We stand surrounded by Chairman Marina and Mr. Milkle in a large group of impending orgasms. I don't know about Mr. Milkle, but it's dangerous to leave Chairman Marina, who's not confident in the fight.

"Here they come!

Vice Chairman Brookle speaks up when he sees the orgasms gathering from around us to surround us.

Vice Chairman Brookle shields off the assault of an orga that comes with a beating and cuts his arm off with a sword. However, whether the muscles of the orga were thick, the sword would only have cut the skin shallow without being able to cut the meat.

Vice Chairman Brookle gives a bitter look when he sees it, but stops attacking his arms and attacks soft areas such as his joints and neck. But I guess Auga doesn't like being attacked there either. It looks like we're preventing it and the attack doesn't go through inside.

Mr. Berg slaps the orga with an axe and cracks it. But even the axe, which is going to shake a lot, is going to shake a lot more than usual to cut the hard skin of the orga, creating a gap. Mr. Milkle is covering for you so you don't get beaten up now, but how long can you stand it?

Aeris can safely watch. Unlike before, he grants Kagelow a firemagic weapon and burns down the orgasms. On top of that, the ability to ignite from the incision is alive and well. At a time like this, but the smell of meat burning is good.


Whoa, I have to take him down, too. Avoid the auga that hits you in front of you and hook and roll the lowga on your feet. And stab a lowga in the throat.

Can you focus on me?

"Chaos Voltex Body Grant, Weapons Grant"

I wear black thunder and push through the orga. It will form a little protrusion from everyone, but if you want me to pay attention to it, it would be better this way.

My isolation pushes the orgasms from all directions. I can hear everyone screaming behind me, but I guess that's all I could afford.

I just look behind the chill, and then I concentrate on the aug. Enter the nostalgia of the orga in front of you and wave the lowga. Mechanically reduced to the flank, the ogre flies as it involves another ogre who was lying on the side.

I'm still responding to signs perception. Stone poke an orga approaching from behind my back into my belly. The stone poke stabbed his belly because he had gathered more magic for the stone poke. But this is the only thing that keeps the orga from falling, so I swing the lowga around with my thrust.

Sounds like an impromptu hammer. Nearly 100 kilometers is usually hard to wield a certain giant, but I can handle it now that I'm strengthening my body.


The orgasms bump into the swinging impromptu hammer, making a gushing noise. All right, now about 10 bodies have been kicked.

But if you look around, it doesn't look like it's diminished. Everyone tries their best to take them down one by one, but one by one, they get hurt and weakened. And...

"Gu Hu!"

While Vice Chairman Brookle, who was dealing with two orgasms, was concentrating on one side, he was pounded and beaten by the other.

Vice Chairman Brookle painstakingly prevents it with a shield, but without letting Auga's arm strength escape, the shield crumbled. The arm was broken. And vice chairman Brookle, who was beaten up as he was, doesn't make it slight.

I don't know if it's dead to not disappear from here, but are you losing your mind?

"Damn! Brookle, come on!

Mr. Berg tries to go help Vice Chairman Brookle, but the other orgasms get in the way and can't go help him. Vice Chairman Brookle is also safe now, thanks to Chairman Marina's fire magic and Mr. Milkle's bow and arrow holding the orgasms together, but that's only a matter of time, too.

Aeris is standing alone so that he doesn't break through the other side. And the orgasms that were swarming me also start to move whether they thought it was better to deal with the other side than with me.

It doesn't taste good like this. Aeris will still be fine, but everyone else......

I had no choice. I thought I wouldn't have to use it in this labyrinth when I heard the story, but I can't risk everyone because of my master's irregular.

No matter how much you say you won't die, you won't lose that fear if you taste it. I didn't have time to taste it, but I died.

That's what I thought. The moment I tried to activate the magic.

"I won't let you! Plus, you're gonna stand up to us! Frell, let's do this!

"Whoa! Let's go, sister!

Quite a bit of magic blows out of Aeris the moment Aeris screams someone's name. The red magic is blowing to wrap the Aeris. The orgasms around me saw it and stopped. That is......

"You have the Spirit of Fire"

and Wright tells me. Maybe Wright knew. The Spirit can't talk about the other spirits, of course.

And why do I like Phyllia, Aeris and the Spirit so much? Wright doesn't seem to answer this either. While you're thinking about it.

"Burn it down! Snake Flame No Great Knife (Jaenno Otaki)!"

When Aeris screams, the blowing red magic gathers to Cagelow. And Kagelow burns up and creates his own self.

And the only thing that showed up was a machete that was 2 meters long, and everything from blades to patterns was dyed red. I hold it so lightly that it doesn't make me feel that way, even though it looks pretty heavy.

"I'm going. Yikes!

Saying so, Aeris heads to the Augs. If you look closely, Aeris also has red magic all over her body. The Augs also thought that Aeris, which emits considerable magic, was dangerous, and they all head to Aeris.

But Aerys doesn't look like he cared about that, and waves a machete. Light as if it doesn't weigh. Maybe it's a machete created with magic, so the actual weight isn't the same as when it was Kagelow.

However, the augs who should have been cut didn't seem to care, and look back to attack Aeris from behind, passing straight behind them when they cut.... Ah!


The orga I tried to look back falls to the ground only on my upper body (...) as it is. My lower body remains standing when it is cut off.... Can't you even notice that the sharpness has been cut too sharply?

And Aeris chops it up one after the other. The orgasms are cut and die unaware. Some of them had fallen on their upper body on the way to try to run, and some orgasms were only running on their lower body.

You thought it didn't taste good as it was on the boulder. Black orga screams. The other augs who were listening to it took the distance out of Aeris. He seems quite alert. Am I supposed to go back under the chairmen in there?

Aeris looks at the orgasms with a machete on his shoulder.

"As it is, you don't have any chili. I'll finish it next time."

Put the machete aside. The Augs are nearly 100 meters away from Aeris. You won't get it if you attack from there. Would you fly even a slaughter like Oak King did yesterday? That's what I thought.

"Everybody kneel down!

and Aeris screamed out. At that moment Aeris' killing temper swells to the extreme. I feel bad about this! I run under the chairmen and shame the chairmen who were watching me and Aeris. And...


Aeris waves a machete into a sideburn. At that moment, your body split and your machete stretched out like a whip!

Aeris turns the machete so that it rotates as-is. Gaggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg! Is that stretched with magic? And Aeris' body circled around, and the stretched body gutted! and back to the original machete,

Bottom, bottom, bottom!

and the sound of falling. I looked up and saw that only my lower body stood there. There are also signs of slaughter on the other wall. Did you stretch that far?

"... that's amazing"

That's what Chairman Marina whines about when he sees the sight. I think so, too. The black aug that was no. 1 away was also cut. Luckily he was just big tall, or only his legs had been cut off. Black orgasms are moving like falling down.


But that's when Aeris sits down like he's going to fall. Is that magic exhaustion? I can run straight under Aeris and hug him.

"Are you okay, Aeris?

"... Yep. I think I used a little too much magic. How'd it go?

"Oh, that was awesome. That was cool."

When I say that with a smile, Aerys says it's good to smile too. And I lost my mind. I can't help it. With all that magic. Later......

"I'm sorry Aeris seems to take a handful, but do you want to take down that crawling black aug"

I walk under a black orga with Aeris on my back. Black Orga is looking up at me and saying something, but I naturally don't know the language. I stabbed a black auger in the head with a lowga as it was.

It is me and Chairman Marina who are awake, Mr Berg and Mr Milkle. The door opens to the back because you defeated all the demons in this square.

When I went there, there was a platform with a treasure ball in the center, and a magic formation centered around that platform was depicted. I guess it's a magic formation for metastases.

"You're finally clear. Thank you, everyone. You're my best friend."

Chairman Marina looks around at everyone who says so. Aeris carried by me, Vice Chairman Brookle carried by Mr. Berg, remains unconscious.

And like going, we can all hold hands and put magic into it.... Let's ignore how rough Mr. Milkle's breath is.

The magic team glowed little by little. And then came back to school when they noticed the floating sensation of a sudden loss of scaffolding, just as they had gone.

There stood a master laughing with Niyaniya.... I have a lot to say, but now I'm happy that I cleared the labyrinth safely.

Thus ended Chairman Marina's escort.

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