"Thank you for keeping us hidden, Your Grace."

"Hey. Isn't it the nobility of the same country? I wouldn't even be so afraid. Lerigus, get these people a room."

"I'm awed, Master Glutas"

Baron Mangus is taken to Religas, near the side of Glutas. No, wasn't it the baron anymore?

"Dear Glutas. Why hide the Baron Mangus now being chased from the kingdom?

When I asked because I wondered, Glutas looked at me and laughed with his nose.

"He's a rare user of dark magic. I just think it's worth using and hide it. If you have to, you can cut it off and give it to Raymond. So what's going on inside the school?

"... Yes. Those who follow my instructions are gathering their people."

"Right. Then you keep going. Goddamn it, I got intel that the Imperial side was ready to deploy too. It would be the beginning of the year if they were to attack Runwalker territory. We move along with it. Be ready by then. If you succeed, I'll help your mother."

"... ok"

... I leave the room unchanged. Go straight to a certain room. There are two soldiers standing at the entrance and they are under strict surveillance, but when I approach them, the soldiers don't look particularly concerned just because they see a chill.

And when you enter the room, there is a woman inside who sleeps in bed and a samurai who takes care of the woman around her. This samurai has been a motherly samurai sleeping in bed for a long time and was brought with her.

"Ah, Dear Tigris, good job"

"Oh, good day, Martha. How's your mother doing?

"... I still have a fever today and I'm sleeping."

That's what I'm gonna say. Martha, I'm gonna put my face down. My mother suddenly fell ill one day. My father called several doctors to see him, but he threw a spoon that none of the doctors knew.

I was invaded by that unexplained disease, and my mother's condition was on the other hand getting worse every day. In the meantime, glutath came to us, who were on our way.

Glutas becomes his father's cousin. Because His Majesty Raymond, the current king, and the former king, the father of Glutas, and my grandfather, are brothers. But there was not enough contact here to say at all.

When I say whether such glutath came only at this time, I say it is to treat my mother. I should have noticed at this time, but I guess we've already been fitted in since this time.

The treatment of the magician that Glutas brought in, the man who said Aines, made her mother's condition better than before, but this man was the only one who could treat her now.

For that reason, Father obeys Glutas. Because the only condition to get Aines treated was to listen to Glutas.

I should have told His Majesty Raymond about this right away. Because the instructions this man gives develop into a case that rocks this country.... but neither my father nor I could have killed my mother. I guess I'm disqualified as a nobleman.

"... Dear Tigris, are you okay?

As I lay my face down, Martha peeks at me worried. She knows nothing. You can't involve her so far for my mother.

"I'm just a little tired. Then I'll take care of your mother."

"Yes, leave it to me"

I'm leaving the room.... if I could only find the means to treat my mother, I wouldn't have to listen to such a man's instructions. If it's the worst case scenario, I'll kill that man even in exchange for my life. That's my responsibility for causing this. I went back to my room with that in mind.

◇ ◇ ◇


Ekla shakes into the view from the carriage window. Are you happy with the unusual scenery?

"Wow! You can't ram me, Ekla!

May holding that looks tough too. I guess the view of Wang Du from the window is also unusual. Let's have some fun now.

It's been about two weeks since we left Baron Mangus territory. When Alexia returned, the deputy arrived on schedule, so she saw Mr. Benton, the family order, take over before leaving.

Coming about that time are the Viscount Kennus, who is called to the King's Capital, Alma, who is in love with Douglas, and the Baronesses, who were expelled from the Baroness Territory.

The women who helped out of the bandits stayed in the Baron Territory to live a new life or to look for work in the Viscount Territory. I think some women were good because they were supposed to have a good relationship with the soldiers.

The baronesses seem to be arranging for the king to be able to live secretly. This is what I heard from a deputy who came later.

Well, this time the baron's all bad. Her wife was sick and asleep and she wasn't involved. The appearance had to be judged, and the king's consideration that there would have been nothing good, even if it remained in the territory as such.

Mr. Benton will also chase after his wife when the handover to the deputy is over. I guess this was a good idea because the lady seemed happy.

With that in mind, we left the Baron Territory. The past two weeks have gone well without being attacked by goblins, and they have come as far as the King's capital can see from earlier.... because I don't want to see goblins for the time being.

The carriage is prepared by Viscount Kennus with eight passengers and a slightly larger carriage, and inside the carriage is seated to me and May, Ekla, who can be held by May, Aeris, Helen, Alexia, and Priscia and Roy, Ferris.

When I got in the carriage, I was bored with who was going to sit next to me, but at my direction I sat Roy and May down. Everyone was angry with Boo Boo, but it would be better this way if we were enough to fight every time we got in the carriage. Because we end up together in a narrow carriage. When I told the women about it, they got angry that I didn't know what was happening to them.

Roy and Ekla are pretty upset with Priscia and May, who are new to King's Capital.... if you hadn't so much, you'd fall out the window, Ekla.

There was an accident where Mae grabbed Ekla, who was about to fall out of the window, and even Mae was about to fall, but she arrived safely at the royal palace.

Alexia told me she wanted me to come straight to the royal palace when she got back. The soldiers were listening, too, and when I said a word or two to your lord, he put me through. Well, I was showing you something like a pass.

"... isn't it strange what's going on around you?

When we go inside the royal palace, somehow the soldiers tell us to close the carriage windows, us rocking as we go. I've been here by carriage before, but I've never been told that, so I doubt it.

"Oh, yeah?

But Alexia and the others are normal without looking particularly concerned. No, I'm laughing a little, so you know what's going on?

Besides, usually we should have already arrived and stopped, but the carriage is still moving.

"Culu ~"

Ekla is a little grumpy because they hid the view from the window. Priscia and the others are also wondering or tilting their necks.

After that, the carriage still rocks me for a few minutes. The carriage finally stopped when I started to think it was just crazy and thought about getting out of the carriage. And they open it from the outside, and they urge the soldiers to come down.

Look, I'm coming down.

Alexia smiles and holds my hand and goes down with me and there it is......

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