The Red Devils Successor

Chapter 1030: Years ago

When he heard these words from Alonso, Van Dyck staggered.

Yeah, if I'm just being kind to the enemy, isn't that being ruthless towards my own people?

I'm the captain of Manchester United!

Van Dyke's eyes became more fierce: "Maxi, thank you for your reminder. Rest assured, I will not let Neymar attack easily!"

At the same time on the home team coach, Gintag and Scholes were talking about this issue.

"Captain, Van Dyke seems to be struggling to defend Neymar."

"In the face of a forward like Neymar, which defender dares to say that he can definitely defend him? Van Dyke has done a good job."

"Then you let Van Dyke properly strengthen the body during the intermission, I think he's a bit timid. This measure of" proper strengthening "is too difficult to control."

"Paul, I know what you want to say, but I don't want to do that. I hope Van Dyke can be a defender like Maldini. He has a smart, sharp tackle and accurate prediction. He doesn't want him to be a defender. Similar to the butcher like Pepe or Ramos. Manchester United has now won the seven crowns. It can be said that we are now the object of many teams competing to imitate. If we use mean means to win the game, it will definitely have an adverse effect. This influence is very bad for international football and for our club itself. With Manchester United's current strength, there is no need to play killing tactics with opponents. "

"Captain, you think about it very comprehensively and admire it. I think you can go to FIFA after you retire, huh, huh."

"Haha, let's forget it. Although I don't like doing business, it is more fun to do business than being a politician ..."

The two chatted, and Scholes was very emotional.

Scholes suddenly remembered many years ago, at a private dinner of Sir Alex Ferguson, that Kintag was rarely red-faced because of football.

That man was Roy Keane, Manchester United's former captain.

At the time, Keane put forward his point: As long as he can defeat his opponent, there is no problem in what way.

However, Jin Taige immediately put forward different opinions: whether it is a person or playing football, we must control the principle. Although I do not advertise the spirit of the Virgin, the basic professional ethics must be observed!

On this topic, Kintag and Keane argued endlessly, and even a few people in Class 92 joined the discussion.

But Sir Alex Ferguson did not say anything at that time, he smiled and watched the contention between the two lovers without saying a word.

At that time, Ferguson looked at Scholes, who was also silent, "Paul, what do you think?"

Scholes shook his head: "It's hard to say, I think victory is the most important, but professional ethics is equally important."

"You honest man," Ferguson said with a smile.

However, to this day, Scholes doesn't know what Sir Alex Ferguson thought about at first, but he can comprehend it through Sir Alex Ferguson's last sentence.

"Roy, you are a good captain, like a hard spear, helping teammates clear all obstacles. Even after retirement, you will definitely be a good coach."

"Tiger, you are a good coach, but your future is not easy to say. If you are thrown into the Champions League-the kind of day-to-night hand-to-hand league, you will probably have a big personality and idea Loss; but if you put me in the position, or Real Madrid, Barcelona and other teams, maybe you can achieve very unexpected results. "

Scholes now thinks, maybe at that moment, Sir Alex Ferguson has begun to consider his successor, maybe Kintag has become one of his candidates. It may be because of Jin Taige ’s persistent personality, it may be because of Jin Taige ’s rich youth team coaching experience, or it may be because of something else, but it is not known at this time.

Scholes said to himself: "If one day, the victory of the game conflicts with professional ethics, you must rely on insidious means to win, then how to choose?"

Kintag did not answer. He still looked at the two teams of players on the football field, without any response.

Maybe he didn't hear it, maybe Jintaige himself didn't know how to choose?

What I can do now is to do my best to improve the team's strength, and try to avoid this dilemma ...

At this time the game had run for 62 minutes, an hour passed, and the score was still 1: 1.

Paris is more and more anxious, they frequently press, even once all but the goalkeeper all crossed the midfield line.

But still nothing.

Neymar's pressure is getting stronger and it seems that Van Dijk is getting more and more difficult. He could still find an inward opportunity just now, but now he has no way to get rid of Van Dijk's defense.

After Van Dijk slashed Neymar's ball, Neymar lay on the ground and looked at the tall Van Dijk ~ ~ Is this the strength of the world's best central defender?

Van Dijk looked at Neymar on the ground. He stretched out his hand expressionlessly, pulled Neymar away, and continued to follow the Brazilian indifferently.

Neymar looked at Van Dijk and said nothing.

What a powerful enemy to deal with!

In the 68th minute of the game, Neymar was under the tight defense of Van Dijk, and he reluctantly passed the ball to Di Maria around him. Di Maria suddenly stepped in, causing Kimish to lose his position suddenly, watching Di Maria be about to break into the restricted area!

At this time Kimish reluctantly chose a foul and pulled Di Maria.

Paris, which has been slow to play in the second half, finally got a good free kick opportunity.

De Gea commanded the guard anxiously to form a tall wall, and Van Dijk continuously adjusted the distance between his teammates.

At this time Di Maria and Neymar both stood in front of the ball.

"You're here for this ball?"

"I come!"

Watching Manchester United's wall has been placed, the referee's whistle sounded, Neymar stepped back slowly, then accelerated, came to the ball, volleyed with a kick, the ball drew a wonderful arc in the air and went straight Far corner of Manchester United goal!

De Gea was ready, he suddenly took off, stretched his arms, and wanted to keep the ball out of the goal ...

"Neymar's arc ball! The ball bypassed De Gea's finger and went straight into the net! The ball came in !!!"

"De Gea has done his best. He seems to have encountered a ball between them, but he has not been able to change the direction of the ball's movement. This kick broke into the absolute dead end of the Manchester United goal!"

"2 to 1! Paris has regained the lead and they see the hope of promotion again!"

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