Alexia and Helen smile when we approach the gate.

"Good day, Alexia. It's good to have you back safely. I'm sorry Helen couldn't do it either. Thanks."

That's what I'm saying, Alexia, hug Helen in order. Then Alexia and Helen will happily cuddle back, too.

"It's fine. Because I know what I can do."

"That's right. Don't hesitate to say that I'm the only one who can help you in battle."

That's what you say. Smile at me. Alexia and Helen. I knew I didn't have any body. Talking like that, the Aeris are coming too. May is happy to storm Alexia and say "fuzzy ~". Although Roy seems to envy me without a heart. I envy you, too.

"You could have asked the Baron to do it for now."

That said, I see a carriage lined up behind Alexia and the others. There are about 10 carriages lined up there for about 6 people. I would be able to get everyone on board with this. But Alexia and the others look angry when they hear about it.

"Duh, what's going on?

"Actually, I need to talk to you about that. I'm not gonna let you talk here for a second, so let's go to the mansion."

That's what I'm saying. Walking out, Alexia. I had no choice but to follow behind it.

We got to the mansion. We're gonna take a seat. This place is gonna be Ekla riding over my head with me, Alexia, Helen, Ferris, Aerys. The Douglis were in training with Mr. Levine, and the Lenes are looking at the women who were harmed.

"Something happened at Baron Mangus's?

Alexia snorts when I ask Alexia that.

"Did Ray not wonder about the bandits who were in this village?

"Those bandits?

I remember the bandits who stayed here. There was certainly something puzzling about it. If you are supposed to be a bandit group of about 50 people, it is normal for crusaders to be formed from nearby lords and crusaded before they grow up.

Some bandits hide good things and make them a little bigger, but they still don't reach 150 people. However, the bandits who were attacked in the daytime are also about 300 in size. I wondered why it had come to this size.

"If that half size were to appear, a crusader would surely have been formed and already captured. But I've been sitting here for over two months. The village seemed to be regularly attended by merchants, and there were streets nearby that we went through. Yet the bandits who were here were not crusaded. Why do you think that is?

Yes, Alexia asks. It's not like I was hiding something good. As Alexia said earlier, there are streets passing near here, and there must have been some stops to rest here. And yet it wasn't crusaded.

"The crusaders weren't formed?

When I say that, Alexia snorts.

"When we talked about this village, you asked me how Baron Mangus was obviously doing because something was wrong. Then the reason I answered is because I didn't have the money, so I couldn't form a crusade!

Alexia gets excited about the excess anger and slaps her desk as much as she wants. Ekla, who was uttering over my head, was amazed at the sound and fell out of my head. They took it because it fell before me.

"Ah... I'm sorry. I'm a little excited."

Alexia seemed a little calm watching the sight. On the contrary, Ekla fell by surprise, but now she got angry. He's making a curly, angry voice on my lap, slapping my desk with a pacifier. I couldn't calm myself down by touching it.

"Is that possible? Our border is a special place, isn't it? So I've never heard of a bandit coming out of that neighborhood, and I don't know because I've never talked about it because there was a standing army."

Aeris snorts too when I say so. Well, the bandits themselves don't lean over there because of the proximity of the Devil's Land, and the level of adventurers seems to be higher than in other territories. If the bandits were wandering around in that area, they would be hunted instantly.

"Well, the borderline realm is special. Sometimes the border with the Legalian Empire is a great march for demons, so your father keeps more soldiers than any other territory."

"Yes, but it's not unlikely that it's other territories, especially smaller ones. Because in places like that, there can only be soldiers for policing. Still, if a bandit emerges, he will borrow soldiers from other territories, even if he owes money. If you report that to the state later, you'll get the money back."

"So Baron Mangus didn't even do it?

"Yes, we talked earlier. If you owe a soldier money, we'll pay him back later, and then an investigator will be posted to that territory."


Also, we have a new position. Even if I remember what Helen used to learn, it doesn't come out.

"Yes, one of the treasury positions in the Royal Palace, one that examines any irregularities in other territories. In a case like this one, you'll be able to find out why you don't have the money to borrow soldiers from other territories. Baron Mangus didn't want the investigator to come and find out."

"Does that mean Baron Mangus had something nasty going on?

Helen nods when I hear it.

"Baron Mangus abandoned the village because he didn't like what he was hiding. Besides, I won't let the merchants go to that village. Thoroughly. And left the bandits alone. If that bandit takes damage outside Baron Mangus' territory, your lord will form a crusade, won't he? I've been waiting for that."

What a cunning hand to use. Did I try to look and pretend not to see and rub it against other territories?

"Did you find out what you were hiding?

When asked so, the two shook their heads sideways. Well, just because you're a princess and a marquis lady, can't you talk to the management of any other realm?

"I didn't know, so when I dared to go back to Wang Du, he said I would report it and send an investigator. That's why I was falling apart."

You deserve that. Well, you didn't think the princess of this country would go through like that over there either. Still, it's not acceptable. Because there are women who have been harmed because of it, even children who have been sold to the people who have been killed. You're starting to get angry when you think about it.


Whoa, that surprised Ekla because I released magic into my anger. I stroke Ekla while I apologize. He seems a little angry, but he's cute rubbing his head against my hand.

"So what about that carriage?

I don't think I can get as many as 10 carriages out to Baron Mangus who says he doesn't have any money. Where did you bring this from?

"I borrowed it from Viscount Kennus' neighboring territory, where Baron Mangus was about to rub the bandit thing off. Tell me about it and you'll be glad to lend it to me."

Hehe, and Alexia with a black grin.... I'm a little scared.

"So, who's leaving?

"Let's do it the day after tomorrow. I know it's okay now, but we'll check everyone's health again tomorrow, and then we'll leave."

So is that. If we can't make it and get sick on the way, we might not be able to handle it. It's just...

"At this pace, you won't make it to the new semester."

Everyone gets stuck with it. I guess if I tell you the circumstances, my master and Dr. Mary will forgive me too, but I'm a little scared because I don't know what they're going to say. I was thinking about that while stroking Ekla.

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