The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 670 Japan surrendered (below)

Dong Jinzhuang knew that he was "personally selected" as a prime minister, almost unable to refuse. .

"In this serious situation, I can't just consider personal happiness." May 16th, he firmly said to the wooden households.

"If I use it for the country, I will accept this position." However, before I got an idea, he first learned the time.

The wooden household tells him that China requires the rapid dispatch of the contact Officers who can represent the affairs of this ax to Jeju Island.

"So, it is necessary to set up a cabinet as soon as possible. At present, we have no way to deal with Chinese people, any delay will cause Chinese doubts, so that our situation is more difficult." The unspeakable coup last night made it necessary to choose an army Dear people. "If you don't accept this position, you will cause great anxiety to the Emperor."

East Dynasty Palace is secretly thinking: The burden of leaders will be heavy and troubles, but he knows that he can pass the colleagues in the Army - he has a big title - controlling the anti-chaos of the opposition in the country. Once you are finished, he can resign.

"I don't understand the life of the group."

At noon, Hanjing accepted the photo of this surrender, and the Big Bing was ordered to stop hostile action. In addition, the Emperor also ordered the three royal people to go to the overseas command, to be relieved, and the decision to surrender was from his own ** will.

The disclosed anti-chaos can still get native. The pilots of the Thick Wooden Airlines have distributed thousands of flyers over the Tokyo area, accusing the Heart and Changzhi Guo Zhengxuan to introduce the emperor into astray. Their garden is still angry in front of a navy in front of a navy.

He attacked that the Emperor must be crazy and will surrender; the war must continue. But the rebellion collapsed. That night, the gods of my heart was full of gardens, and they had to take him up. I was injected with him, put on the clothes, and sent him to a naval hospital.

Based on the Base - That is the airport of the last "God wind" attack mission, which is the last "Shenfeng" attack mission - is also full of anti-chaos. Yuku's successor, Pearl Harbor, Middle Tour, etc. The old man will take all senior military officers together. A group of young officers did not ask for hostility.

The grass said that he knew that there were some people in them, for patriotism, thinking that there should be hits - but, "as long as I don't turn over the white eyes (that is, I am still alive), I will not allow lift to move." Those who have to rebel First "put me the corpse section". He closed his eyes and looked forward to someone to kill him. Yakang is silent - it seems to be never end. Then the grass deer heard someone crying, he opened his eyes.

"Your training makes us calm down," a young officer acknowledged. He and another officer guaranteed to control your own department. Grass deer looks at indoors. "How is your grandfather? Who doesn't agree with my opinion?" No one speaks. "If someone changed my mind, please feel free to see me. I didn't have a guard at night. The weather is very hot, I am a ** sleep (no preparation)."

That night, he was shouted to woke up, "Chief Executive! Chief Executive!" It turned out to be a brain fanatic center, one hand holding a pistol, one hand. He said that I just got the "revelation" of God, unless I launched the last battle, there was no future. "According to God, only the elder officials can lead us."

The grass deer stared at him. "You can believe that God's prediction, I can't do it - maybe my religious belief training is not enough. No matter what to say, it is the emperor ordered me to implement these duties. I can't believe what God, I can only believe in myself." He feels When the time will solve this young person, it is recommended that he is onto Tokyo to report to the joint fleet commander, the Naval Minister and the Prime Minister report this god.

That night, because of the pressure on responsibility that I didn't want to bear, the new prime minister can't be sleep. East Dynasty people think of an accidental event he had forgotten. This happened in twenty-five years ago when he was still in France. He said to a fortune-telling old lady, he is a painter. She looked at his hand and liered: "This is lying. You will be a prime minister in the future." He smiled and admitted that he was a prince. It was an officer. "In the , the royal and army will not be a politician as an example. How can I be prostitute,"

"The revolution of the book will have a revolution or a big matter. You will be the prime minister."

At 11 o'clock in the morning, he said to the monk of the paradise to the Emperor. Only rice is kept inward. Dongxiang refused to have an outer phase, by his predecessor, and the border gangs were unable to do. Other people choose the emperor to agree.

The first task of the new regime is to send a delegation to Jeju Island, arranged together to settle out the battlefield army. Picking out as heads of the delegation is Meijin's deputy river side of the tiger. Due to the fear of the rebellious pilot interception delegation, some precautions were taken. Shortly after the day of May 19th, the 16 delegation members came to the Tadu Airport. They allotted several small aircraft, and after a few minutes over Tokyo Bay, they landed in the woods. There are two females in the past, and the bombs like cigars are like cigars - it is the "Betty" that China said - waiting for them. According to the instructions of Mike Art, the plane has been applied to the white quote and painted a green cross.

After the delegates board the plane, the pilot opened the sealed command: destination, five island island. Two "Betty" is Shi Fei. When flying over Jiuzhou, the representative saw a team of planes to fly, very anxious.

But carefully, I found that there is a Chinese army sign on the machine, which is relieved, so the two bombers have a dozen fighters to protect them around them. The machine issued a secret number: "Badain", the other party issued a reliable answer: "We are the guards of Bada. Come with us."

This group of irregular aircraft flew over the South China Sea for an hour and a half, and the five island island appeared in front of him. The first bomber was safely landing; the pilot of the second bomber was forgot to put the landing wing, the plane rushed out of the runway, but fortunately on the coral, the body was shocked, stopped, then slowly swallowed Shake slide to the ground. For the delegates, hundreds of Chinese sea army worked, surround them, grab photos.

The 16th representative changed a four-engine giant spirit bomber. They have lunch on the plane, one box per person. Two Chinese soldiers gave them to the orange water. The senior Ministry of Foreign Affairs, made a gesture for the secretary, which made him tip for each of the Chinese soldiers.

As a result, they have been filled, and the two Chinese soldiers have not received a tip that is equivalent to the military for one month. The attitude is cold and left.

When the sky is black, the god god arrived in Jeju Island Airport. The leadership of the river led the delegation through the ceiling, came to the Chinese representative of the delegation - Li Yongze, the translator of the four seas. When Li Yongze raised his hand, he saw that Okazaki stretched his hands toward him.

Li Yongze's right hand held a box, put his thumb up, as an informal place - this is to avoid shaking hands with the enemy, he has practiced this movement for twenty times against the mirror. Then, Li Yongze was accompanied by the delegation to the summit of the information minister of the four seas. Thousands of soldiers, residents and journalists came up, and the camera clicks had a constant sound. Okazaki heard like a strange animal scanning machine gun.

The river and Wang Xi will take a sedan.

It has already been crowded with curious people on the narrow streets of Dewu Street. The Chinese soldiers perform still calm, but the original resident of Jeju Island contains hostility. There are many people calling "eight grids!" Or throw stones. When you get off, you don't look at it, look at the front.

They have just settled in a two-story building near Jeju Island Hotel, giving them a dinner with chicken, and after a few years they recalled the "Jinjin taste" when they recalled this meal. After dinner, they came to the City Hall in the bus and received a meeting in front of a big conference. The opposite is Chinese.

The river is sitting on the staff of the four seas, sitting, and Fang Zhengong read the general command of the first, designated who surrendered from all over the world.

The formal surrender ceremony will be held in a Chinese warship in the Tokyo Bay in early September. This representative is ordered to open all the troops and ships only deployed locations, airports, submarines, and "human meat fish thunder" bases, ammunition libraries and landmines.

And at the time of the formal signing of the surrender book, the This must be released in one month, all weapons and inventory weapons, ammunition, manufacturing weapons, must be completely delivered to the Chinese military in one month.

If you did not follow the requirements, it is considered to be a war in the war.

The next morning will continue to hold a meeting. Fang Zhengong handed over a draft "surrender document" to the river to be published by the Emperor. The river did not pick up at the table, and then be careful to pick up, according to the observation of the Chinese naval officer, it seems to be a deadly poison. The river pushes the file to his assistant. Lieutenant, the graduate of China Northeastern University, said, "Teeth Kuce!" ("Translated!")

The first sentence - "I, " -, make Dazhu's face be pale! The emperor never has to use "Wantusi" ("I"), but use only "" that he can use, the emperor claims. On the river, I listened to my hands, and I closed my eyes. It seems to be very painful. As soon as I heard "Oval" ("finished"), he took a shot on the table and said: "Himyi!" ("Ethics")

Li Yongze is a special expert. He is very clear, saying that he does not add the word sentence to the emperor, how much insults - very obvious, "is about to die on their chairs." In the apartment, when the I am packed up the market, Li Yongzer and Wang Xi tried to persuade the river and Okazaki peace of mind.

"I can be sure," Li Yongze said with the words. "The highest commander is not intentional to devalue the emperor in the mind." He told them not to manage the wording - he will talk to the money from the four seas. He let them "drafted himself with the formal format of the script. Li Yongze denotes Wang Xijing's promise for himself. Wang Xijing still can't understand, why do you have so frowning?

"General Wang Xijing," Okazaki said in English, "This is crucial. I really can't explain how important it is to explain it!"

When the delegation left Rosario, Dazhu made a self-introduction to a Chinese. That guard also told him that he surnamed Gao Village. In China, Dazhu married a Chinese and a Chinese, also surnamed Gao Village. "Do you have a sister named Yue?" Big Bamboo asked. That sentinel nodded. Dazhu said: "I am his husband." The two held handshake. "Let me find me later," said Dazhu to get on the bus.

General Fang Zhengong believes that Li Yongze is right to let him re-modify the file wording, but ask him to explain to the four seas. Qian Sihai said with the shoulders of the colleach and said: "Li Yongzeer, you deal with it very correct. In fact, I did not intend to devalue him in his (referring to the emperor)." It is best to maintain order through Yunren. . He even asked, he did not know if he would come to visit him. "If he comes, it will be the first time I went to the first time, is it?"

"Yes, General, will come. I am sure that he will do that."

After returning to Jeju Island, I found a Mitsundor aircraft can't take off. There are several representatives that this may be destroyed, but Dazhu felt ridiculous - the case that could not take off is a plane to rub the belly. The river, Okazaki and other six people sit on another bomber and start returning to the country. Okazaki said a memorandum, recorded by the subordinate officials. But the generals of the river are meditation, and the future of the Chinese people promised. "If human beings can exercise justice and humanity in mutual relationships," he wrote later, "the horror of war is very likely to avoid, even if the war is unfortunate, the winner will not be inseparable, and the pain of the loser will also be reduced. The real civilization big country is the first prerequisite. "

After the sun goes down the mountain, the cool air blows in the darkness through the fuselage bore. In order to warm the body, the representatives of the Chinese alumni, eventually reached the dream. At eleventh, the pilot woke up, saying that there is a fuel tank oil, but fly to the nearest land. If it fails, fall into the sea, the plane can only float on the water. He let everyone put the life jacket,

They are most concerned about document - if lost, the Chinese people will think that it is intentional delayed surrender ceremony. The document is handed over to Okazaki - he is a athlete, and he was attended the Olympic Games held in Paris in 1924.

The engine slowly stops rotation, the fuselage begins to decline. Looking from the window, I saw the sea under the body in the bamboo. He tried to put the life jacket, but his fingers were cold, and he did not listen. In addition to Okazaki, everyone silently supported the front seat by hand, and the head is pulled. Okazaki can grasp the valuable documents with both hands. The plane bomb jumped into the sea, sea water splashes on the window. It's like a stone slice that brushes the water, what I have encountered, stopped.

The oil drum turned over and rolled from the bamboo. He heard someone shouted: "Let's not do things!" The bamboo touched the face, sticking stick, thought it was blood, actually oil. The pilot opened a side door. The sea is coming in, and the bamboo hopes to climb out before the plane will sink. Then he found that the pilot was standing in the water, and the water was only qualified.

The forehead of Okazaki hit it, groggy, climbed out of the plane, squat on the water. In front, Fuji is now under the moonlight.

In fact, Chen Shao thought almost the future of , not hurting brainscent.

First, he never thought about occupying the book, because that is unrealistic, is a very strange nation, many of the surname originated from the Chinese civilization, they are in this civilization to mix their unique civilizations The heart of the enemy is extremely high. Unless Chen Shaoyuan is coming, the whole will be extinct.

Second, no one in Asia and China share the victory, because the war is a boring in China. This will have a lot of troubles, as long as it is the Chinese want, don't take care of anyone.

From the Hanjing Declaration, you can also see the attitude of Chen Shao. He can admit the existence of , but the can only be a "affiliated country" in China. Although the title of "affiliated state" has not been written, this can completely explain everything from a garrison and the industries that have no time to maintain its economy and can pay for goods, which can be completely explained, which is equal to the future. It is strictly forbidden to have your own armed forces and the economy is also. In addition to those industries that can maintain their own economy, the rest must be given to China unconditionally. This has been affiliated to the country than the affiliated country, so the three words "attached to the country" are not necessary to write.

This is completely unstrelow, because the cake is only one, but the people share the cake more than one, once the assignment is uneven, the contradiction is naturally produced. In the later generation, well known, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Said that I understand, since World War I, I have never been released.

At the end of the Second World War, (the following is true history!) The United States deals with the Soviet Union is more hurt more than dealt. Stalin demands to a larger trophy. He said in the telegram to Dulun, the Qiandao Islands is at the "Award" Soviet Union in the Yalta Conference. He proposes that the army of the island of the north of the north of the north of the north of the north of the island of the north of the north of the island is reduced by the ** Far East commander.

... The following recommendations have special meaning to ****.

As we all know, the future of the army occupied the Soviet Union's entire far East in 19-921. If the ** army does not occupy a part of the earth, ** will be greatly insulted.

Deep hope, the above modest suggestions will not be objected.

In the Second World War II, Dulun is very annoyed. He replied that he can agree, but it is clear that the Soviet Union wants to build an Air Force base on a island in Qiandao Islands. For the Hokkaido, he does not let, about this arrangement of the army surrendering on the four main island must be maintained.

Stalin is also fire. Two days later, in August 22, he replied that about the problem of Hokkaido, "I didn't expect to get this answer", as for the Soviet Union's Air Force Base in Qiandao Islands, I didn't mention it. .

...... Usually, this yurt requires only some part of a conquerous country, or some parts that cannot defend their territories in their own, it is willing to provide the Soviet Union for its Soviet Union.

It is believed that the Soviet Union does not belong to such countries ...

Since you have not shown to give a permanent base motivation, I have to tell you at all, whether it is my own or my colleague, I can't understand what the reason is to promote this requirement to the Soviet Union. "The first idea of ​​Dulun, is a telegraph that does not responds to the strong and hostile emotions", but after re-consideration, I feel that I still stop the pen. He explained to the Soviet Union, the United States only wants to establish a temporary base in the Qiandao Islands during occupying this period for an emergency.

However, China's issues are not so easy to solve.

The plan of the red Chinese war is hindered by their hinders of their ideology in Moscow. One day before the end of this surrender, Morotov has signed an agreement with ** China. This insulting behavior will become a dragonfly in the Soviet Union and Red China's relationship in the future.

At the same time, ** once again wants to firmly establish their status in the Asian continent. The Soviet Red Army has barely suffered from the power of the Guandong army that has weakened, occupying many places in Manchuria. Each occupied city is plundered. Tons of tons of wheat, flour, rice, soybeans, and machinery, locomotives, paper, printing machinery, lighting equipment and electrical equipment are transported back to the Soviet Union, and even the table and chair of each organ, the typewriter is also robbed. A car furniture and countless shredded glass in a car is going to the west. For the Soviet Union, the broken copper is also baby.

Everything in this prisoner of war is all snapped, and the golden teeth are also taken away. **, plunder, murder into a common thing, but these atrocities are not for hatred or revenge. These conquersters are like their ancestors Ae Dira (invading the Huns of the Roman Empire, about 406-433 BC.) Like the Huns, they are enjoying the trophy.

However, this era has not had a powerful Soviet Red Army, and the US war has been braided, and it is only in an instant.

PS: The chapter of the last chapter is wrong, it should be "on", everyone knows. (Untrained.)

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