The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 672 Evergreen

Six days after the Yellow Volunteers held a surrender ceremony, the four seas came to Tokyo. On June 8th, he walked to the balcony of the Chinese Embassy, ​​and a military guard of the first cavalry teacher was putting a historic national flag on the flagpole. "General Wang Xijing," Qian four-seas sound is loudly, "" my country's national flag is launched, letting it as symbol of the hope of the oppressed, as the amendment of the axiom defeating, fluttering in the sun in Tokyo. "

The conqueror's money arrived, and then the Chinese flag is insulted in the palace's eyelids. If the people can't fully understand the all meaning of this reality, then, for the unable to prevent foreign enemies directly have a responsible soldier, failure Is not tolerable. In addition, many of them have expected people to be tried. Three days after the arrival of the four seas arrived, the first batch of forty war criminals were arrested.

There is a name on the list, it is a well-known - East British Machine. Almost at the same time, the Eastern Baby's Jacui has been surrounded by journalists and photographers. They crowded on the stone wall in front of the house. The east bun is sitting at a big desk in the office at this time. The front of the interior is hung in the forefront of the front. Another wall hanging a tiger skin sent by Malaya admirers.

More and more people outside, journalists have flocked into the garden. Before three pm, people were full of people, almost water. The east strikes his wife to leave the house immediately - the children have already moved to Kyushu. The east lady is not willing to leave. "Take yourself," she said, afraid that he will commit suicide. "Please take care of yourself," She said it again, bowed. He only contains a confused.

She took the woman from the back door, bypass the wall, got on the street, and walked toward the car. In front of the seven-eight, it crowded with the car and people, so she couldn't see her home. So she walked into the garden opposite the street. This house is high, is a home of Suzuki Doctor. Earlier, Suzuki doctor used charcoal to draw him in the hands of the east strip. She looked at the past, the Chinese soldiers - the new - she has surrounded her home.

There is a military officer shouting: "Tell this scorpion, we will wait for a long time. Take him out!" Suddenly, she heard a dull gun. Soldiers began to rush to the house. Even if you are in the other side of the street, she can hear the rush of the wooden board. At that time was 4 pm.

When the Chinese soldiers rushed into the east of the east, the east of the east is not wearing a coat, shaking in a pleasant chair, blood mining his shirt. His right hand also took a port. 32 caliber, a person who rushed in.

"Don't shoot!" The leader of the team shouted.

The east bob did not say that he heard shouts, but his pistol fell to the floor, and the east strip did not help but hide on the chair. He stretched a police officer to a self-cultivation. A glass of water is drinking, but also drink.

In the garden on the street, the east of the people squatted, and the mouth was muttered in the Buddha. She imagined his pain, trying to control himself, ready to see the Chinese lift the body. However, there is an ambulance. There is a doctor, this doctor is rushing into the house.

At four hours, twenty nine points, the lips of the east strip were moved. Two "I have to die for this long time, I am sorry," he said with a small voice. His face was painful, but the Chinese soldiers looked at him without sympathy.

"The big East Asia war is just right, justice," he said, "I am sorry all the nations of my country and Datong Asia. I don't want to be tried in the court of conquest. I am waiting for the fair ruling of history." His voice Some, but Tutang is not fully clear. "I want to commit suicide, but suicide will sometimes fail." Bullets almost wore the Suzuki doctor in the position of his chest pointer, but did not hit the heart.

When the medical staff lifted the east strip to a couch, he whispered, "I didn't shoot on my head, because I would like to let people recognize my appearance, know that I am dead." He was sent to Field Hospital of Subvesia. In the evening, Wang Xinc came to his bed. The east should open his eyes and want to give gifts. "I am dead," he said, "Sorry, I added so much trouble to you."

"Do you say that it is still in the past few years?"

"Tet this evening. I hope this Chinese general accepts my new army knife."

The east is alive, and as an important war criminal is tried, the trial is held in the Daxian Army Department of the Valley Highlands.

At the end of the length of the audition. Eastern Birds and Children are in the yard of the nest duck prison, I saw two Chinese planes in the sky. "Child," Eastern Say, "If there is no longer war, this trial is still meaningful. If you see the sky, they are training, preparing to deal with the final Americans. At the end of the trial, the United States may Also raised your hands! If you still have to fight, like this trial is really meaningless. "

Three months later, the east stroke was hanged in the live broadcast of TV.

In the morning of the arrest of the east, the Shan Marshal's gun method is more accurate than him. He is shot in his own heart in the office. After his wife heard the news, his wife was also effective, and his wife was squatting, kneeling in front of the Buddha statue in his room, drinking a little cyanide, and volts on the short sword. Naihu is the command of the Russian War, and later, she arrived on the death department.

For the leaders, it is extremely impossible to judge the trial of the victory. It is more shameful for a strong aristocrat on the Duke of near Defense. He would rather be willing to be insulting. He said to a friend. "I am a lazy bone, the life of prison may be worry-free, easy and pleasant." - In the past 30 years, he never took a wallet and took a shower. Not screwed by a wet how - "But it was called a war, and I can't stand this kind of shame."

One night before the arrogant jail, his second Dao Lei checked his father's room, see if there is a weapon or poison, although nothing found, but still rest assured, go back to his father's bedroom again. They talked in detail the situation of China, with the situation of China's negotiations, as well as the major responsibility of their own negative and national should be negative. Dao Long believes that the father should record these individuals' ideas. Retrieving pencils - there is no brush in hand - I have written some time, then hand it over to my son. "The words may be improper," he said, "but expressed my feelings at this time."

Dao Long feels that this may be the final gathering. "For a long time, I only give you trouble, I have not paid you to you. I am sorry."

Nochang is not as good. "'What does it mean by filial piety?" He asked, turned his face. They sit silently. Finally, Dao Long said, "It is already very late. Please go to bed!" He hesitated, "Do you go tomorrow?"

Near Guard did not answer, but Dao Liang still looked at him in the eyes of the request. Daowei looked at him. Dao Long felt that he seems to say. "Why do you still ask me like this? I thought you understood anything." Dao Long I have never seen the expression of my father's face "so strange, so bored", he first saw that his father wanted to leave the world.

"If you need anything at night, just ask me," Dao Long said, "I am next door."

Dao Lilong is easy to fall asleep while the sky is bright, but it will be woken by the mother's grief. He remembered the bed, but he could not move. He sat there and shook the whole body. He finally stood up and walked into his father's bedroom. The near-guard is standing in bed, calm and quiet, like falling asleep, there is no painful expression in his noble insurance. He has left the people, and a brown empty bottle is placed next to the pillow.

The Chinese believes that the name of the leader in this name is the greatest responsibility for the war with the east strip. Now, some reporters who have obtained liberation are even squatting, not only saying that he is a war trafficker, but he is a good color.

The headquarters of the four seas appeared in front of the demonstration, and advocated him. These requirements, the highest commander will not be replenished. The trial of the Emperor will cause the guerrilla war in the whole song, so that the military ax is long.

The money and four seas are more determined to be retrieved by the emperor, regardless of his own opinion. Some of his men demanded forced to call the Democrats to the Allied Command and gave him a little color. "So," Money Sihai said, "will hurt the people's feelings, so that he becomes a martyr in the mind. No, I should wait. When he will automatically see me. In this matter At that, he is more impatient for us. "

The correct last surname of Qian Sihai has been confirmed. The Eastern Stork has been committed to two weeks after the suicide, Yunren requests to meet. He wore a tuxedo, striped pants, with buckle, high-hit hat, and took a bus to China Embassy with the servant Cabinian. He was held under the old-fashioned luxury sedan, and Li Yongze was saluted from the etiquette. Li Yongze's hand just put down, and the emperor grabbed his hand. The young ,,

"See you, I am honored," General Li Yongze replied, "Please enter the generals of the four seas." Yu Ren urged Li Yongze to enter the embassy, ​​slowly pushing a large staircase, came to two The office of the four seas.

In order to make Yu Ren not feel residual, the money four seas will take the leader: "Zhongzheng has been closed since ancient times, this should be repaired by generation. Since the last century, Western powers have like a wolf like a tiger, and the far East land and wealth. Although the world has occurred Huge transformation, but in order not to raise a small position in a hundred years. I believe in peace between China, in order to let the yellow skin become the true owner of the world. "

The four seas side said, and took out a box of Chinese cigarettes, took a given to the other party, Yu Ren was very respectful, and the mouth called thank you. When the money of the four seas gave him a smoke, Yiren's hands were shaking.

When Yiren went to the Chinese Embassy, ​​the last advice of the wood house is to remind him that he should not take any responsibility for the war, but now he is talking about it. "The generals of the four seas, I am here to express the Chinese judgment of the Chinese who accept the generals representatives. During the war process, the actions taken by my nationals and every political decision made, I should be Full of responsibility. "

The latter smiled, got up to the wine cabinet and poured two glasses, handed it to a cup of Yunren, said: "The political route of the two countries will be exactly the same, we will have an emperor, please visit Chinese as the emperor. "

Yunren, the war, the Wine Wine Cup, has made the next "judgment", but the money in the sea, let him completely stop.

Qian Sihai did not respond to Yin's words, because this time is completely meaningless. When Chen Shao decided to leave Yiren, everything has been destined. It is not what he wants to think about it.

Three hours, the two waters and Yunren two have been talking about three hours in the office. No one goes out during the period. There are also things that are talking, no other people know. Even if it is a hundred years, there is no information to record today's conversation. (Untrained.)

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