The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 633 Nimitz

The charming blue-colored waves of the ocean inspired countless generations to show their ambitions and ambitions. The Indians and Polynesians planted a canoe, the Chinese nation and the Arabs have long since started the sail industry.

If the Oriental civilization originated from the Yellow River, the Ganges, the bottom Gris River and the jumped river, the Western civilization was born on the ocean. Bloody followed by civilization, fire and swords also come to the ocean.

The horses, warships, and the navy will become a trident in Sea Sinceston.

"Great Discovery" The previous naval general, most of them are the captain of the big bold, Drat, Wright, Nelson, these naval stars, but also a tactist for the whole army. Only Tikapitz, Fisher, Yamamoto fifty-six, only put their thoughts on the strategy stage.

Now, there is another navy, with the entire Pacific Ocean for his aquarium, to perform a majestic opera with a prelude and end. He is Chester. William Nimitz, a generation of Tianjiao.

Since the last day of the Pearl Harbor, Franklin, Roosevelt, in the phone: "Tell Nimitz, get rid of from Pearl Harbor, insist on the war to victory."

Nimitz is "victory" has already had a 50,000-day night night. Initially, the Pacific Defense Building supported by the Navy seems to collapse. The warship is free to swim in the Pacific, and the island is slightly, and the inner lake is shaped.

After the participation in the battle, the Navy seems to have encountered a natural enemy, avoiding the devil. Southwestern Pacific region has become a hunting area of ​​the Chinese Navy.

The entire Pacific Ocean has been forgotten in the US Navy for three consecutive years.

Three years of , three years of hard work, has a powerful industrial foundation, three years later, the US Navy returned to the Pacific Ocean.

The wonderful life encounters, this sentence is too pleasing to all the US Pacific Fleet Navy officers and men. They walk with the enemies who have lived before life, in order to destroy more powerful enemies.

Politics, they don't understand, Nimitz does not understand. They only know that the enemy in front is China, a miraculous east empire. A magical kingdom forcing the world's first and third naval strong countries.

In the battle of Solomon, I hope to hide in the dark cloud. Everyone is eager, the dawn is presented on the horizon.

The goals that are eager to get are giving themselves. The dawn of victory must be created by his own hands.

It took half a year for a Kanal Airport, and it was unable to carry out the attack on the Island of Solomon, because of the contradiction between MacArthur. Waiting for Harcy to solve the same "Doug" dispute, warships, and the aircraft is not enough. The Allies must attack Sicily and Italy, and Churchill competed for troops and equipment. MacArthur can't do it in Lai City. God! China's native is still outside of the two thousand nautical miles, and there are several island chains consisting of countless islands. What is the month can I play Hanjing?

If this problem will be briefed to a mediocre naval, he will put forward a package of troops, replenish the program and a long schedule, and then shrug: "Mr. You clearly, you are like this. , Less, not yet! "

He is biazz.

Chester's blood is flowing with pure 's blood. Nimitz's family is a nobles from a thirteenth century Saxony with a heard Sword Knight, and he has occupied Riga Bay, the east bank of the Baltic Sea.

Later, Nimez family reached the top peak of honor, joined the striking knight group, and the festival of the sea. In the years, the Nims family has a few declined days. There is Ni Mitz to serve in the Gustava, Sweden, and there is also a businessman Nimitz operating clothes in Hannover.

Chester's marine awareness must be coming from his grandfather Henry. In the early years, Henry. Nimitz is like a flower public in: Finally hunting, all night dance, do not want to pay attention to business, and finally put a lot of money, and finally think of at sea to try luck, do a business and shipping agent. For 1840 years, Lao Henry. Nimez moved to the United States and settled in Charleston. Three years later, Chester's grandfather, Henry, started its own maritime adventure.

The new mainland does not rejection, the immigrants of all nations must form their own groups to resist their pressure. Xiaokal .j. Henry is finally mixed in South Carolina, follows the huge group to move in Texas, established their own Friedrickburg near Austin.

The Germans have been assimilated by the new mainland, Henry has played his Christian name "Henry". He is energetic. Selling a book and opened a hotel, married a German immigrant daughter, one of the twelve children who took a born, one of which was a weak fiber of Barnet, is the father of the Navy.

Chester William. Nimiz Nami will not have anything to recall about his father. Shortly, he just came to the world, his father bid farewell to this world. He only remembers her mother and grandfather, they all give him a deep impact of life.

A beautiful Nimitz is a daughter of a butcher. When Barnet pursued her, almost exhausted. Mr. Barnit has a rheumatic surname heart disease, the legs are also soft, like a small lunch, doctors advise him not to get married. Perhaps his weakness has touched Anna, Anna married Mr. Nimez than her nine-year-old.

In February 1885, the future Pacific Fleet command was born in a wooden house in Friedrickburg. Tastation Valentine's Day, Anna called her son "My Valentine Baby."

Anna gave Chester rough and strength, perhaps quiet and modest. Henry. Nimez gave Xiaochester's appeal with the ocean. Mr. Henry called his hotel as "steam cabin", gave his grandson told so much story about ocean, islands, ship and captain. Texas traditionally tend to be conservative. In the Nort-North War, Henry called his hotel as "Robert 'Li Hejun Hut".

Despite this, if it is not an accidental opportunity, the stage of the Pacific War will definitely lack the protagonist of the sings. In 1907, young Chester wronned James Sletad, asked him to go to West Point military school. Slen letter writes: "I recommend you to the US Navy College, are you interested?"

Chester never heard of Annapolis Navy College. He is a poor child in the inland place. After graduating from Tipi Middle School, he will give the hotel to the hotel, and take fifteen dollars in a week. His intuition told him that he should say to Slayden Members: "Yes."

What is something that makes Nimitz become a soldier, directing the Navy of thousands of ships in the Pacific Woods, and one hundred and three when he got a ninety-level seafood People are the most since the establishment of Annapolis Sea, in the first four five-year year, how is ordinary Nimit to become the leader in them?

Perhaps it is really like the story of "a small hat" that he often talks: the first day of the middle school in Chester, grandfather wore him a small riding cap. He wears the clothes and trousers of the khaki, light, and a poor acid phase.

The rich and people have a meal, and he lost his hat on the ground. The next day, he walked again, and the result was hit. The stubborn Nims was insulted, desperately learning, strive to lead, out of the head, until wearing the navy's golden hood.

Perhaps the grandfather Henry gave him the sea, the ship and the captain's story, I called the ideal of the Chesmium's official ocean. Grandfather told him: "The ocean is life. The captain's work is heavy and dangerous, you better learn it for a lifetime. Don't get tired of your whole power, don't get tired. Everything you don't understand is full."

Perhaps it is his conscious spirit of him, maybe his noble staff surname - Anna later married Chester's uncle Wili, so that Chester kept Nimitz's surname - plus The post-father gave him a good education.

Willie Construction Engineer is a proud intellectual intellectual. Nimitz is outstanding in the naval, and later he learned the feelings of the Navy's ordinary soldiers in the narrow iron lanes of the submarine; his early poor life made him easy to understand this feelings. Although he passed on the destroyer, the cruiser and the battleship, he always believed that it is a submarine force. He has worked repeatedly and ended the University of Naval War and the University of Berkeley.

Wait until Roosevelt summons, he has already had all knowledge, skills, gallbladers and judgments necessary in the Command of the Pacific Fleet. A bunch of iron ore has been complex physicochemical changes, and various key useful elements have been added to a mold. Now, the mold opens, and a new sea hero has appeared.

In July, Hawaii's night trifle is hot and humid, and the war of the Pacific is also irritated. He analyzed information, information, chart, and a call of the battles reported by the captain. Yes, the Navy has been trauma in Kanar and the slot sea, and the army is in a dilemma in New Guinea. However, the US military was also lost and setbacks at the same time.

I proposed to change the strategy of attacks into defense strategy, and the two armies squatted together in every island of the Pacific, squatting on the shore and the beach, making China paid the expense of the unbearable, and then concluded the war through the negotiation.

Nimez doesn't like passive, and the proposal of this person, Nimitz will not accept it. Because he is the Navy's general, the Navy has never been a defense forces.

He knocked on the sea map with red pencil. This is the problem of the problem. The Pacific War is different from European war and the North Africa's war. That is the traditional continent war, and human beings have played for thousands of years, and there is a tailor, and there is war. The Pacific War is an island war that is different from any war in any time. Be sure to break through the tradition of restraint to find a new way.

His eyes fell on the top of Melon and Truck. If you can't get them, the army can't wear in the battlefield. Melon and Truck icon two black cloth covers the eyes of everyone, so that they can't see hope, they can't see light.

Can you bypass them?

His heart is dramatically jumped, and only 42 years ago, it can be compared to it.

What is apple inspired Newton, what is the boiling kettle to inspire Watt? Open the history of the history, there is a report from the distant Auxin Islands, after reading, Mourning opened.

Two years ago, at the same time, the army was at the same time, and the West of Au and Kiska Island, which were an alopecian island. The two islands are inherent in the United States - the stupid Tsar that is stupid. Tsar will sell Alaska with the price of seven million US dollars to the United States.

The United States loves the face like this. In the beginning of last year, the order will be recovered from the island. However, the soldiers are not enough, I have to bypass the Tysca Island in the east, first account for the west of Atave. May 7th, Francis Rockwell Major Lead Army Infantry Seven Division, under the limited support of three rigorous battleships and an escort aircraft carrier, landing in Abo Island. The two armies launched fierce battle in ice and snow, blizzard and fog. After half a month, a thousand monk shouted "Long live" and committed the last suicide surprise. Rock Yelle accounted for a stability, then attacked Kiska, and found that Kaska's army has evacuated - because their rear transport line has been cut by the US military.

This is the first time in the Pacific Ocean.

Its unique ideology of the great invention makes the traditional "pre-islant combat" concept. "Enthusiastic Battle" is the play of the Army, clearing the enemy base on the forward circuit, does not allow them to have a hidden danger.

"Yue Isle" is really the concept and tactics of the Navy. As long as you choose to attack a few foot islands in the vast ocean, you can jump like a frog, skip other Chinese critical islands, direct to China's local, to Hanjing.

What wonderful and effective tactics! With the shortest time, the lowest price, the basic purpose of the war - destroy the enemy's capital and other big cities, cut off the military industry such as the military industry, so that China's huge military machine is fundamentally, Instead, as in the past war, a trip one traveler lights the enemy's war machine.

Why didn't this this strategy in the past? Because there is no plane, there is no air carrier, no landing boat, there is no such a huge logistics ability. The development of technology, the development of the weapon system, violently tapped the gate of the strategy.

He closed the folder and locked them into the safe. He took a smoke, look at the table, at ten o'clock, and the General Spruns must still work. He walked out of his office and came to the staff of the staff in a building.

Nimitz knocked on the door of Zpruns: "Raymond is me, is it free?"

The door opened. Spruns is standing in front of him. The neighborhood's clothes are very neat, and the shoes are also bright, obviously prepared, and will take a walk together with Nims. In those stressed , Nimitz's largest pastime is a walk with his staff. The military officers and waterters in the peargain naval district, often saw the tired Chester and the gods of Raymond, and talked enthusiastically.

The old Pacific Fleet command is located in the Southeast Bay submarine base in Pearl Harbor. In that year, the Nammer Navy will watch the last of the old sea in the old building. After Nimitz, in addition to using the Old Command, it also opened his own second command in the villa of a green tree in Makarapa, North Slope. They came out from the command and along the highway. If you go south, you will lead to Xicham military airport, and the engine is a headache.

The two of them will talk about some relaxed topics, talk about the light operas and movies recently staged in Pearl Harbor, talking about Spruns's son Edward, talking about Nimez's son Little Chester. William, they all in the Pacific Flevery Submarine troops serve. Chester. Nims is only one year old than Raymond. Although the position is high, it can be fully equally equally, unfettered.

Spruns is barthmo a wealthy family, which is fully superfluid society. He is a completely different road with Nimitz. Raymond is very ranging from the small, surnamed, shy, neither the leadership of the class, nor participated in fierce sports and group activities.

History is a sorrowful master. The Raymond ancestors and the ocean, or if it happened to a tragedy, he will never give a pen. The grandfather of Raymond suddenly bankruptously changed his life. He graduated in excellent results, but he didn't have money to go to college. The splendide proximity is flying to smoke. He has been hesitant for half a year, and I don't know where to go.

Young Raymond I want to be an engineer or scientist, his name is not suitable for a soldier. He investigated Stephens College, specializing in electric machine, but never forget the mother's will. When he learned from the newspaper to enroll in the sea, he was pleased to go and was admitted. There is a leader in the American engineering community, and the Pacific Fleet has a general.

"Raymond, I have a new idea." The Navy will say warmly. He has been slim, flashes a sly light. (The face of Nims is very like later Jimmy, President Carter.)

"Chester," will answer. "I also have a good idea."

"Then let's talk about it first." Nimitz has always trusted his chief of staff, he is willing to listen to the idea of ​​Spruns.

The moon is slowly swimming in the clouds, and the earth is quiet. Pearl port under the light fire control, a dark. Sprunz said calmly: "Chester, I think we must take the initiative to take the initiative in the Pacific Ocean. Cross the Marshall Islands and the Mariana Islands, breaking the Chinese Ryukyu Islands,"

The Nimitz squatting is full of eyes, "I don't care, I will choose one road?"


"How did you think of it?"

"I stayed at the Naval War School, the information department stayed." He smiled. "My time on land is longer than the sea. The previous navy's strategy has always been the same as the fleet to play a Dragon Battle. Nowadays, the strategy of the China, the Navy is still the same. In this regard, various information, Imagine that tactics and strategic documents are like mountains. However, how to defeat China, the occupation of China's program is not. "

"It's impossible!" Nimitz was surprised.

"Yes, no. The United States is an isolated national country that does not have something that Schurfen plans and yellow program. However, if there is a Chinese to move, do we only carry the war with it? I also felt surprised. So I look for it, except for some books that are angry with the suggestions, there is no such thing as a prime scheme.

I think maybe the Army will have. The result is worse. The Army also stayed on the European Battlefield of the First World War. Only Mike Arthur will have a few speech on the fight against the battle. Only here.

I have never thought that the land team can get any gang. They are too small, and the distribution is too scattered, but it is just a policeman standing on the embassy. I have been to Quiantak, which is only less than two hours from Washington. Results What? Actually found. There is a central team called Peter. Ellis's Marine School, which made a complete set of operational plans for the surrounding sea island groups around China. Its archive code is 712.

It's hard to imagine, this combat plan, the situation of every island of the sea around the sea, the depth of the lagoon, the weather materials and tidal tables in each sea area, which island lacks fresh water, which at the atoll is much wide The reef, clear, as if it is specially prepared for today! "

Nimitz is very exciting: "Raymond, tell me, this Eris is now?"

"He is not in the world. He is still five years old. In order to surveillance the island group, he has deeply installed the Chinese collar land, and he will not return, and China sent his casket. That year is In 1923, I was in the electrical department of the Naval Engineering Bureau, and they were trapped in the circuit diagram of the file stack and the artillery control system all day long. "

"I was in the Navy War School, and I would like to build an Navy Reserve Training Agency. I will not care about the death of a US tourist in the distant country. The United States [***] Fang can not announce that Eris is the middle school spy." Nimitz said.

"It's really hard to say, so Chinese dare to harm him."

"What did Ellis talking about 712 files?"

"He is probably from China Will not be polite, so he has finished the plan. He uses the red ink with red ink in the end of the document: Stepping along the base of Micronesia!"

The two generals are silent. They mourn the undead of Eris. Only the river of the war, only to the sediment of history, so that people see Eris's thoughts flashing with diamonds.

Now, everything is going to return to the scene, and a new strategic plan is to be formed. Time is like a naughty child, always love to kid. Some important ideas and work, due to the use of the use, no one is asking, the author is stumbling. After his death, people realized how much the idea was. But people have met, will not climb out from the grave and see this day.

Nimez said: "Attack Marshall Islands. Which island?"

Springs: "Kajarin Atoll. It is the largest atoll in the world. There is an airport in Roy in Roy in the Atoll. The reef lake is still deep, it is called good port. The First World War The merchant ship and sea attacks in Germany have been used. "

"Is Guangxiang Jialin not enough?"

"I have to capture one or several of Ma Juan Luo, Waterje, Jaloit, Malue Rip and Mili Atoll, covering the side of Xjahin. Based on Qajarin, west to attack Truk, northwest can attack Saipan and Guam in the Mariana Islands. The B-29 heavy bombers have been able to fly in Hanjing, and the bombing of the peace founders will become stronger. "

A Raymond! He has a deep strategy that has crossed five thousand kilometers of Pacific Ocean and thousands of island reef, and saw the end of the war. I will not help but cry.

"Raymond, you said that we will attack from Pearl Harbor. In this way, our warships must sail two thousand two hundred nautical sea. Do you not think that it is too risky? Solomon's battle shows that How the ship is dependent on Lu Chi Airlines. "

"Chester, I didn't say it directly attack Marshall. That is the decision of the joint meeting of the staff. The proportion of their map is too small, they finger the war in the world."

"What about our opinions?"

"Chester, we still have to step down the Gilbert Islands."

"Kars in the middle school led to the attack at the Gilbert Islands, the Majin Caque lost. There is no runway in the main island of the Majin Atoll."

Sprunz resolutely said: "Let's play Tallava. There is an airport on Betii, the Talava Atoll, and the bomber takes off from the Ellis Islands, and can reach seven hundred. Tarrava outside ten nails is not taken. "

"Is there a few Tarrava? Tarravi, the three hundred and eighty-nautical sea of ​​Nauru also hit it? Nauru has an airport, the Chinese plane takes off from Nauru threatens Tarrava. "

Spruners' eyebrows screwed. He immediately told the Pacific Fleet command: "Nauru is a real island, rather than a atoll. China has taken it from , has been using its phosphorite as a local farmland fertilizer. Nauru Without the bay, there is no suitable unloading beach. Our army's bomber takes off from Fune Furi, has been bombing Nauru. There is a steep mountain in Nauru, from the judgment of aviation, China has already built a work. The mine cave of phosphate mine on the island is also a good fortune. It is not appropriate to attack Nauru. "

"Use a huge two-in-one army to attack a small atoll, the staff of the staff will not promise. Raymond, please don't forget the victory of the national needs, just a Tarrava is unable to provide. Where is it? "

Ma Jin Island. "

Nims did not speak. They have already gone to a large house, and the quiet road has been finished. Here is the limit point of each of them walking. The two generals did not speak, and the tacit will turn back to the command. In their front, Macarapa volcano tapered mountain peaks, like a huge pyramid.

Two people silently got a long time, their respective thought. Each level is different from the perspective of the problem, the battlefield commander is different from the military officers of the staff, and the soldiers are more two things to do with politics.

Since Roosevelt has done in the navy, it takes care of the Navy attributive, but the internal interference is also very much. Sprunz only considers the possible surname and the feasible surname, he is only responsible for the Nimitz. There is also the Emperor of the Roosevelt in Nimitz. He thought that the problem is different from his staff.

But he specializes in Raymond.

After the road is over, the figure of the commander guard has appeared. Nimitz opened: "Dear Raymond, I agree. I am going to go to Washington to persuade President to agree with your program."

"Thank you." The navy exposes the feelings of his face. Although it is dark, Nimitz can feel completely.

"Let's make a plan as soon as possible. It is so busy. The president's demand can be strict, even I am afraid of him." He took the Shoulder of Spruns: "Dear Amus, The bigger it is bigger. We will be written to history. The upper commander of the fleet is to do more. I know that you want to personally command great battles, I certainly want you to go. But Ams, I am sorry. I really need you, I can't do it. "

Sprus is shrugged in: "Dear Chester, I agree." He suddenly said. "The war is the most important thing. I forth, I certainly want to face the Oriental monkey face to face. But you need me stay here, then I will stay here."

Nimez gratefully held Spruns's hands: "Raymond, I will never let you regret." (Untrained.)

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