"Totally unexpected."

I speak to a man with a two-sword in front of me. I was wondering if there was some sort of measure, but I didn't expect it to come down from the sky.

But I can't even say that. Soldiers get hit one after the other in front of them. Malus got hit, too.

The other asked Marco and Gill, leaving the general command to Lord Merliah. I'm here to stop the man in front of me.

I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna let you do this any more.

I'll stay alert. I can't let this man like me any more.

"I'm sorry, but I have something to do, too!

The man with the two swords comes at me with his sword. I release a poke with the Wind Dragon Spear Tormenta. This spear is a spear made of fangs taken from an advanced dragon wind dragon that I used to crusade.

The magic of the constant wind attribute is granted, reducing the weight of the spear and increasing the speed. He's my partner.

My fast-paced thrust made the man one of the defensemen. I manage to prevent it with my sword and try to get into my nostalgia, but I won't let you in that easily.

Plus, there's something wrong with this guy's movements. Sure, the force is strong, the speed is fast, but the reaction is a little slow. Besides, the sword in my left hand is of little use. You're not used to duplicity?

But I'm not sweet enough to miss that gap. I go to the left side of the man and aim for the sword in my left hand. The man manages to prevent it, but he moves worse than he did earlier.

Turn the spear and pay your feet. The man jumps and avoids, but I keep swinging up the spear. The man gets his sword crossed by an arrogance, but the sword is swept up by the spear and his hands are raised.

And then I spin and release the poke again. The man forcibly twists and avoids in the air, but the tormenta plunders his flank. The man distorts his expression in pain, but immediately puts the spear back on hand and pokes him over and over again.

It's prevented by a two-handed sword, but it would be only a matter of time before we push it off like this. The spear payoff is reduced to the flank of a man. The feeling of a broken bone and a vegetable comes through the tormenta, but it swings straight through.

The man blew up as he was, but not until he lost his mind. I get up again even as I spit blood reflexes. Then return the sword that was in your right hand to your hips and turn the sword that was in your left hand into both hands.

"What imitation?

"I was originally just a swordsman. I knew it would be better this way than the unfamiliar duplicity."

Saying so, the man strikes again. Indeed, compared to the time of the duplicity earlier, I was no longer lost in the movement. Shift my thrust many times with a sword.

I take a spear for a man to cut me. Take a spear cut and hold the spear vertically. The man releases a poke in return, but avoids deviating from his body.

I keep turning the spear and swinging down the stone poke. The man backs down and avoids it, but I stab that stone poke to the ground and use the repulsive force to jump into the air.

Swing the tormenta down toward the man as he returns the tormenta to hand in the air and turns his body. A man receives a spear that swings down from the top with a sword, but the power of both knees on the ground.

As soon as I land, I rush over to the man and release the kick. The man hits the ground many times and rolls away. And the soldiers who were around also flock to the man.



The man stands up for a long time, cutting off the soldiers and going. That bastard. I run out and attack the man again.

I poke him and the man slips away. I will take it with my sword even if I pay for it. Little by little, but it's ready to react to my attacks. Is that some kind of ability?

But I didn't have time to think. Because when I poke him again, the man disappeared from sight. No, so illusory that the man defeated his body and avoided my poking.

And run under the spear to the ground sleuth. I immediately put the spear back on hand, but it was a little late. The man made a left cut with his sword, and I was cut off flank, without failing to prevent it.

Now the man attacks to poke at that gap, one bullet at a time heavy. Guys attack hard, so I'll try to prevent it.

◇ ◇ ◇

Damn! You're too strong for this guy. I really have about the strength of Gargante. The spear is the strongest spear man I've ever fought.

At first, I was on the defensive side without being able to read the movement. But thanks to the endurance, the power of the "endurance man," the technique rose.

This is really handy. Because just because you have this skill, you know a little bit about the spear movement. Thanks to that, I managed to read a little bit about the man's movements as well.

But I thought I could push it in like this, on the arrow tip.


And there's a loud noise. It's not this battlefield, it's the sound you hear from afar. The sound of something exploding. I didn't know where it came from, but the man seemed to have figured it out, looking the other way from the battlefield.

That direction is where the frontier uncle's territory does lie. No way, that's where the explosion happened?

But this is your chance. I attack while a man is showing a gap. Did the man notice, too, look at me again and put up a spear.

But even if I attack, I don't have the clarity to do it earlier. I guess I still care. I'm not focused on this one. My sword is starting to hit me little by little.

Maybe the explosion just now was part of Gargante's operation. Now use a defective group that is invisible. But if I tried to cross here, I'd have to go beyond the devil's earth or through this fort, so I guess I used the power of a man named Aynes.

Because that guy said there's not a lot of people he can carry at once, but a long distance he can carry.


Good! The man's movements have been disrupted. I play a man's spear with a right cut up. Return it and cut off the man! Keep it up. The man's body runs with a sword. A man keeps his wound under control and he kneels.

I hurry to the place where the cloud ladder is due. Soldiers gather around them, but they become duplicitous and stumble again. Cut and cut and cut. And...


and the sound of the cloud ladder hitting the fort. Cut the soldiers trying to break the cloud ladder in the meantime as well. And...


and the Regalia army climbed up. Phew, the operation finally succeeded. The man stares at me with a grudging eye, but he gives instructions to the soldier.

I'll help the soldiers, too.

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