because I try to get my hands on people's women. But fighting within the Empire is too dangerous. I'm watching now, but they might come join us. That would do the Empire a lot of damage.

We have to do something about the dragons swirling over the imperial capital first. I thunder the spear against the sky. Thunder hits the clouds of the sky, making gobbling noises and emitting light in the clouds.

Hikarin, please.

Don't try!

I keep releasing magic and Hikarin changes the shape of thunder. With the clouds roaring, dragons, all things look up into the sky to the soldiers. The sky is turning into a cloud if you notice, and lightning strikes from the gap between the clouds. Of course I try not to fall into the Imperial Capital. And the next moment.


Huge dragons emerged from thickened clouds. About 100 meters long. The size of your face is enough to afford a whole swallow of advanced dragons. It's not a Western dragon, it's a snake-like dragon, like the East.

I leave the operation of Thunder Dragon to Hikarin. Hikarin is better at manipulating magic than I am. And Thunder Dragon is devoured by the dragons swirling over the Empire City.

The dragons flee, but the hell, they disappear into the mouth of the dragon and the thunder. Along with that, the Legalian soldiers magically began attacking as well.

I am less concerned, so I turn to the brunette. The man opened his mouth with Pocahon and watched the dragons being chased around.

Come on, let's do it.

"Hiya! Hold on, well, hold on. That's right! Why don't you be one of my men? I'm going to make them and the world all god. If that happens, I'll make you king of this land! What do you say? That's not a bad story, is it?

The moment I turned the spear against the man, the man started saying weird things. You were just staring at me with hatred, and all of a sudden, what are you saying? Besides, I'm one of you.

"Will it be?"


The man blows to the opposite side of the earlier. Until earlier my right half was blackburned, but now my left leg blew up. The man is hitting his face on the ground with blown momentum and bleeding from his forehead. Well, he hasn't noticed.

"................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Hey, why not! Why not! Shit!"

The man wanders around the ground as he calls. Look for your left leg with your left hand, but of course it didn't blow up like that.

"Shit! Shit! And help me! Why are you looking at me there!

The man shouts at the seven demon generals in the sky. You certainly haven't intervened at all.

"Why should we help you? We're just here to declare war. That's where you just walked out on your own."

"Hey, what the hell! So, aren't you guys in trouble without me!? I'm a demon vessel!

So what did God say about this from earlier?

"Yeah. You did a great job. as a sacrifice for the resurrection of the demon gods."

"... Huh?

"We tried 300 years ago to revive the demon gods. But then we failed without reviving without being prepared enough.

So I first searched for the vessel that the demon god would put in, so that the demon god could come out into this world. That's you. And that's until today. "

And each of the Seven Demons began to build up their magic. I feel bad about something!

"Hikarin! Aim for the Seven Demons!

"You got it!

I give instructions to Hikarin and turn thunder dragons to the Seven Demon generals who have begun to build up their magic power. Thunder Dragon opens his mouth wide and tries to chew up the Black Dragon King.

"Don't lick me! Dragon King's Roar (Dragonix Lore)! '

The Black Dragon King accumulated pitch-black magic in his mouth, releasing it towards the Thunder Dragon. Unlike Mr. Levine's white growl, Black Dragon King's was such a pitch-black growl that it dyed everything black.

The roar hits and roars with the thunder dragon. The black roar and the blue-purple thunderdragon shine together. I can hear Hikarin treading in my head.

And the explosion. The roar and thunder dragon have also disappeared. In my head I hear Hikarin screaming 'Fugaaaa'. The recoil of Thunder Dragon's extinction seems to have gone all the way to Hikarin.

The aftermath of the explosion blows up in the imperial capital, the roof of the house and so on. Bounce. Flying magic disappears against the barrier and wears the ground.

I can't even look at it. Release a circular thunder floating on your back toward the Seven Demons General.

"Get out of my way, Apostle of the Goddess. Burn it down, Blackhead, Demon King's Sword (Leviataine)."

When I unleash thunder, one of the Seven Demons, the Seven Demons in Armor, comes out and activates the magic. Is that level 10? I don't know if it was dark magic or fire magic, but the hand of the Seven Demons was held by a great sword with a red line as the base of black.

One wave of that sword blew black and burned my thunder. And jump off the back of the Black Dragon King...... chip!

Kickin '!

and my spear and the Great Sword of the Seven Demons collide. Soldiers blowing up at that shock. I don't have time to worry about that, I'll meet with the Armored Seven Demons. Damn it! You're strong. This guy. Play the imminent sword with a spear.

Now, we have to kill that man. A little impotent, but I can't help it.


The Seven Demons will wave down the Great Sword and I will prevent it with my right cage hand without taking it with a spear. In the meantime, accumulate magic in the spear. The Seven Demons have also noticed, but the sword that has already been swung down cannot be stopped.

Keep swinging it down. Hit it with my cage hand. At least in an instant, my right arm was cut off from my elbow first and shoulder first.

Severe pain almost makes my consciousness fly, but I eat up my teeth and shake up a spear from the bottom. And left a deep wound obliquely on the body of the Seven Demons.


The Seven Demons fell from the walls. I get down on my knees before I see it. Shit. It's time to stop having magic. Blood also flows from your right shoulder. Besides, my arm burned in black. I have a lot to think about, but I have to kill a man before it does.

I thought so. When I looked at the man, there stood the Devil's Sword for some reason. The man reaches out his left hand to ask you for help, Devil Sword, but you ignore and hoist the sword in your hand in heaven.

And stick your sword straight into the man's body. Plus, not once, over and over again. The man's disconnect sounds, and the Devil's Sword makes you laugh out loud so that it overlaps with it. The insane act continued even as the man's left hand fell to the ground.

The soldiers around me, the brave men, I couldn't do anything.

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