The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 653 Blocking Japan

Just after the cultivation of the joint fleet, China also launched another special battle.

Hunger Campaign: The only miles in the history of war.

The vastness of its scale is unprecedented.

Its main purpose is to block the entire coastline of the , this is a crazy idea, , small area, but along the coastal line, it is not small. And to block the whole , if it is a ship, it is undoubtedly the heavens. After all, when there is a poor man, there is another war weapon, mine, and it is necessary to have a scientific and technological content.

To block the coast of the Of course, this requires a premise, that is, China has so many mines.

Of course, since there is such a plan, it is also a crucial step in the war. The Chinese, the Chinese, with enough mine, is not unable to do. What's more, this plan has long been drawn, and the time prepared is relatively. Prerequisites, naturally decomposed.

The mine is huge, but the production process is not complicated. In order to meet the needs, the military port warehouses and airports in the Eastern China Eastern Sea are full of various mines, and the soldiers are also continuously sent by the water. For a short time, let all the ship can't enter and go out.

China is called "Huunger Battle", which is "Huunger Battle", and China is a large-scale situation that China is the economy of the Second World War, destroying its war potential, forcing its unconditional surrender. The mine is blocked the battle, it is the largest blockade battle during the Second World War, and the only blockade battle in the history of the World War.

Both parties.

China Army: The second aircraft carrier composed of the mythical air carrier Xuanwei is mainly, homogenous gorgent king heavy bomber and thousands of giant god bombers, which also support a large amount of bang-2 improved bomber.

The second aircraft carrier combats the brigade, and the mother port is Na Base, jurgs of a myth aircraft carrier, two emperor aircraft carriers, and a large number of cruisers and destroyers and frigate. The most important thing is that this blow brigade is also equipped with a large number of Mutrel.

The Air Force is mainly concentrated in the coastal airport of China, Jeju Island, North Korea, and Ryukyu Islands. This time the bomber troad is not to put the bomb, but put a lot of water thunder to the waters of the sea.

: The land army has about 1,000 aircraft, more than 500 guns, and the navy has about 1,200 aircraft, more than 700 shores. In addition, the Navy also saves some old warships.

This is an island country that is relatively developed in industrial but resource. During the war, 92% of oil, 100% rubber and cotton, 87% iron ore, 90% of coke, 40% of grain, etc. need to import foreign imports, domestic material transportation is mostly through Inner Sea.

It can be said that the sea traffic line is the "lifeline" of . In view of this, China believes that as long as it is destroyed the sea traffic line, it can weaken its economic production capacity and destroy its war machine.

The China Military Army has set up a mine blockade plan for the "hunger battle" in ZTE. However, in the preparation process of the battle, the China Army found that the Navy or Army Airbraft at the time could not complete the task alone. The main reason is that the Navy Forces have a mine, but there is no suitable carrier throwing aircraft. Because of the main ports, there are a large number of strong shore firengers, and the warships cannot be safely close. Therefore, this requires the mutual cooperation of both.

"Hunger Battle" started from November 27 to the end of the 17th year of the 17th year, lasted for 4 and a half months, and the entire battle was divided into five phases.

The first stage:

The blockade of the China Military Army is the willingness of this transportation vessel. At the same time, it is also a water thunder to Hiroshima and Sasebu, to block the fleet and clamp its mineralization.

On November 27, 150 ring bombers took off from the Air Force base, and they flew on the same day at night. Among them, 58 aircraft bombed in multiple locations, attracting military injuries; the remaining 92 aircraft continued to fly, at the height of 1,500 to 2500 meters, the first time to put thousands of mines in the Shiduan Strait.

On December 1, the China Army puts 3,000 tons in the lower gate strand, basically cutting the strait.

The entire December, the China Army mainly implemented the Navy base of Wu Hong and Sasebu, and the Hiroshima military loading port implemented Brea to block the activities of the army residual ship. It can be said that in addition to blocking the strait, Brea, in addition to blocking the strait, playing a long-lasting strategic blockade, also has played the role of controlling the residual power of the military.

At this stage, the China Army dispatched 546 roundabout bombers and 3030 Brey. This vessel was killed by 29 water thunders, and 39 were injured, a total of more than 2 million tons. Due to the blockade of the strait and major ports, the amount of transportation in the sea is reduced to 25% of the war, and the cargo volume of the head close is about 50%.

second stage:

(January 3 ~ January 12)

The blockade of the China Army is the center of this industrial center. From January 3 to 12, the Chinese Army dispatched 595 aircraft, 3422 Bray, in addition to the Shide Strait, and the main channel of Tokyo, Nagoya, Kobe, Osaka, etc., cut off The overseas transportation between the major industrial areas and the entire transportation network of the inland seas.

The Chinese army used water pressure mine in this stage. Water pressure mine is a non-truncated surname whitening of the pressure change of seawater when using the ship navigation. This mine did not have a reliable cleaning instrument at the time, and it was difficult to sweep, so that the army looked Lei Xing, and he was helpless.

In March, there were 113 ships in the Shi Tongli, the shredded ship, forcing the ship from the sea to transport the goods, and could not directly access the Sunnelang sea through the strait, only to the Northwest of the state and its West Coast. Port uninstalled.

And as the main shipping waters of the main shipping sea, it has actually become a "dead sea". Only small wooden boats and small barge can be passed in the setboo, causing serious lack of resources in the industrial city, and national production is ending.

The third phase:

Due to the Brare blocking of the China Army interrupted the route of the United States to the Asian continent, To this end, This is fully utilizing the Dunge, Duna, Vulud, and other ports in the northwestern part of the state.

In order to cut off the new route of the , the Chinese army is from January 13th to February 6, and the plane will dispatch the aircraft, 3013 in Hong Kong and Kyushu Brea, the northwestern part of the state, and began to use a strong low-frequency audio thunder with strong anti-sweeping capacity. Make these ports completely blocked, blocking the ship of more than 1200 ships.

In order to protect the smooth flow of the waterway and the port, 349 mundy ships and more than 20,000 people have organized a large-scale mineralization action. Although the army minesweeping ship lost three-quarters, it costs a lot of money, but it still can't break through the blockade of the Chinese army. This venue does not dare to go out easily, and a large number of materials are difficult to transport back to the country, and this is gradually caught in the territory of paralysis and hunger.

The fourth stage:

The main purpose of the China Army is to complete the full blockade of Hong Kong, Northwest and Kyushu, in the same way because the army has put more than 340 ships and more than 20,000 people to mine, in order to ensure the mine density of the minefield, the Chinese army to the strait And the key seas and ports such as Kobe, Osaka implement Repeat Brea.

From February 7th to March 8, the China Military disputed 404 aircraft, 3,542 Brey.

In addition, the water planes of the China Sundi Forces in the Xiaoyanyuan Islands base also participated in Brett.

On March 10th, from March 15, 2086 mines under the South Coast of the Korean Peninsula, aimed to force the ship of more than 1,000 tons of vessels to leave the sea area, entered the Yuanhai sailing, so that the China Military Water Equipment was hit.

A few months of Bray make the main ports of the main ports, and the ship of this loss reached the highest peak, the ship of the State and Kyushu sailed a sharp decline, while the shipping between the head gate and industrial ports was almost completely isolated.

In January, there were 586 ships near the sea near Osaka, and by 34 ships in March; another sea area near the industrial port, fell from 414 ships to 21. These two ports entering and out of the port in January have fallen from 72,000 tons to 100,000 tons in March, down approximately 86%. Similarly, the cargo throughput of other ports is also declining straight.

The fifth stage March 16 ~ April 16

In this stage, the Chinese military focuses on expanding the blockade area. During the period, the Chinese army dispatched 1474 bombers, 23,746 Bray, the Bray location is extremely wide, in addition to the next gate strand and the state, the state, the main ports, combined with the Brea Marine, the whole port of the whole, the port, the port of the big ship Large-scale Brey, forcing the stalls in these ports that this ship cannot be sailed.

Through a wide range of Bray, all shipyards and industries are nearly stopped, and the boat that is bombed is not repaired in time, and the sea traffic is overlapping.

Because of the extreme lack of food, coal and other raw materials, transported vessels are moved and dangerous, regardless of the danger of touching thunders, trying to force breakthrough through the Chinese army, but the effect is poor. Because the transport line leading to foreign countries is almost cut, the This is a full paralyzed state.

"Hunger Battle" begins in November 27, stopped in April 15, in 4 and a half months, China Army dispatched thousands of bombers in the Global Overlord bombard, put nearly 100,000 mines, of which more than 4,4900 miles, audio mine More than 33,500, more than 2,2900 hydraulic mines, more than 7,700 sub-sound lands, only 15 bombers in itself, but give a great losses and serious consequences.

The China Military Implementation Code "Huunger Battle" has reached the expected strategy, the purpose of battles, and gave a heavy blow for .

Hungry began to accompany the , there is a lot of hard work every day to hunger, and the contradiction between society is highly serious.

The revelation brought about by this prevention is: a low-tech weapon of a large amount of equipment, but it has played the role of the surname, it is worth research and reference.

PS: These two days of gorgeous homes have a little thing, causing brain disorders.

From a phone from three in the morning to now, all day gorgeous is in the 174 hospital in Xiamen, the mood is very bad! (Untrained.)

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